Chapter 875 Why?
"Your dead Qinglong, call me stupid again! I just woke up, and let me hear you speak ill of me." The voice of gnashing teeth came, and Zimeng turned to look over.

Suzaku in red stood there, looking at Qinglong angrily, Qinglong just turned his face away and didn't look at him.

The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched, what does this mean?ignore him?Master Qinglong, do you want to be so domineering?Suzaku just woke up, will you make him pass out again?

"What do you mean? Ignore me?" Suzaku looked at Qinglong helplessly and aggrieved, Qinglong poured himself a glass of water without looking at him.

"..." Suzaku walked to Zimeng's side, knelt down in front of Zimeng, tilted her head to look at Zimeng, Zimeng felt uncomfortable when he looked at her.

When he was thinking whether to kick him out, Di Yuanmo reached out and pulled Zimeng into his arms.

"I'll be very angry if you look at my woman like that." Di Yuanmo said lightly. After Suzaku turned to look at him, he then looked at Zimeng.

"Have we met there? It's so familiar!" Suzaku looked at Zimeng and said, Zimeng smiled faintly. They had indeed met, and not just once.

However, judging by Suzaku's current appearance, he seems to have no memory of what happened before, so has he also forgotten that he was with Zi Yaoye?

"She is our master, Suzaku, when did you wake up?" Baihu and Xuanwu came from not far away, looking at Suzaku with a smile.

"Just woke up, but why are you all here? Could it be that you have all been contracted?" Suzaku stood up, looking at Baihu and Xuanwu in confusion.

Before Qinglong was here, he was already a little strange, but now, Baihu and Xuanwu are also here, what is going on?
"Didn't you say that she is our master, why did you wake up after a sleep, and you have a problem with your ears?" Qinglong turned his head helplessly, looked at Suzaku, Suzaku blinked, and looked at Zimeng in surprise.

Seeing Suzaku's appearance, Zi Meng smiled sweetly at him.

Suzaku swallowed his saliva, looked at his companions again, made sure, raised his head, squeezed his face fiercely, and made sure that this is not a dream.

"However, I won't force you to make a contract with me." Zi Meng smiled at Suzaku.

"What? Don't you want to make a contract with me? Why? Didn't you already make a contract with them? Why didn't you make a contract with me?"

Suzaku looked at Zimeng aggrievedly, as if Zimeng had done something to him.

She just said that she would not force Suzaku to be with her in July, and it's not that she doesn't want to make a contract with Suzaku, should it be like this?
"That..." Zimeng raised her hand to explain to Suzaku, but Suzaku's teary face made her really speechless!

In the end, Zimeng had no choice but to look at Qinglong, Qinglong shrugged his shoulders, although he looked at Zimeng's helpless look, it was fun and he was in a good mood.

However, if Suzaku annoyed people, they would all be annoyed to death after a while.

Qinglong got up, walked to Zimeng's side, lifted Suzaku's collar, and took Suzaku away directly.

"Qinglong, let me go, I haven't finished talking to her yet, let me go, let me go quickly, Qinglong dies." Suzaku kept struggling in Qinglong's hand, but who is Qinglong and how? Can he break free easily?

(End of this chapter)

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