Chapter 919 Pretending to be Innocent

Hearing Zimeng's words, Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng with a happy smile on his face.


"Why? So excited, didn't I say that?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, and Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, really speechless for a while.

Zimeng looked at the stupid Di Yuanmo with amused expression, but Di Yuanmo made a sudden move. He threw Zimeng to the ground, and Zimeng looked at him with wide eyes.

Di Yuanmo looked at her, lowered his head, and invaded Zi Meng's lips as if plundering, Zi Meng slowly closed his eyes, and Di Yuanmo's kiss gradually softened.

"Zi'er, I love you too." After the kiss, Di Yuanmo held Zi Meng's face in both hands, and watched the slightest change on Zi Meng's face very seriously.

"When Mengxi and Shi Yu are settled, let's find a place to live in seclusion, shall we?" Zi Meng also looked at Di Yuanmo seriously.

"At that time, not only the two of us, but also our children." Di Yuanmo pressed his forehead against Zimeng's and spoke softly.

Hearing this, Zi Meng's face turned red, yes, she had forgotten that in the future, there will be their children.

They will live together, and then, watch their two children grow up, get married, and then have their children.

This kind of life is really pleasant, but now, it seems to be far away from that kind of life.

As long as Mengxi and Shi Yu can't solve it, they can't give up everything they have now, and they can't live the life they want.

"Then hurry up, we must find them as soon as possible." Di Yuanmo turned over and let Zimeng lay in his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Zi Meng smiled in Di Yuanmo's arms.

Ling Siyun stood in front of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, looking at them, her eyes were already on fire.

Zi Meng innocently looked at Ling Siyun who said nothing.

"I knew that if you said you would be away for a while, you would definitely have something to do with the Master of the State Teacher!" Ling Siyun was sullen for a while before opening her mouth slowly.

When Zimeng heard this, she became even more innocent. She was indeed innocent. This matter had nothing to do with her, it was all because of Di Yuanmo.

If Di Yuanmo hadn't said that Mengxi and the others had to be found as soon as possible, and then they could live a happy life together, Zimeng wouldn't have left, would she?
"Don't pretend to be innocent here, it has something to do with the Master of the State Teacher, and definitely has something to do with you!" Seeing Zi Meng's innocent appearance, Ling Siyun became very angry and yelled loudly.

This roar made Zi Meng hide in Di Yuanmo's arms, looking at Ling Siyun pitifully, the corners of Ling Siyun's mouth twitched for a long time.

She's obviously a troublemaker, but she pretends to be innocent and pitiful here. If it weren't for Zimeng being the head of the sect, Ling Siyun really wanted to go up and beat her up, okay?

"Okay, don't look at me with the eyes that you want to kill me, Siyun, I'm serious with you."

Zimeng started playing around, she came out of Di Yuanmo's arms, and looked at Ling Siyun.

It's rare that Zimeng is so serious, so she let go of her dissatisfaction and looked at Zimeng.

"The two of us are going to find Mengxi and Shi Yu. During this time, we are not here. If you encounter trouble, you can lead everyone to the cave in the back mountain. Your safety should be guaranteed there."

Zi Meng looked at Ling Siyun, these words made Ling Siyun understand that the matter was serious.

(End of this chapter)

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