Chapter 895 It's You
"I am..." Zimeng hadn't finished speaking when a multicolored light suddenly appeared on her body. She looked down at her body and found that her figure was gradually becoming transparent.

"We will meet again." Zi Meng left these words before disappearing completely, and then disappeared with little lights.

Zimeng's consciousness disappeared, and when she regained consciousness again, she found that she had returned to the original world.

Qinglong Baihu and the others are surrounding her, and they have all turned into prototypes.

However, the only difference was that they all closed their eyes, as if they had lost consciousness. Zi Meng wanted to move, but found that her body could not move at all.

She looked around, and there were many people around, including Qilin, but there was no sign of Di Yuanmo. Zi Meng couldn't help but feel a little worried, wondering if something happened to Di Yuanmo.

Before Zimeng could think about it, the power of the four great beasts rushed towards Zimeng and poured into Zimeng's body.

"Ah!!" Those forces stretched her meridians continuously, and the process was so painful that Zimeng cried out in pain.

However, those pains will not stop because of her cries of pain, but tend to become more and more painful.

Maybe it was because of the pain, Zimeng soon became numb, her skin was torn, blood stained her snow-white clothes red, and dripped on the ground.

The place stained by her blood quickly grew flowers and plants, very lush flowers and plants.

All the people who came here were surprised when they saw this scene, but they didn't know that Zimeng's torn skin would heal itself soon, and after a short time of healing, it would be torn again, and then healed again.

Zimeng didn't respond, she lay quietly in mid-air, waiting for the matter to end.

As time passed, Zimeng didn't know how many times her skin healed, and she didn't know how many times her blood almost drained.

Originally, she should be very confused, but at this moment, she is extraordinarily energetic, and she can still feel that her cultivation is constantly improving.

In fact, she didn't realize that the shape of the missing moon between her eyebrows was changing little by little.

Someone got really impatient with waiting, and was going to take advantage of this time to subdue the four great beasts, and rushed up, but unfortunately, they were turned into powder by the power of the four great beasts and disappeared.

This result made many people dare not act rashly and could only wait and see.

"Roar!!" A dragon's cry came suddenly, and the four great beasts woke up, and Qinglong was one who transformed back into a human form.

After looking at Zimeng's appearance, he went directly to identify Zimeng, hugged Zimeng in his arms, and then landed safely in the place.

"You finally woke up, if you don't wake up, I will be tossed to death by you." Zimeng fell into Qinglong's arms, and after Suzaku transformed, landed beside Qinglong, looking down at Zimeng.

"So it was you." Suzaku looked at Zimeng, and opened his mouth softly. Zimeng looked at him, and saw tears in Suzaku's eyes.

"What are you doing? It's just a contract. Are you crying?" Zi Meng couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"I vaguely remember that when I was just born, there was a person who was very gentle to me, but I couldn't remember who that person was.

Although Qinglong and the others knew about it, they didn't know where they were from or what their name was. They didn't expect that it was you, it was you, and you didn't tell me. "

(End of this chapter)

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