Chapter 882 I am the most innocent
If he had known earlier that there were already so many people here, Bei Liwan and the others might not have come here.

"Well, little aunt, you guys chat first, well, this is the food we prepared for you, you can eat something first, and we will leave first." Bei Liwan was the first to react, and took the prepared food, Put it on the table and it's ready to go.

"No, I said, you just came here, you are ready to leave, you are not going to sit here with me for a while?" Zimeng looked at them helplessly, she is really boring here, and the four great beasts are here It's also boring here.

"No need... right?" Mo Qiqi looked at the guys who were looking at them in unison, feeling a little timid from the bottom of her heart.

The identities of Qinglong and the others are very clear to these people. The four great beasts, they are all sitting here now, but Mo Qiqi dare not sit with them.

It's not just whether they are willing to talk to her, but they just sit there, and the coercion has already scared her terribly.

"It's okay, just ignore them." Zi Meng laughed directly after looking at Qinglong and the others.

Bei Liwan and Mo Qiqi couldn't help but twitched their lips, ignoring them, and those who dare to ignore the four great beasts, I'm afraid, Zi Meng is the only one, right?

No, there is also Emperor Yuanmo, a national teacher, who also has the courage to ignore the four great beasts, and the four great beasts dare not do anything to him.

"You guys sit down, it's okay." Seeing Nan Jin Chuyue, Xuan Wu got up and smiled at her.

"Thank you, Master Xuanwu." Maybe Nan Jin Chuyue knew Qinglong and the others, so she didn't think there was anything wrong. After Xuanwu asked her to sit down, she sat down obediently.

Seeing the interaction between Xuanwu and Nanjin Chuyue, Suzaku blinked his eyes in confusion. He really wanted to know, there must be something wrong with their relationship, right?
Seeing that Nan Jin Chuyue had already sat down, Mo Qiqi and Bei Liwan sat down together.

"To be honest, I was shocked when I heard the news that you were going to get married. You have been silent all this time. Are you really okay?"

Mo Qiqi looked at Zimeng in a red wedding dress, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became. She always thought that she and Zimeng were just friends, but she didn't expect that Zimeng would hide such an important matter from her.

Not only Mo Qiqi, but even Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zi Meng directly. In fact, she also wanted to know what was going on.

Although she knew about the relationship between Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng from a long time ago, she was shocked when she heard that she was going to get married.

"Don't look at me like that. Speaking of which, I'm the most innocent one, okay? At least you guys knew about it two days in advance, what about me? I only found out early this morning."

Thinking about it, Zimeng felt very wronged. If Ling Siyun and the others hadn't come over to change her clothes early in the morning, he wouldn't know what would have happened!
No, when changing clothes, she didn't know what was going on!
I only knew it when I saw Di Yuanmo.

If you want to talk about grievances, she is the one. Why are these guys wronged in front of her?

"No way?" Mo Qiqi looked at Zi Meng in disbelief, Zi Meng rolled her eyes, what's wrong?

Qinglong and the others held back their laughter and didn't look at Zimeng. After Zimeng waited for them to take a look, she knew that they all knew about it, but it was too much to hide it from her.

(End of this chapter)

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