Chapter 880 Very Satisfied
After Jun Mojiu sized Mo Qiqi from top to bottom, he turned his eyes away in disgust.

Mo Qiqi looked down at her body, and collapsed the house. Could it be that she is so thin, how could she collapse the house?
She felt that this guy was talking too much. If it wasn't for Zimeng and Di Yuanmo's wedding today, she would definitely beat Jun Mojiu up.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo's wedding was still going on, and the part of worshiping their parents was cancelled, but nothing else was left behind.

The wedding was luxurious but simple. Di Yuanmo was afraid that Zimeng would be tired, so he canceled many links.

When they heard that they were sent to the bridal chamber, Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng had already disappeared before everyone could tease them.

He was afraid of being troubled by them, so Di Yuanmo took Zi Meng away directly, which made many people very angry but there was nothing they could do.

"You just took me away, is it okay? Those are some big shots, you won't accompany them?" Zi Meng was hugged by Di Yuanmo and looked at him funny.

"Don't worry about them, and you won't starve to death. The most important thing now is to accompany you. After being tired for so long, you should rest for a while." Di Yuanmo carried Zimeng into the new house.

The new house has also been decorated, and it was arranged by Di Yuanmo himself without anyone's intervention.

Di Yuanmo gently put Zimeng on the ground, then looked around the wedding room and looked at Zimeng.

Zi Meng was also looking at the wedding room. There were neat rows of bead curtains, and a bright red quilt embroidered with dragons and phoenixes was spread on the bed. The curtains were not bright red, but snow-white curtains.

On the table, there was a pair of dragon and phoenix flower candles. The candle wicks crackled and sparked, and the flames swayed, giving it a special charm.

Everything here was arranged according to Zimeng's ideas, but she knew that she had never told Di Yuanmo, but Di Yuanmo was able to arrange it, which surprised Zimeng.

"Why is this happening?" Zi Meng turned her head in confusion and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"I heard what Lucky said, you told it that you want such a wedding room, so I did as it said, although there are some differences, how about it, are you satisfied?"

Di Yuanmo put his arms around Zi Meng lightly, looked at her with a smile, Zi Meng smiled sweetly at him, "Of course I am satisfied, as long as it is prepared by you, I am satisfied."

Zi Meng's words successfully pleased Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo lowered his head and kissed Zi Meng hard on the face.

"Okay, I'll rest here for a while, you go outside to entertain guests, I'll wait for you here." Zi Meng put her arms around Di Yuanmo's waist, smiling sweetly.

"But, it really doesn't matter if you're here by yourself?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, a little worried, he didn't want Zimeng to stay in the room alone.

"No problem, although you are the national teacher, but today is the day of our marriage, it is inappropriate for you not to be present, and, after a while, Wan'er and the others will definitely come over, you should go quickly and drink less wine."

Zi Meng gently adjusted Di Yuanmo's wrinkled wedding dress, Di Yuanmo touched Zi Meng's face, and nodded helplessly.

After Zimeng said so, he should really go out and have a look.

With so many people outside, it would be inappropriate for him not to go.

"Then you rest here for a while, and I'll get someone to bring you some food later." Di Yuanmo gently stroked Zi Meng's face, Zi Meng nodded and watched Di Yuanmo go out , she sat on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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