Chapter 888
"Don't worry, I won't let Zi'er have an accident, thank you for reminding me." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Yaoye, put away the guard on his face, and said lightly.

Zi Yaoye didn't seem to want to talk to him so much, after looking at Zi Meng, she turned and left, and after he left, Zi Meng also opened her eyes.

She sat up, looked at Zimeng with some worry, and was also a little puzzled, when did Di Yuanmo hurt Mengxi?
Could it be that it was the last time Di Yuanmo changed?

"Are you awake?" Di Yuanmo turned his head, saw Zi Meng looking at him, walked over, and spoke softly.

"Well, although I don't like the demons very much, but Mengxi hurt so many demons, is it because of us?"

Zi Meng blamed herself a little, and Di Yuanmo gently touched her face to calm her down.

"It's not your responsibility. It's because I believed her too much and brought her out. That's why it happened. So, relax."

"But, I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. I always feel that I am sorry for Zi Yaoye." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo innocently, and Di Yuanmo thought about what Zi Yaoye said just now. If so, his expression suddenly became serious again.

If Mengxi really sucked the blood of a lot of demons, I'm afraid that her skill will improve a lot. Although Di Yuanmo is not afraid of her, Di Yuanmo is afraid that she will be bad for Zi Meng.

Di Yuanmo stepped forward and hugged Zi Meng in her arms. Zi Meng could feel the worry in Di Yuan Mo's heart. She reached out her hand and gently touched Di Yuan Mo, comforting him silently.

"Yuan, don't worry, my current strength is much stronger than before, so I will protect myself and you."

Zi Meng looked up at him in Di Yuanmo's arms, Di Yuanmo held Zi Meng's hand tightly, he wanted to protect Zi Meng, how could he let Zi Meng protect him?

No matter what Meng Xi wants to do in the future, he will stop her. If she really dares to hurt Zi Meng, then don't blame him for being merciless.

From now on, he will never let anyone hurt Zimeng, anyone who dares to hurt Zimeng will die!

Two days after getting married, Di Yuanmo took Zimeng back to Beili's house. Beili Xinhong and the others were very happy. Zimeng's return home after getting married was very important.

The entire Beili family came, even Jiang Fei, who was not feeling well, came out, looking at the figure of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, with a faint smile on her face.

"Zimeng, Master National Teacher, congratulations." Jiang Fei said congratulations to Di Yuanmo and Zimeng with a smile.

"I'm sorry, sister-in-law. Now, Mengxi is determined to kill me, so she will definitely not come to help, so..." When Zimeng saw Jiang Fei, she felt a little sad, and the original smile on her face gradually disappeared.

Jiang Fei didn't mind and smiled at them, she didn't ask Zi Meng to remove the heart-eating Gu worm for her.

"Okay, today is the day for you to go back home. Don't think so much, just be happy. I believe that in the future, you will find a way."

As the only female elder in the family, Jiang Fei took Zimeng's hand and walked into the hall, while Bei Li Xinhong and the others also greeted Di Yuanmo into the room.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely cure you, trust me." Zimeng held Jiang Fei's hand tightly, she knew that Jiang Fei said this to comfort her.

However, she will definitely save Jiang Fei, no matter what the price is, she will never give up, never give up.

(End of this chapter)

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