Chapter 877 Helpless
Di Yuanmo even thought that in the future, Zi Meng must not be allowed to wear it, otherwise, there would be many rotten peach blossoms waiting for him to chop.

"Is it ugly?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo in a daze, Ling Siyun and the others didn't let her look in the mirror. Now, she doesn't know what she looks like!
"No, it's very beautiful, but in the future, it's better not to dress like this." Di Yuanmo walked slowly to Zimeng's side and looked at her with a smile.

"It's so pretty, why don't you wear it?" Yu Tingxi looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled, she felt that Zimeng was very pretty now, she should wear more.

"It's because it looks good, so it's better not to wear it, but you can wear it if you want, I'll just watch it by myself." Di Yuanmo's gaze was still on Zimeng.

When Zi Meng heard Di Yuanmo's words, her heart was sweet, and her whole heart became light.

However, she really wanted to ask, why is it like this now?

"However, what the hell are you guys doing? Can anyone give me an explanation?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and the others puzzled.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that Master Guoshi wants to give you a surprise. Today is the day you get married." Ling Siyun whispered into Zimeng's ear. After Zimeng froze for a moment, she raised her head and looked at Emperor Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo just smiled at her and didn't explain too much.

Now, Zimeng understood why Di Yuanmo stayed with her every day these days and did nothing. Even if she wanted to go out, Di Yuanmo would directly use the space to teleport. Have you found the layout of the Liuli School?
Is this the surprise that Di Yuanmo gave her?

"Let's go." Di Yuanmo took Zimeng's hand and walked forward slowly, protecting Zimeng carefully.

Because Zi Meng had never worn such troublesome clothes, he was afraid that Zi Meng would accidentally fall to the ground!On the contrary, he will feel distressed.

"Zi'er, are you ready?" Di Yuanmo asked Zi Meng softly while walking, Zi Meng smiled.

"Preparing for what?" Zi Meng looked up and looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile.

"After a few days, we are real husband and wife. From now on, you belong to me alone. Of course, I belong to you alone. No one can separate us." Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, softly Open your mouth.

"Yeah, from now on, I'll be you alone. It's a pity, from now on, I won't be able to see beautiful men anymore." Zi Meng said, sighing helplessly in a foreign dress, Di Yuanmo pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, and stopped pace.

"I said, is it really okay for you to say this now?" Di Yuanmo held Zimeng's face in both hands, and looked at her seriously.

"What's wrong, anyway, you won't hit me, will you?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, and Di Yuanmo scratched her nose with a smile.

Yes, so what if Zimeng said it?
He was not willing to bully Zimeng, so he could only let Zimeng bully him.

He lowered his head and kissed Zimeng's forehead lightly, then continued to support Zimeng to walk forward.

Zi Meng's mouth was always smiling, and Di Yuanmo was also in a good mood.

Ling Siyun and the others followed Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng, watching their interaction, they all secretly laughed.

Di Yuanmo is very indifferent to other people, and only in front of Zi Meng can he be so helpless, even if he is terribly bullied by Zi Meng, there is nothing he can do.

Sometimes, they will cooperate with Zimeng to make Zimeng happy.

(End of this chapter)

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