Chapter 881
She sat there in a daze, raised her hand, and patted her face with a stiff smile. She really didn't expect that she would get married just like that.

"Lucky, tell me, is this true?" Zi Meng asked softly.

"Master, what are you talking about?" Lucky jumped out from Zimeng's sleeve and looked at Zimeng in confusion.

"Is this how I got married today?" Zi Meng looked down at Lucky, who blinked and nodded.

It has some doubts, is its owner happy and silly?Today is not her marriage, but who can it be?
Really stupid!
"I always feel like I'm dreaming now." Zimeng lay powerlessly on the bed.

Lucky followed her example and lay down on the bed, tilting his head and looking at Zimeng.

"I really don't have any image at all." Qinglong suddenly appeared, startling Zimeng, and hurriedly sat up from the bed.

"When did you come here? Don't you know that you can't enter the wedding room casually?" Zi Meng looked at the five people sitting there neatly, and rolled her eyes helplessly.

Isn't it a bit too much for these people to ignore her and come in directly?

"Your ugly bride is here, so it's okay for us to come in, right? Besides, aren't you the only two here?" Qinglong looked at Zimeng, and then looked at Lucky.

Lucky blinked innocently, it was just called out by Zimeng, why did you say it?
It's not the one that came uninvited.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Zi Meng straightened her clothes and looked at them.

"It's okay, you're here alone, I'm afraid you'll be lonely, so come and see you." Bai Hu didn't let Qinglong speak, and spoke softly.

Zimeng immediately looked at Baihu excitedly, she knew that they would definitely miss her, but at this time, it seems inappropriate for them to come in like this, right?

"Are you hungry?" Qinglong asked awkwardly, and Zimeng shook her head. For her now, eating is just to satisfy her sense of taste.

"Then what should we do now? Sitting like this, isn't it boring?" Suzaku pouted and looked at everyone. He is a person who can't be idle. It's really not suitable for him to sit here or something. he.

"If you're really bored, go out and run around." Zimeng said lightly, and Suzaku blinked.

Go out and run laps, what's that?
Suzaku looked at Zimeng in confusion, waiting for Zimeng's explanation, but Zimeng just ignored him.

"The meaning of going out for laps is that you won't be bored after going out for a few laps." Qinglong said lightly, explaining for Zimeng, Suzaku raised his eyebrows.

"Do you think I'm free? Go out for a few laps? Do you really think I'm stupid? I'm not going, I want you to go."

Suzaku glared at Qinglong in dissatisfaction, and several people laughed. It can be seen that Suzaku is not stupid enough to really believe Qinglong's words, and went out for a few laps.

"Little aunt, we're here to bring you food." Bei Liwan knocked on the door outside, Zimeng looked at Qinglong and the others, they sat there indifferently, Zimeng sighed.

The sound of pushing the door came, and immediately after, Bei Liwan, Mo Qiqi and Nan Jin Chuyue walked in.

Seeing a few people in the room, the three of them were taken aback. They didn't expect that there would be so many people in the room!

Moreover, the identities of these guys are much higher than theirs, which puts them under a lot of pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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