Chapter 892 The sudden change

In the quiet valley, waves of Poland can be seen swimming in the sky. It is a barrier layered by Di Yuanmo and Qinglong, where Zimeng and Suzaku stand face to face.

Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu stood there, looking at them, and Di Yuanmo also stood there nervously.

This barrier consumed almost all of Di Yuanmo's spiritual power. If this barrier couldn't protect Zi Meng, what should I do?
This is the only suitable place that Di Yuanmo found. Within a radius of a hundred miles, there is no human habitation, and no one pays attention to it. If there is any change, no one can rush over immediately.

Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who nodded slightly to her, and Zi Meng took a deep breath.

"Suzaku, it's time to start." Zi Meng looked at Suzaku seriously, and Suzaku nodded.

Zimeng cut her finger and dotted the blood between Suzaku's eyebrows.

Just in an instant, a red light appeared, Suzaku was enveloped by the red light, Suzaku did not disappear, but returned to its original shape in the red light.

With a flame-like body and huge wings flashing, Zi Meng only felt a ringing in her ears, but she looked at Suzaku in surprise.

But at this time, Zimeng didn't notice that Qinglong and the others who were standing with Di Yuanmo were also emitting light.

"Oops!" Qinglong only spit out two words, and his body uncontrollably soared into the air, together with Baihu and Xuanwu, they turned into prototypes.

"What's going on here?" Di Yuanmo turned his head to look at Qilin, but Qilin's eyes were on Zimeng's body, Di Yuanmo was startled, and turned his head to look over suddenly.

Zimeng had already closed her eyes, and her body rose slowly with the Qinglong and the others, while the Qinglong White Tiger Suzaku Xuanwu formed a square around Zimeng.

Zimeng's body exuded four colors of light and floated in the air. Di Yuanmo wanted to step forward, but was blocked by the power of the four great beasts.

Di Yuanmo was caught off guard by the sudden change.

"How could this be? Zi'er!" Di Yuanmo was anxious but had no way out.

Although he has lived for a long time, he doesn't know much about the four great beasts.

The sudden situation in front of him really stumped him, and there was nothing he could do.

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo looked up at Zi Meng.

"The enchantment can't last anymore." Qilin said, and Di Yuanmo looked over. The enchantment that the two of them worked together was broken by the power of the four great beasts, and the cracks in the enchantment became bigger and bigger.

Seeing that he was about to fail, Di Yuanmo put his hand on the barrier, and with the input of Di Yuanmo's spiritual power, the cracks in the barrier were gradually repaired.

But it only lasted for a while, and after that, the repair couldn't keep up with the damage.

It didn't take long for the barrier to collapse. The power of the four great beasts soared to the sky, and the spiritual power overflowed like ocean waves. People in the entire continent should have felt it.

Some people came here directly after feeling it.

The power of the four great beasts is very attractive to anyone.

"Wow! Help!" Not only the outside, but even Zimeng's sun, moon and star sea are filled with the power of the four great beasts.

Mu Xi, who had been living in the Sun Moon Star Sea, was also driven out of the Sun Moon Star Sea by this force and fell from the sky.

Qilin hurried forward and caught Mu Xi. Mu Xi hid in Qilin's arms in fear, looking up at Zi Meng.

Di Yuanmo raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, and looked to the side vigilantly, there was an unpleasant smell there.

(End of this chapter)

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