Chapter 101
Going forward, Yuan Xiuyue felt the familiar and strong fragrance of flowers coming to her nostrils.

"The scent of lavender..."

Muttering softly in her mouth, Yuan Xiuyue quickly discerned which plant the rich floral fragrance in her nose came from!

"It's lavender!"

In the voice, full of pampering, Nangong Haoling raised his chin slightly in front of him.

Following her slightly raised chin, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look, but when she saw the beautiful scenery in front of her, her heart trembled and she almost screamed out!

In front of you, there are no longer clusters of lavender as seen in the imperial garden, but a sea of ​​lilac lavender flowers one after another!
Under the moonlight, you can't tell the color of lavender, but you can't stop the fragrance that still yearns for the past!
"What a nice view……"

Deeply, breathing the air full of lavender fragrance, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly thought of Anyang, the sea of ​​crabapple flowers that belonged to Zhuge's treasure!
"I know you've always liked lavender, so I was thinking of giving you a surprise." Looking at Yuan Xiuyue's delicate mouth, Nangong Haoling twitched her lips, and couldn't help leaning over to peck her lightly. Cherry lips: "Do you like it?"


There seemed to be a deer jumping happily in her heart. At this moment, Yuan Xiuyue could no longer maintain her previous indifference and indifference!
He actually planted her favorite flowers here for her.

This made her, how could she not like it!
However, as long as she thinks that the more he is like this, the more reluctant she will be when she leaves the palace tomorrow, she can't help but turn cold: "The emperor thinks that with me, those paintings can be kept?"


Calling her deeply, Nangong Haoling said in a hoarse voice, but full of affection: "I know you want a pure relationship, but... can you allow me a little more time?"

He will forget Xi'er!


As long as she and Xuanyuan Xu are reunited, he will never, ever intervene in Anyang's affairs.

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes that were originally full of joy suddenly became dark.

Slightly drooping eyes, her tone, although not as cold as before, was not as joyful as before: "How long will you..."

"I do not know……"

There was a bitter and unbearable smile on the corner of her lips, and Nangong Haoling whispered softly in her ear: "There will always be such a day!"

"General meeting?"

With a slightly cold voice, Yuan Xiuyue smiled wryly: " will be forever!"

"will not!"

Shaking his head affirmatively, Nangong Haoling lowered his head and pressed her forehead, "I still have you to love in this life!"


Because of his words, her brows and eyes widened, Yuan Xiuyue stared deeply into his eyes, trying to see the emotion in his eyes clearly, but because the sky was too dark, she felt it was blurry!
"That's right! It's love!"

Hugging her tightly, Nangong Haoling's lips curved slightly: "One day, I will definitely protect you well, and also... love you with all my heart!"

"Nangong Haoling..."

Although what he said was someday, not now, but facing his affectionate confession, Yuan Xiuyue still felt sweet in her heart, but even so, she still did not change her mind.

What she loves should not be a lame woman!

And it is even more impossible for her to be a lame queen!

Taking a deep breath, she tried her best to restrain herself, and gradually calmed down her mind: "Maybe before that, I will fall in love with someone else first!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's heart shook violently, and his complexion changed accordingly!
Holding her hand, he suddenly tightened a little bit, his tone was low: "The other person you are talking about is Nangong Xiaoran?"

Hearing Nangong Haoling mention Nangong Xiaoran, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows and said annoyedly: "Nangong Haoling, Nangong Xiaoran and I have never been innocent and have nothing to do with each other!"

"I know there's nothing wrong with you!"

Looking down at Yuan Xiuyue's frowning eyebrows, Nangong Haoling's heart was sour, and even his tone was full of displeasure: "But he likes you, it's always a fact, in the past in An Guohou's mansion, you were unmarried, how did you get close to me?" That's all, but when you enter the palace, you are the empress, the majestic mother of a country, don't you think it's wrong to hang out with a prince who likes you all day long?"

"What is a gangster? Since returning to the palace, I have only met him once, but I never imagined that he would become a gangster in the mouth of the emperor?!" Facing his gaze, Yuan Xiuyue sneered indifferently: " Speaking of which, didn't the emperor summon Concubine Yan all day long? Didn't you only allow state officials to set fires and not light lamps?"

As long as she thinks of Nangong Xiaoran, who is alone at this moment, far away in the northern city, she will still feel a dull pain in her heart!

He wouldn't be here without her!

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's temper flared up again, Nangong Haoling sighed in his heart, deliberately softened his voice, and said in a charming tone: "Yue'er, didn't you say...the person you love is me!"

"When did I say love..."

Suddenly remembered that he really said it, Yuan Xiuyue met his burning eyes full of longing, couldn't help trembling physically and mentally, and remained motionless for a while!
With deep eyes, Nangong Haoling bowed his head and smiled, "I'll remind you of when I said..."

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue opened her mouth slightly: "Hello..."

Leaving Jishan, when the two returned to Yexi Palace, it was already midnight.

Carefully placing the sleeping Yuan Xiuyue on the dragon couch, Nangong Hao Lingping retreated Ji Heng and other entourages, carefully inspected her leg injury, then lay down contentedly, hugged her and fell into a deep sleep.

An hour later, it was the fourth watch.

The beating sound outside the hall sounded at the right time, followed by Ji Heng's voice that has been shouting for several years: "Your Majesty, the time has come, you should get up!"

Hearing the sound, Nangong Haoling frowned, and slowly opened his eyes.

Looking slightly sideways, seeing Yuan Xiuyue fast asleep, he bent his lips and smiled, leaned over and kissed her forehead lightly, and covered her with the thin quilt, then he slowly got off the dragon couch!
In the outer hall, according to Nangong Haoling's request, Ji Heng and the others were waiting respectfully, wearing dragon robes.

Seeing him coming out of the inner hall, several people all bowed respectfully, and went up to change clothes with him silently.

After a while, the dragon robes were facing the crown, and they were all dressed properly. He told the palace servants beside him not to wake Yuan Xiuyue and let her sleep for a while, then he got up and drove to the court.

Hearing the sound of footsteps outside the hall, from near to far, Yuan Xiuyue, who was sleeping soundly on the dragon couch, suddenly opened her eyes.Frowning lightly, she didn't want to waste time, so she took out the Yirong ointment from under the pillow, lifted the thin quilt and got off the dragon couch.

After cleaning her face, she sat down in front of the Linghua bronze mirror. She took a deep look at herself, then opened the porcelain bottle, picked out some yellow-brown ointment from the porcelain bottle with her little finger, and gently applied it on her face.

It didn't take long, and she felt that it was almost done. Yuan Xiuyue looked into the bronze mirror again, and couldn't help but slightly curled her red lips.

She had to sigh, this Yirong cream is really amazing!

In the past, she had ordinary facial features and was considered pretty, but after her transformation, the self she sees in the mirror now has a beautiful appearance, and no one will recognize who she is!

Nodding her head in satisfaction, she took out the palace attire she had prepared from under the dragon couch and changed into it!
When everything was ready, she turned around slightly, leaving behind a letter she had prepared, and looked at the bedroom where she and Nangong Haoling had lived together for many days with a deep and complicated expression!
I don't know when it started, but she has gradually begun to be nostalgic for this place.

But, no matter how nostalgic she is, this place will never be her place again!
At this point in her thoughts, her complexion darkened, and she turned and walked out decisively!
This time, only this chance, she must go!
Last night, after returning from Jishan, Nangong Haoling asked Ting Lan to rest.

Therefore, Yuan Xiuyue did not see Ting Lan when she came out of the sleeping hall.

In this way, she will inevitably feel regretful in her heart!

Secretly sighed in her heart, thinking that she would meet again one day in the future, she gritted her teeth in pain and tried her best to make her walking posture look more normal!
From the sleeping hall to the outside, cleverly avoiding the night guards, she finally got out of Yexi Palace as she wished!
Yesterday, she and her elder brother made an appointment to meet at the North Palace Gate when the palace gate was unbolted this morning.

There are many roads from Yexi Palace to Beigong Gate.

In order to avoid eyes and ears, Yuan Xiuyue chose the most remote route, that is to pass through the Imperial Garden, go straight out, pass through two remote courtyards, and reach the North Palace Gate!

At four o'clock two o'clock, among the flowers in the imperial garden.

Concubine Yan is like snow, wearing a snow-colored cloak, and she is hiding in the flowers with her close maid, Bier, who uses the morning dew from the flowers and leaves to make tea with Nangong Haoling.

Seeing Concubine Yan carefully picking dew from the flowers and leaves, Bi'er couldn't help muttering softly: "Your Majesty should be resting in the palace at this time, why bother to come here, and do this with the slaves!"

With a slight smile, Concubine Yan glanced at Bi'er: "Being idle all day, except eating and sleeping, I have nothing to do in this palace, so I might as well come out with you. Anyway, it's what the emperor wants to drink. Come, my heart will be at ease."

Hearing this, Bi'er couldn't help curling her lips: "Your Majesty cares so much about the Emperor, but she doesn't think that he has never been to our palace these days..."

"Speak up!"

Raising her eyes and looking at Bi'er reproachfully, Concubine Yan lightly pressed the flowers and leaves, and put the dew on them into the cup: "Whether the emperor will go or not is not up to you and me. Besides, the empress is injured, holy car You should live in Yexi Palace forever!"

After hearing Concubine Yan's words, Bi'er smiled lightly.

Looking back, she saw a figure approaching from far not far away, and she couldn't help asking: "Who?"

Hearing her question, Yuan Xiuyue, who was walking briskly, couldn't help but thump.

Turning around slightly, seeing that it was Concubine Yan and her personal maid, she froze, gritted her teeth and got down, lowered her voice, and babbled out a random name: "Servant Yexi Gong Cui'er, see Concubine Yan!"

"Get up!"

Responding lightly, she handed the cup in her hand to Bi'er, and Concubine Yan stepped forward slowly: "Nowadays, there are few people in this imperial garden. I see you walking in a hurry, where are you going?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue changed her mind, lowered her head and said: "When you go back to the empress, the empress yells that her leg hurts. At this moment, the maidservant is ordered by sister Tinglan to go to the imperial hospital..."

Her eyes flickered slightly, and Concubine Yan frowned and urged: "Since the empress's legs are hurting, you should hurry up, don't waste time here in this palace."

"The slaves retire!"

Facing Concubine Yan again, Yuan Xiuyue held her breath, turned and left.

Seeing the sound of her leaving, Concubine Yan's originally flickering eyes deepened slightly!
(End of this chapter)

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