Chapter 927 I don't mind
Although young, looking at these children, Zimeng felt like a family with children who had just grown up.

"Are you guys all right?" Zi Meng smiled gently at them.

"Sister Zimeng, we're fine." Ye Chen walked out from the crowd of children and looked at Zimeng with a smile.

"It's fine, you just stay here first, don't go anywhere, I'm afraid there will be more troubles in the future."

Zimeng also looked at them with a smile. They didn't hide anything about Zimeng's words, and they all nodded obediently.

"These children are working hard one by one. Although you have been busy all the time, they have never let go of their cultivation."

Looking at these children, Bei Liwan was also very relieved. When Zimeng was not around, she was very serious about helping these children!

Moreover, the people of Beili's family are also very kind to them. They will never hide anything about the things used for cultivation, and they will never be stingy.

Therefore, the strength of these children has improved very quickly, and they have worked hard in their cultivation.

"They've been working hard, I know that." Zimeng looked at the children proudly, and when they heard Zimeng's praise, they were all extremely excited.

"Little aunt, aren't you going in?" Bei Liwan couldn't help but whisper when she saw Zi Meng was about to leave.

Zimeng turned her head to look at the courtyard of Beili's house, showing a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, Wan'er, Beili's family is under attack now, but I can't protect you, and I have to do something. When my matter is resolved, you will be truly safe."

Zimeng rubbed Bei Liwan's head apologetically. Although Bei Liwan had no choice but to treat Zimeng as a child, she still nodded seriously.

She knew that what Zimeng was going to do at this moment was much more dangerous than here. If she slipped here like this, more people would definitely be injured.

"Little aunt, little uncle, you must be careful and don't get hurt." Bei Liwan looked at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng smiled and nodded, and left Bei Li's house with Di Yuanmo.

A group of children, Bei Liwan and Ye Chen, stood there, watching the figures of Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo disappear.

"This time, I don't know when little aunt and the others will come back." Bei Liwan sighed, and Ye Chen looked at Bei Liwan.

"Don't dare to take long, sister Zimeng will come back safely." Ye Chen said softly, and Bei Liwan couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she heard him address Zimeng.

"I said you..." Bei Liwan pouted and turned her head to look at Ye Chen. Ye Chen and the others looked at Bei Liwan puzzled, not knowing why Bei Liwan was suddenly angry.

A few people didn't speak, just looked at Bei Liwan quietly, trying to see something from Bei Liwan.

"She is my little aunt. You call her sister. Isn't that right? Surely not? In this way, do I have to call you uncle and aunt?"

Bei Liwan looked at Ye Chen viciously, Ye Chen blinked, and looked at the people behind him.

They really hadn't thought about the title issue, and if Bei Liwan hadn't reminded them, they wouldn't have noticed either. Now, what Bei Liwan said made them suddenly realize.

"Actually, I think it's pretty good. If you don't mind, I don't mind either." Ye Chen stroked his chin and spoke in a moderate voice, and the little ones behind him couldn't help laughing while covering their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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