Chapter 928 Chips
Bei Liwan couldn't help but rolled her eyes, why did she think this guy did it on purpose?
"Sister Zimeng has been so busy, she doesn't have time to play with us." The little guys looked at Ye Chen aggrievedly.

Ye Chen looked at them, feeling very helpless!

After Zimeng arranged them into Beili's house, she has been busy and has no time to take care of them. However, Beili's family did not treat them badly. On the contrary, because of Zimeng's relationship, the Beili's family took good care of them. .

"Wan'er, I just felt Zimeng's aura, have they come back?" Bei Li Xinhong walked quickly from a distance.

"Well, but they have already left." Bei Liwan shrugged, Bei Li Xinhong raised his eyebrows helplessly, and left just after returning, without telling the old ones, isn't it not good ah?
"Grandpa, just put away your expressions, little aunt and the others are busy, okay? And, until now, brother and the others haven't disappeared, so little aunt and uncle must have gone to look for them."

Bei Liwan looked at Bei Li Xinhong's appearance, and immediately rolled her eyes in confusion, but, thinking about it carefully, so many people disappeared all of a sudden, and most of them were related to Zi Meng.

How could Zi Meng ignore them?
But, this time, I really don't know how many dangers are waiting for them?
If it weren't for their lack of strength, they would also want to go to Zimeng and help Zimeng, even if they could only help a little, they would also like to go!
But, there is no way, their strength is really far from Zimeng's, even if they go, it will only be a disservice.

So, it's better to obediently wait here for Zimeng and the others to come back.

"Wan'er, you guys, don't always run outside, if you disappear, it will cause trouble for Zimeng." When Bei Li Xinhong turned to leave, he looked at Bei Liwan and the others.

"I see, Grandpa, I will take them to retreat." Bei Liwan nodded to Bei Li Xinhong. After she wanted to leave, she took a few little guys to retreat.

I hope that by the time they leave the customs, Zimeng and Bei Liyang will already be back.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo searched outside for a long time, but they never found any trace of Mengxi, not to mention Mengxi, not even Shi Yu.

Zimeng even wondered if something happened to those missing people.

"Zi'er, don't worry, we will definitely find them." Di Yuanmo looked at the anxious Zi Meng, reached out and pulled her into his arms, Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

"Yuan, tell me, have they been killed by Mengxi? It's been so long!" Zi Meng frowned and looked at Di Yuanmo, who gently stroked her little face.

"No, they are the bargaining chips that Mengxi uses to blackmail you. Before you arrive, she probably won't attack them."

Di Yuanmo comforted Zimeng softly. Although these words were true, Zimeng was still very worried. Mengxi was inhumane now, so how could he really not attack them?
What's more, now, they don't even know where Mengxi is, so how can they find them?

Since Qinglong and Baihu left, there has been no news. It can be seen that they have not found Mengxi yet.

Zimeng was afraid that Mengxi would hide in her own space, if that was the case, it might be very difficult to find them.

(End of this chapter)

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