Chapter 874
Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, although Di Yuanmo was worried about something before, but he was never so uneasy. Could it be that something is really going to happen?
"Don't worry, with you here, I'm not afraid of anything." Zi Meng held Di Yuanmo's hand tightly, and looked at him with a smile. Di Yuanmo couldn't speak, so he could only hold Zi Meng's hand tightly .

Yes, as long as he is around, no matter what happens, he will protect Zimeng.

However, if they really knew what would happen, Zimeng might choose not to contract with Suzaku.

However, these are just things to say, and there are not so many ifs in the world.

Seeing that the worry on Di Yuanmo's face disappeared, and his expression returned to his previous look, Zi Meng was relieved.

She really didn't like seeing Di Yuanmo's worried face.

"Okay, let's have a smile." Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, and gently squeezed Zi Meng's small face, Zi Meng started to laugh.

"Lucky went to find its ancestors, but it hasn't come back yet. Could it be that someone stepped on it on the road?" Zi Meng propped her chin with one hand, while looking anxiously at the direction where Lucky might appear.

"You think too much." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng helplessly, Zi Meng blinked, did she think too much?
She just thought about what might happen to luck, who let it go for such a long time and hasn't come back?
However, thinking about it, there shouldn't be any danger, because the person it went to meet was its ancestor, how could it possibly hurt it?
Suzaku has been sleeping and didn't wake up. Although Zimeng and the others are anxious, there is nothing they can do, right?

Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng sat there bored, looking at me and you, they didn't say anything except laughing.

"When will Suzaku wake up? Going on like this is not a solution!" Qinglong came out of the room and sat down beside Zimeng.

"I don't know, but I think he seems to be merging now, so he should be fine."

Zimeng tilted her head and looked at Qinglong. She couldn't explain this matter at all. If you want to say why Suzaku hasn't woken up all this time, you can only say that he doesn't want to wake up, right?


"It happened to me before, but within two days, he woke up. Why didn't he wake up this time?"

Qinglong is a little anxious, Suzaku has been failing, it is not a good thing!

Moreover, I slept for too long this time, if I don't wake up again, I'm afraid, something will happen, right?
"Zi'er, do you have a way to wake him up as soon as possible?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, but are you sure you want to do this? If you really do it, I'm afraid he will be foolish when he wakes up."

Zimeng looked at Qinglong and the others innocently. Anyway, she had already explained the matter clearly. If they insisted on her waking up Suzaku right now, she could do it.

"Forget it, let him wake up by himself." Thinking of Suzaku's foolish look, Qinglong couldn't help but feel a chill, so, if the result was like this, he would rather Suzaku sleep a little longer now.

Seeing Qinglong's appearance, Zimeng couldn't help laughing.

"He is already stupid enough. If I make him even more stupid, I can't help but kill him. Even if I don't kill him, I will kick him half to death." Qinglong said leisurely, Zimeng smiled even more happily .

(End of this chapter)

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