Chapter 893 Zimeng is a bad person

"Qilin, you are here to protect the safety of Zi'er and Mu Xi, I'll go and see the situation." Di Yuan Mo flew away, Qilin wanted to go with him, but look at Zi Meng and Bai Hu who are completely unconscious in the air , but also can not go away.

And Mu Xi, who was in Qilin's arms, tilted his head and thought for a while, then broke free from Qilin's embrace, and followed Di Yuanmo to leave.

Those who came here following the breath of the four great beasts were terrified when they saw the scene in front of them.

The four great beasts are in the shape of a huge beast, and in the middle is a woman who please close her eyes. Although the four great beasts are right in front of them, no one dares to step forward.

Not to mention the four great beasts, even one of them has already made them powerless.

"Where is this place?" Zi Meng, who had kept her eyes closed all the time, opened them, but the environment in front of her was extremely strange.

It's not the deserted place, but a strange palace, and the place where Zimeng is surrounded by four carved stone statues.

After looking carefully, Zimeng found that these stone statues were the four great beasts, East Qinglong, West White Tiger, South Suzaku, and North Xuanwu.

And Zi Meng stood in the middle of them, "What is this place?"

Zimeng looked around in confusion, and wanted to go out, but it seemed that there was an invisible wall of light blocking her.

In desperation, she could only return to her original position and look at the stone statues of Qinglong and the others.

"You're finally here!" A vague woman's voice came, and Zi Meng looked around with wide eyes, but she couldn't find anyone who spoke.

"Who is talking?" Zimeng asked, but there was no sound.

The statues of the four great beasts suddenly radiated light. Zi Meng couldn't open his eyes because of the stinging light, so he had to block the light with his hands. When the light disappeared, three small children appeared in front of Zi Meng.

They surrounded a red monster egg, and after looking carefully, Zimeng discovered that the egg was Suzaku's egg.

Looking at the three children again, Zi Meng's mouth couldn't help opening. The faces of these three children were somewhat similar to those of Qinglong Baihu.

Could it be that……

"No way, is this what they looked like when they were young? Could it be that I'm in their memory now? What's going on here?"

Zimeng approached them, they seemed to have heard the sound of footsteps, and turned to look at her, so frightened that Zimeng remained motionless and kept walking.

"Well... how are you..." Zimeng hesitated for a while, then waved her hand to greet them.

"Who are you?" A proud voice came, and Zi Meng looked down, and it turned out to be a miniature version of Qinglong.

That arrogant little appearance is exactly the same as the current Qinglong!

"I am me, what are you doing here?" Zimeng walked over with a smile, but they vigilantly protected the egg behind them, not letting Zimeng approach.

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm not a bad person!" Zi Meng stopped and looked at them helplessly.

"Bad people, never say they are bad people." Xiao Xuanwu said, almost fell to the ground when Zimeng was so excited.

If she is not a bad person, she will not die a bad person!

What does it mean that a bad person does not say that he is a bad person?

"I'm really a good person!" Zi Meng looked at Xuanwu with a round face, couldn't help reaching out and pinching his face.

"Woo, bad guy, bad guy, you are a bad guy." Xuan Wu rescued his face from Zi Meng's grasp, covered his face, and looked at Zi Meng pitifully, Zi Meng couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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