Chapter 921 Gratitude from the Heart

However, Mengxi is different. If she makes a move, someone will die, and for Zimeng, it is very difficult to save people.

"How's Yuan Tianzong's people doing?" Zi Meng suddenly thought of Tang Jingcheng, and hurriedly looked at Ling Siyun.

"Not many people from Yuantianzong were injured, but many people related to you, the head of the sect, have disappeared." Ling Siyun lowered her head. To be honest, except for the Liuli sect, there is nothing serious about it. , there are missing people,

Moreover, they are all related to Zimeng.

This matter, Ling Siyun and the others could all feel that it was directed at Zimeng.

So, they didn't know how to tell Zimeng about this, but there was nothing they could do if they didn't!It's better to say it than to let Zi Meng know.

"I understand, Si Yun, you now, arrange everyone, bring all the things, go to the cave, and when the time comes, I will go find you when it is safe."

Zimeng frowned and lowered her head to think for a while, then looked up at Ling Siyun, then, leaving Di Yuanmo behind her, went to the cave alone.

Di Yuanmo stood there, looking at the direction Zi Meng left, and after sighing, he found a place to sit down and waited for Zi Meng to come back.

"Old Ancestor, Master came to see you for something!" After Zimeng walked into the cave, Lucky hurried in.

Zimeng didn't speak, and followed behind Lucky, and the lucky ancestors already felt Zimeng when Zimeng and the others walked into the cave, so there was no need for Lucky to brag here.

"What's the matter?" Zi Meng hadn't heard the ethereal voice of the ancestor of the lucky family for a long time.

"I have something to ask you." Zimeng opened the door to meet her, not planning to say anything more to this old ancestor here.

"Go ahead."

"I'm afraid there will be danger in the next period of time, so I will let the disciples of the Liuli Sect hide here for a while."

Zimeng spoke without hesitation, Lucky and his ancestors looked at Zimeng like this, Zimeng shrugged, she came here to talk about this, didn't she?

"Are you sure you asked them to come here?" The ancestor of the lucky family looked at Zimeng in confusion, and Zimeng nodded.

"Whatever, you are the head now, if you want them to come, let them come."

Zimeng couldn't help raising her eyebrows, so easy to talk to?
"The four great beasts have gathered, can we let them come out, I will see you? I haven't seen them for a long time."

The ancestor looked at Zimeng, looking forward to it, Zimeng nodded, and released the green dragon and white tiger. The four great beasts were slightly taken aback when they saw the lucky ancestor.

"Long time no see!" It greeted the four great beasts, and the four great beasts surrounded it.

As for what they said, Zimeng didn't care, just looked around in the cave.

When it was almost finished, Qinglong and the others had finished chatting, so Zimeng walked over again.

"During this period of time, I will ask you to protect these children. These are the only remaining members of the Liuli Sect."

Zimeng smiled at it, and it nodded in agreement. Anyway, it has been protected by the heads of the Liuli Sect for so long, so it should do something for the Liuli Sect.

"Thank you, when things are over, I will let luck accompany you for a while." Zi Meng's thanks to it are sincere.

After the four great beasts bid farewell to the lucky ancestor, Zi Meng put them away and left the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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