Chapter 897

Zi Meng looked around, but there was no sign of Di Yuanmo, the only thing there was a piece of Di Yuanmo's clothes left on the ground.

Zimeng frowned, Di Yuanmo cared about his image very much, and would never let his clothes be broken, this situation can show that something happened to Di Yuanmo.

"Master!" Zi Meng heard a small voice, followed the voice and walked over, but saw Mu Xi lying there seriously injured.

"Mu Xi? What's wrong with you?" Zi Meng looked at the wound on Mu Xi's body and hurriedly took out the silver needle, but she didn't know what to do.

Mu Xi's body was different from theirs, and, judging from Mu Xi's appearance, he was seriously injured, but he didn't bleed.

"Mu Xi, how are you? What can I do to help you?" Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi worriedly.

Mu Xi raised his smiling face weakly, and smiled at Zi Meng, but the more he smiled, the more Zi Meng's heart ached.

"It's okay, it's just that I was sucked blood, and I will recover soon." Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng and spoke softly. Hearing this, Zi Meng was a little surprised.

Blood sucked?

In Zimeng's memory, there is only one person who can suck blood, and that is Mengxi.

Could it be that Di Yuanmo was taken away by Mengxi?
The more Zimeng thought about it, the more worried she became. If this was the case, Di Yuanmo would be in danger. He had already spent all his spiritual power in order to set up a barrier to protect her.

When meeting Mengxi, Di Yuanmo is definitely no match.

"Master, don't worry, that woman hasn't had a peaceful life recently." Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng and smiled more happily, Zi Meng looked down at Mu Xi in confusion.

"My blood is only intended for others when I am willing to give it. She sucks my blood, and what she sucks away is the toxins accumulated in my body."

What Mu Xi said made Zimeng breathe a sigh of relief. In this case, she shouldn't do anything to Di Yuanmo now, right?

But no matter what, she had to find Di Yuanmo as soon as possible.

She would never let Di Yuanmo and Mengxi stay together for too long, it would be too bad for Di Yuanmo.

"Muxi, go back to the day and night star sea to cultivate first, and don't come out during this time."

Zi Meng carefully sent Mu Xi back to Sun Moon Star Sea, then got up and walked to the place where there was a lot of fighting.

Qilin has also gone to help, how can those people be the four great beasts, no, they should be said to be the opponents of the five great beasts?
There were many casualties on the ground, and those who left, watching this scene, were very glad that they did not participate in it.

No one can match the fighting power of the four great beasts together.

Therefore, there was no need for Zimeng to take action at all, Qinglong and the others had already dealt with all the people.

"It's all settled." Qinglong and the others returned to Zimeng's side, only to find that Zimeng looked very bad.

"Di Yuanmo was taken away by Mengxi." Zi Meng looked at them and said lightly. Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

But thinking about it, it's not surprising that Di Yuanmo had already spent almost all of his spiritual power for Zimeng.

But how did Zimeng know it belonged to Mengxi?
"She sucked Mu Xi's blood, but, Mu Xi said, she will be poisoned, and she can't care about Yuan for the time being, so we have to find them as soon as possible, Qilin, can you perceive Yuan's location?"

Zimeng looked at Qilin. Qilin closed his eyes and felt for a long time. After opening his eyes, he looked at Zimeng and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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