Chapter 896

The more Suzaku talked, the more he was wronged, he was wronged, and Zi Meng was also very wronged, okay?
She never remembers this, okay?

And, just now, wasn't it in her hallucination?Did it really happen?

The more Zimeng thought about it, the more she couldn't figure it out, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Suzaku, now is not the time to say this, we have to settle the matter in front of us first." Qilin looked at those people who were staring at him, and Suzaku and the others all turned their heads to look over.

All those people wished they could rush over now.

Baihu Xuanwu and the others stood in front of Zimeng, watching those people warily.

Qinglong didn't care about those people, but pulled Zimeng's sleeves away, wanting to see the injuries on Zimeng's body. As a result, there were no scars on Zimeng's body except those blood stains.

"Are you not injured? Where did the blood on your body come from?" Qinglong looked at Zimeng puzzled, and Zimeng blinked.

"How could there be no injuries? The blood is all mine, but I don't know why the wounds have healed."

Zimeng rolled her eyes. If it wasn't for the healing of the wound on her body, she would have lost too much blood and died.

In front of Qinglong, Zimeng pulled off the clothes on her chest. The place that should have been in the shape of a four-leaf clover turned into a milky white gem.

The gemstone exuded a faint light, which surprised Zimeng a little.

"What's going on?" Zimeng asked nana.

"No matter what it is, we will talk about it after we go back." Qinglong stretched out his hand, pulled Zimeng's clothes back, and helped Zimeng get up.

Zimeng turned her head and looked at the group of people who were gradually swarming up.

Sure enough, trouble is coming. These people must have sensed the aura of the four great beasts and came here to find trouble.

But where did Di Yuanmo go?

At this time, he would never leave her here.

"What are you going to do?" Zi Meng asked coldly after thinking too much.

"Of course I want to get the four great beasts. How can you, a girl, control so many beasts? So, be conscious and get the four great beasts out, lest you die without a place to die."

They all looked at Zimeng with disdain, and their tone made Suzaku very angry, wishing to rush over and kill them.

"It's very simple for me to hand them over. Then we have to see if you can get their approval." Zi Meng shrugged indifferently, and those people all focused their attention on the four great beasts.

Suzaku and the others all looked at Zimeng, not knowing what Zimeng wanted to do.

"However, do so many of you have this kind of thinking? I want to remind you, if you want to live, leave as soon as possible, otherwise..." Zimeng looked at the group of people indifferently, some of them were just watching the fun So, very consciously left.

Although he left, he still hid in the distance and watched the development of the situation.

"Qinglongbaihu, kill and leave none behind." Zimeng's tone was very flat, as if she had said something very ordinary.

"Decree!" The four great beasts rushed up without hesitation, the sound of fighting sounded, Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Qilin, and Qilin walked to Zi Meng's side.

"Where did Di Yuanmo go?"

"I don't know." Hearing Zimeng's question, Qilin shook his head hesitantly and spoke slowly.

"How come you don't know?" Zi Meng raised her eyebrows, and looked at Qilin in confusion, Qilin looked in the direction where Di Yuanmo left, and Zi Meng flew away.

(End of this chapter)

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