Chapter 920 Something Happened

She originally thought that Zimeng was leaving to play, but she didn't expect that it was to find Mengxi and Shi Yu.

Last time, Zimeng was injured on Mengxi's hand, what will happen this time?

"Shall I go find it with you?" Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng. She didn't want the head of the Liuli Sect to find such a dangerous person. Even if she did, she couldn't just do it, right?
At the very least, everyone in the Liuli Sect should look for it with Zimeng.

"You guys stay here. I'm afraid that when Mengxi makes a comeback, the first one will come to trouble the Liuli Sect. With you here, at least, there can be some guarantees."

Zimeng smiled at Ling Siyun, she and Ling Siyun spent a long time together, so why didn't she know what Ling Siyun was thinking?

Ling Siyun was afraid that she would be hurt again by Mengxi.

But, how could she let Ling Siyun and the others go to die?
Mengxi is now completely insane, and it is impossible to let anyone who troubles her go. Ling Siyun and the others will only die if they look for her.

Therefore, Zimeng will not let them die.

Ling Siyun wanted to continue to say something, but seeing Zi Meng's smiling face, she swallowed her words back.

She knew that according to their current strength, going would only cause trouble for Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, so she understood what Zimeng meant, and she was willing to listen to Zimeng and stay here.

"Let's go?" Seeing that Ling Siyun had agreed, Di Yuanmo prepared to take Zimeng away.

"Master, there is actually something I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but..." Ling Siyun lowered her head and spoke slowly, but she didn't know what to say.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo turned their heads and looked at Ling Siyun. Ling Siyun raised her head with a troubled expression and looked at the couple.

Originally, they didn't want to tell Zimeng about this, but now, if they don't tell Zimeng, Zimeng will be very angry when she finds out.

Ling Siyun didn't want Zimeng to be angry, nor did she want Zimeng to blame herself.

"Tell me, what's the matter!" Zimeng walked up to Ling Siyun and looked at her seriously.

Ling Siyun's expression showed that something must have happened.

"Actually, during this period of time, some people have been attacked, and some of them have been drained of blood." Ling Siyun hesitated for a while, and then spoke slowly. Zi Meng's movements froze suddenly, and she turned to look at Di Yuanmo. .

Di Yuanmo was also very surprised. He obviously didn't expect that he knew that Meng Xi had been poisoned, but he didn't know what happened.

Why did Mengxi come here suddenly and start attacking humans?Human blood doesn't seem to be of much use to her cultivation, does it?
"Who has been attacked?" Zi Meng looked at Ling Siyun, a little nervous. Ling Siyun's entanglement proved that the person who was attacked must have something to do with her.

"During this period of time, you were not here, and Mo Qiqi was injured. However, there is no danger to her life. However, the people who went out with her all died."

Ling Siyun spoke lightly, Zi Meng frowned, Mo Qiqi was attacked, why didn't anyone tell her when she came back for a few days?
"Who else?"

"There are still a few sects. Although they have been attacked before, they don't want their lives. This time, they directly sucked their blood dry."

Zi Meng knew that the previous attack Ling Siyun was talking about was sent by Zi Yaoye, and since the matter between Zi Yaoye and Di Yuanmo was clarified, Zi Yaoye had stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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