Chapter 887
When she wakes up, her stomach will definitely not hurt.

Zimeng gradually fell asleep, and there was the sound of even breathing. Di Yuanmo lowered his head and looked at her sleeping face, his face was full of happiness.

His wish came true, and he finally got married to Zimeng. From now on, he would not be afraid that someone would come to snatch Zimeng. He had an upright reason to snatch Zimeng back.

———The hot little genius doctor——

"Oh, I'm laughing to death, I'm really going to laugh to death." Sitting in front of Leng Nan, Yu Zhu couldn't help laughing.

Leng Nan raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Zhu, he didn't know what was wrong with this girl, she was just called away by Di Yuanmo for a while, why did she smile like this when she came back?
Are you okay?

"I said, can you be normal?" Leng Nan looked at Yu Zhu helplessly, Yu Zhu smiled for a long time before she could hold back her smile.

"Did you know? Tonight, although it's master and Zi... no, it's the wedding night of master and madam, but master can only endure the loneliness of the empty boudoir."

Yu Zhu wiped away the tears from laughing, and patted Leng Nan on the shoulder.

Leng Nan raised his eyebrows again, and rolled his eyes helplessly, what does this mean?

What is empty boudoir loneliness?
If Di Yuanmo heard this, he would definitely punish her!
At that time, he didn't dare to help.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll tell you what's going on." Yu Zhu leaned close to Leng Nan's ear and whispered to Leng Nan for a while.

When Yu Zhu left, a blush had already appeared on Leng Nan's face.

What should I do, he really wants to laugh now, okay?
However, it would damage his image, and if Di Yuanmo and the others knew about it, they would definitely clean him up too.

On the wedding night, Di Yuanmo must be very depressed because he couldn't perform Zhou Gong's ceremony because of such a thing?

"Hey, I don't know what our master is doing now, isn't he just sitting there aggrieved and looking at Madam?"

Yu Zhu propped her chin with one hand, and looked at Leng Nan with a prettily smiling smile, Leng Nan sighed.

He found that Yu Zhu was getting more and more gossip now, while Zi Meng was getting more and more mature, but he didn't know if she would return to the way she was before in the future.

If it really went back to the way it was before, I'm afraid that with Zimeng and Yuzhu around, the National Teacher's Mansion will not be safe.

———The hot little genius doctor——

Just when Zimeng fell asleep and Di Yuanmo was about to sleep, he suddenly felt a breath, the breath of Zi Yaoye.

Di Yuanmo sat up hastily, and Zi Yaoye's figure appeared in front of Di Yuanmo and the others.

"What are you doing here again?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Yaoye in a low voice, Zi Yaoye looked at him, then at Di Yuanmo.

"You guys didn't inform me of your marriage, do you not regard me as a friend at all?" Zi Yaoye had a sneer on his face, and Di Yuanmo frowned.

"Don't be so guarded, I'm just here to take a look. By the way, I would like to remind you that after Meng Xi was severely injured by you, she returned to the Demon Realm and drank a lot of demon blood for cultivation. Now, she has disappeared."

Zi Yaoye looked at Zimeng, if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't want Zimeng to be hurt, he would never come here and talk so much nonsense with Di Yuanmo.

However, seeing Zimeng sleeping so peacefully next to Di Yuanmo, Zi Yaoye hated to take Zimeng away directly.

But, for some reason, just looking at Zimeng's peaceful sleeping face, Ziyaoye couldn't do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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