Chapter 891 Let's Wait

Zimeng and Bei Liyang chatted outside for a long time and a lot. Di Yuanmo even personally taught Bei Liyang and Bei Liwan the cultivation methods, and then the young couple left.

Back at the National Teacher's Mansion, Suzaku was already waiting eagerly in the yard, when Zimeng looked at him, she couldn't help but twitched her lips.

Looking at the current Suzaku, Zimeng really felt that she still liked the Suzaku who was with Zi Yaoye before.

"Suzaku, why are you here alone? What about Qinglong and the others?" Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo walked over and sat down, looking at Suzaku.

During this time, because of Suzaku, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo didn't let Qinglong and Qilin go back, and left them outside to accompany Suzaku.

Moreover, they have been together all the time, why are they gone now?
"I want to wait for you here, but they don't want to accompany me, so they left, and there's nothing I can do!" Thinking about it, Suzaku felt wronged, and Qinglong said that he was getting more and more stupid.

Where is he so stupid?
"Suzaku, are you too anxious? I just got married, and you are in a hurry to make a contract with me?" Zimeng was helpless.

"However, they have already made a contract with you, but you keep pushing not to make a contract with me. How can this be possible? Besides, don't you know that after contracting our four great beasts, you can go to other planes ?"

Suzaku blinked her big eyes, approaching Zimeng full of temptation, and looked at her.

Zimeng stretched out her hand and pushed Suzaku's face away.

"Other planes, what is that?" Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled, and Di Yuanmo straightened Zimeng's hair.

"That is, it is connected to our world, and it is indeed a world in a different space." Di Yuanmo's explanation is very simple.

Zimeng stroked her chin and thought for a while, then turned to look at Suzaku.

"I just want to stay here, I don't want to go there, so you don't have to think about it." Zimeng didn't show any face, Suzaku pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Then when will you make a contract with me?" Suzaku was dissatisfied for a while, and continued to ask Zimeng.

"In a few days, Zier's body has been inconvenient for the past two days and needs a good rest." Before Zimeng could speak, Di Yuanmo spoke first.

Hearing that Zimeng was feeling unwell, Suzaku hurriedly looked over, but apart from Zimeng's pale face, she couldn't see anything wrong.

However, Di Yuanmo has already said that, and he can't say anything more. If he continues to ask, Di Yuanmo will be very unhappy, so it's better to avoid it.

Moreover, Zimeng's face was indeed a little pale, so...

He'd better wait!

"Then you should have a good rest. When you recover, you must hurry up and make a contract with me, you know?" Suzaku stood up, looked at Zimeng very seriously, and only when Zimeng nodded, did he leave.

Zimeng sighed, Di Yuanmo gently rubbed Zimeng's head, took her hand, and went back to the room.

Di Yuanmo asked Zimeng to rest for a while, but she had been resting for the past two days, but she didn't want to continue resting at all.

So, she just sat there and started to practice. Di Yuanmo saw that she wanted to practice, but there was no way to stop her, so she could only choose to practice with her.

At the same time, he has to think about where is the most suitable place for Zimeng to make a contract with Qinglong.

If there is really a big change, I'm afraid it will attract a lot of people, and then Zimeng's situation will definitely be more dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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