Chapter 876 Of course I don't care
"Just tell me what you want to say, and I will answer all your questions."

Qinglong spoke lightly, Zimeng breathed a sigh of relief, she finally knew what Qinglong meant just now.

Suzaku is indeed a bit stupid!

But, why didn't he feel this way when he was beside Zi Yaoye?Could it be that she was wrong at the time?

No way?
"When are you going to make a contract with Suzaku?" Bai Hu looked at Zi Meng.

"Wait a night later." Zimeng looked at the direction where Qinglong and Suzaku left, Baihu and the others nodded. Indeed, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo were getting married.

If there is any problem before getting married, it is definitely not good!
The best choice is to make a contract after their wedding is over.

Di Yuanmo gently held Zimeng's hand, with a smile on his face.

I don't know what Qinglong and Suzaku said, but Suzaku who reappeared is much more honest, and has a certain distance from Zimeng, as if he is afraid of something.

However, the look of wanting to get closer to Zimeng made Zimeng feel very funny!

"Well, Suzaku, are you okay?" Zimeng looked at Suzaku puzzled.

"It's okay, it's okay, Qinglong said, you are getting married, can you make a contract with me after you get married?"

Suzaku looked at Zimeng with sparkling eyes, and Zimeng nodded slightly after looking at Di Yuanmo.

Suzaku sat on the side excitedly, while Zimeng and Di Yuanmo looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

The affairs of Bei Li's family have almost been arranged, and everything in the National Teacher's Mansion has been prepared, and the people who have changed the notification have also been notified.

Now, there are only two newcomers left, and the Liuli Sect is already booming.

"I said, Si Yun, what are you doing? Are you a bit too contemptuous of me as the leader?"

Zimeng looked at the people who kidnapped her, and said helplessly, "Is this a naked kidnapping, okay?"How can you do this?

"You are the head, of course we don't take you seriously." Ling Siyun said lightly.

"Huh?" The corners of Zimeng's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"We keep you in our hearts." Ling Siyun and the others looked at Zimeng amusedly, and Zimeng rolled her eyes.

"I said you..."

Zimeng felt that they were messing around on her body for a while, so she spoke helplessly, but before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Ling Siyun and the others.

"Now, don't say anything, just stay here quietly. After a while, you will know what to do."

Ling Siyun's words made Zimeng sigh, but she still stayed there quietly, letting them toss.

After a while, they finally stopped. Then, the women looked at Zimeng, and they were all very satisfied.

Zi Meng couldn't see anything except the clothes on her body, which had been replaced with a bright red wedding gown. She was also full of helplessness for their expressions.

"Can I see what I look like now?" Zi Meng looked at them, and they shook their heads in unison.

"When Master Guoshi sees you, he will tell you, let's go." Ling Siyun and the others supported Zimeng and walked out.

At the door, Di Yuanmo was already waiting there in a red robe. When he saw Zi Meng, Di Yuanmo froze there.

Zimeng usually wears plain clothes, but now, seeing her wearing such bright clothes, it is so appropriate.

(End of this chapter)

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