Chapter 886 The Unluckiest Groom

After hearing Yu Zhu's words, Di Yuanmo also blushed, Yu Zhu held back a smile and left, Di Yuanmo also turned and left without returning to the room.

Zimeng nestled in the bed, and it took a long time before she felt a little more comfortable in her stomach.

She sat up and looked around, after leaving Di Yuanmo, she still hasn't come back, where did he go?
Zimeng pouted involuntarily. On the wedding night, the groom's official left the bride alone in the boudoir.

While Zi Meng was mumbling, Di Yuanmo walked in cautiously with a bowl.

"Zi'er, come, drink this, this way, your stomach will feel better." Sitting by the bed, Di Yuanmo handed the bowl in his hand to Zimeng.

Zi Meng looked at the dark liquid in the bowl, and swallowed with fear, is this thing drinkable?

Moreover, does Di Yuanmo know what's going on?Just let her drink this?

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Zimeng had been staring at him, Di Yuanmo raised his hand to touch his face.

"Well, is this drinkable?" Zimeng blinked innocently, no matter how you look at this thing, it's really hard to drink, okay?Can I really drink it?
Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, then at the black bowl, smiled, reached out to take the bowl in Zimeng's hand, and drank the soup into his mouth under Zimeng's gaze.

"Hey, isn't this..." Give me a drink?

Before Zimeng finished speaking, Di Yuanmo had already leaned over and kissed Zimeng's lips. Zimeng blinked blankly, and the warm liquid had already flowed into her mouth.

Although it looks ugly, it tastes sweet when you drink it. It feels a bit like the brown sugar water you used to drink, but when you drink it, it has a floral fragrance.

"What is this?" After Zi Meng swallowed the soup in her mouth, Di Yuanmo left her lips.

"The petals and rhizomes of the Yuzhi flower are boiled. According to Yuzhu, it can relieve your abdominal pain." Di Yuanmo's face was somewhat uncomfortable, and Zimeng laughed.

Di Yuanmo worked so hard, she had nothing to say, took the net from Di Yuanmo's hand, looked at the remaining soup in it, and drank it all in one gulp.

After a while, she felt that her abdomen was warm and comfortable.

"Lie down and sleep." After Di Yuanmo asked Zimeng to lie down, he lay down beside Zimeng, and put his big warm hand on Zimeng's lower abdomen.

Zi Meng snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms with a happy face and closed her eyes.

"There is no more unlucky bridegroom officer than you." Zi Meng spoke slowly, Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, not knowing why Zi Meng said that.

"Tell me, on the wedding night, you can't do anything, but you can only sleep with me honestly, isn't it very unlucky?"

Zimeng raised her head and looked at Di Yuanmo with a playful look on her face.

Di Yuanmo sighed helplessly, there was nothing he could do about it, he didn't know anything about women, so he didn't know there would be such a thing.

However, now that he knows, he will take good care of Zimeng these few days.

Moreover, at this time, it's not something he and Zimeng can control, right?

"You think too much. Every day when I'm with you seems like a newlywed to me. Let's take a good rest."

Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, and gently pinched Zi Meng's face. Zi Meng's face rubbed gently against Di Yuan Mo's palm, closed his eyes again, hugged Zi Meng's waist tightly, and prepared to have a good sleep Sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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