Chapter 992 Emperor Yuanmo's Fault

"That's right." Zimeng nodded and looked at the woman, "Hey, I said woman, it's very impolite for you to stare at my husband like this, can you please divert your attention?"

"What did you say?" Zimeng's words made her extremely annoyed.

"Of course I'm talking in human language. Why, don't you understand?" Zimeng said something that made people angry with a smile on her face.

Yin Chenxi frowned and looked at the woman who spoke, then at Zimeng, but did not speak.

"I'll kill you!" As she said that, she rushed towards Zimeng, and the sword formed by the flames stabbed at Zimeng, but Zimeng avoided it with a slight dodge.

For just a moment, a murderous look flashed across Di Yuanmo's face, but it disappeared quickly, and he looked at Zimeng tenderly.

"What are you doing? Are you going to kill me from embarrassment?" Zimeng still had a smile on his face, looking at his attacker gracefully.

"Hmph, you are now the territory of our Jixuanmen, and this is also the residence of our Jixuanmen elder brother. Who knows what you are here for!"

Her face was still full of anger, Zi Meng was not angry, she just turned her head and looked at Yin Chenxi, Yin Chenxi's expression was very ugly at this moment.

"Senior sister, the master asked this girl to treat the senior brother. If you annoy her and harm the senior brother, I will kill you!" Yin Chenxi walked up to Zimeng and blocked Zimeng from her. behind.

Her face was so dark that ink dripped out!

"Hmph, she still wants to treat senior brother, who doesn't know, senior brother's identity and status? Who knows what her idea is?"

When she said this, she glanced at Di Yuanmo, the smile on Zi Meng's face gradually disappeared, she raised her hand, and gently patted Yin Chenxi's shoulder.

"Your senior brother is really good-looking. If I put it back in the past, I should be very interested. However, now, I can only appreciate it at most."

Zi Meng squinted her eyes, and with a wave of her hand, a vine as thick as an arm burst out of the ground, quickly binding her together. The sharp tip of the vine pointed directly at her heart. As long as Zi Meng's hand moved slightly, the vine would It will stab into her heart.

"I'll only say this once. Remember it for me. I came here to treat people because Yin Chenxi is kind to me. If you continue to make trouble for no reason, or try to trick my husband, I will kill you!"

In Zi Meng's eyes, murderous intent overflowed, and the bound woman was so frightened that she did not dare to move, for fear that she would be killed by Zi Meng.

"I'm sorry." Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng apologetically, Zimeng smiled at her, retracted the vine, and the woman in the air fell to the ground hard.

Di Yuanmo didn't even look at her, walked up to Zimeng, put his arm around her shoulders, and looked at Yin Chenxi, who made a gesture of invitation to them.

Seeing Yin Chenxi and the others leave, the others rushed forward and helped the woman who had fallen to the ground.

However, after she got up, she looked at Zimeng and the others, full of hatred.

However, her hatred has no effect on Zimeng and the others.

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister Chu Yun has such a temper, don't mind." Yin Chenxi said apologetically while walking.

"It's not your fault, it's his fault." Zi Meng smiled and pointed at Di Yuanmo.

"Zi'er, you haven't spoken as a husband, how can you blame me?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng helplessly, and Zi Meng innocently reached out and poked Di Yuanmo's face.

(End of this chapter)

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