Chapter 993 Want to burn someone to death

"Of course it's your fault. It's all your face. Wasn't it just your face that deceived me?"

"Really? Isn't it because you can't walk when you see my face? In the name of treating me, you took advantage of me."

Di Yuanmo looked in a good mood, stretched out his hand, and gently squeezed Zi Meng's small face, Zi Meng started to laugh.

Indeed, when she treated Di Yuanmo's leg, she wanted to take advantage of him, but Di Yuanmo didn't give her the chance!

Saying that now makes her feel ashamed, okay?

Yin Chenxi couldn't help laughing seeing Zimeng and Di Yuanmo bickering.

"Look, what you said made people laugh at me." Seeing Yin Chenxi smiling, Zi Meng immediately stared at Di Yuan Mo with dissatisfaction and complained.

"Then let her laugh, anyway, you don't care." Di Yuanmo still had a smile on his lips, but what he said left Zimeng speechless.

Walking into the room, looking at Gu Fanjing lying on the bed, Zimeng put back the smile on her face.

Beside the bed, there was an old man with a white beard standing, he was worriedly looking at the unconscious Gu Fanjing.

"Master, they are here." Yin Chenxi looked at the old man and said respectfully.

He turned his head to look at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, he couldn't believe it, seeing how young they were, how could they cure the poison on Gu Fanjing's body?
The hopes that had been raised had gradually begun to die out in the heart of the old head.

Zimeng didn't speak, walked directly to the bedside, looked at Gu Fanjing's bluish face, took out the silver needle, and quickly inserted it into Gu Fanjing's acupuncture point.

"I want hot water." Zi Meng's gaze was still on Gu Fanjing's body, and she spoke lightly.

"How much do you need?" Yin Chenxi hurried over and looked at Zimeng.

"The more the better, give him a bath. By the way, find two people who can help him bathe and change water."

Zimeng's hands were still busy, and Yin Chenxi had already run out after hearing Zimeng's order.

"Girl, how is Fan Jing's body?" The old master looked at Zi Meng and spoke slowly.

"The master is not polite. My name is Beili Zimeng. You can call me Zimeng." Zimeng turned her head and smiled at him.

"it is good."

"Fortunately, his physical fitness has always been good. Otherwise, he would have died from such a deep poison. Although I can help him detoxify, I can only do it slowly."

Zimeng looked at the head of Jixuanmen, then turned her head, and put her gaze on Gu Fanjing.

She was very curious, all the heads of the Jixuan Sect came here to see Gu Fanjing, and what the woman said earlier proved that Gu Fanjing's identity was absolutely extraordinary.

Soon, Yin Chenxi rushed over with two people and the bathtub. Seeing the hot water that was almost boiling, Zi Meng couldn't help but twitched her lips.

She reached out to touch the hot water, but before she touched the water, she suddenly withdrew her hand and looked up at Yin Chenxi in horror.

"I said, I want hot water, but I didn't say I want such hot water, right? I said it, it's for bathing him, you don't think you want to scald the pig's skin, do you?
Using such hot water, not to mention bathing and detoxifying him, I think it will directly scald him to death. It doesn't matter if this is the case, I don't care. "

Zimeng's face was full of innocence, but Yin Chenxi was frightened. She only remembered that Zimeng said she wanted hot water, but she forgot that she wanted to bathe Gu Fanjing.

(End of this chapter)

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