Chapter 102
Turning her eyes lightly, she asked Bi'er beside her: "Have you ever smelled any fragrance?"

Hearing this, Bi'er said in a daze, "Your Majesty, this is the Royal Garden, so the fragrance of flowers is so natural!"


Smiling and lowering her head, Concubine Yan once again looked at the figure who was walking away: "This is the imperial garden, so naturally the fragrance of flowers is everywhere!"

Beside, Bi'er raised her eyes to look at her, and couldn't help asking: "The empress's leg injury hasn't healed yet, since her leg hurts now, it's okay for her not to know, since she heard about it now, do you want to visit Yexi Palace?"


With a light hook on her lightly colored lips, Concubine Yan shook her head slightly: "I see, there is no need for that!"


Bi'er looked at her master suspiciously.


From far away, seeing that so-called court lady Cui Er going all the way, staring at her right leg that was supporting her but still showing bias, Yan Fei's eyes slowly flowed for a while: "Even if the Yexi Palace is more than ten days Exclusive pet, the emperor still can't keep that person who doesn't belong here!"

Hearing this, Bi'er's brows were frowned, and she had more doubts in her mind for a while: "What do you mean by your mother's words?"

"Nothing special!"

Sighing deeply, Concubine Yan turned her head to look at Bi'er, smiled softly at Bi'er, and urged her softly: "Collect the dew quickly, or you will have to wait for the four or five o'clock of the next sunny day." It's time."

"Uh... yes!"

Responding hastily, not wanting to figure out the meaning of the master's words, Bi'er held the cup in her hand, and carefully began to collect the dew from flowers and leaves again!
Gently, she glanced in the direction where Yuan Xiuyue was leaving, the faint smile on Concubine Yan's face made the flowers behind her lose all color!


Turning quickly into another courtyard, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help patting her chest, leaning against the corner of the wall with her whole body tensed.After a long while, no one was following her, she poked her head out to look out, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking up at the sky, it was almost time for Zhigong Gate to unbolt, she didn't dare to delay at all, and walked towards the North Palace Gate again.

At about five o'clock, he finally arrived outside the gate of the palace.

Just when the gate of the palace was unbolted, Yuan Xiuyue waited in the dark for a long time, seeing palace servants leaving the palace one after another on errands, she took her waist badge and went to the gate of the palace!

Taking her waistband, the guards guarding the city only asked her the reason for leaving the city, and they heard that she was on business for the queen, they never stopped her, and followed the rules, and let her go!

After leaving the palace gate, Yuan Xiuyue's tense heartstrings finally relaxed.

According to the agreement with her brother, she did not go straight along the main road, but went north along the city wall, until finally at the entrance of an alley next to the imperial city, she found herself standing alone in front of the carriage. Long time Yuan Wende!

From far away, she had already been spotted, Yuan Wende called softly, and hurried forward to meet her.

"elder brother……"

The leg hurts really badly, Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her hand to support Yuan Wende's arm, gritted her teeth and said softly, "My leg hurts so much!"

She could feel that the wound on her leg should have burst again at this moment!

Seeing her sweating profusely and her gritted teeth forbearance, Yuan Wende's heart tightened, and he quickly picked her up: "Get in the car and let brother see your wound!"

After getting into the carriage and settling Yuan Xiuyue down, Yuan Wende lifted her skirt gently.

Into the eyes, it was the glaring bright red dyed in white on the white skirt and socks. As soon as his face changed, he wanted to treat the wound for her.

Hastily reaching out and grabbing Yuan Wende's hand, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head vigorously: "Let's go first!"

She is afraid that if she spends too much time here, she will not be able to leave...

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue with fixed eyebrows, Yuan Wende asked solemnly, "You don't regret it?"

Looking down at her legs, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head bitterly: "I don't regret it!"

She was afraid that if she stayed, if she lived a life of shame all day long, she would regret it!

Hearing this, knowing that she must be defeated, Yuan Wende gritted his teeth and nodded, then turned around and got out of the carriage, whipped his horsewhip, and drove away!

Reaching out, gently lift the curtain.

Looking at the majestic imperial palace that was gradually moving away behind the car, Yuan Xiuyue felt a sudden pain in her heart, and mist once again appeared in her eyes!
She thought that when she left, she could be very strong.

However, when it came to the moment when she was far away, her heart began to ache uncontrollably.

"Yuan Xiuyue, everything is over, you are free!"

With trembling hands, she lowered the car curtain, and kept comforting herself in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue turned slightly and sat in the car, but she couldn't help but burst into tears!

Farewell, Palace...

Farewell, Ting Lan...

Farewell, Nangong Haoling...

And... Farewell, that Yuan Xiuyue in the palace...

From then on, it has nothing to do with her whether the flowers bloom or fall in the palace!
At about three quarters of the hour, after the morning court, Nangong Haoling returned directly to Yexi Palace, preparing to wake up Yuan Xiuyue to have breakfast with her.

However, when he stepped into Yexi Palace, he saw all the servants in the palace with nervous expressions.

Seeing this, he frowned slightly.

Seeing his slightly frowned eyebrows, Ji Heng hurriedly asked Lin Sheng who was on duty: "What happened?"

His body trembled slightly, Lin Sheng took a peek at Nangong Haoling, and whispered back to Ji Heng: "The Empress, she..."

Hearing his words, Nangong Haoling's brows that were originally frowning could not help but frown!
Without waiting for Ji Heng to ask further questions, he stepped up and quickly entered the bedroom.

As soon as he entered the sleeping hall, he saw Ting Lan standing in front of the dragon couch.

Looking at the bed again, where is Yuan Xiuyue's shadow?
With a thump in his heart, he raised his eyes to stare at Ting Lan: "Where's the Empress?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan turned around, gave him a slight blessing, and tremblingly handed out the letter in her hand.

Looking at the letter in Ting Lan's hand, Nangong Haoling's hand hanging by his side clenched into a fist, his heart felt extremely cold for a moment!

After a while, he finally reached out his hand suddenly, snatched the letter from Ting Lan's hand, opened it with a cold handsome face, and lowered his eyes!

In that letter, there were only a few words, not too many words!

However, when Nangong Haoling saw the content of the letter, he couldn't help but sneered loudly!
Mo Xiangxun... I don't want to be a king in this life!

Don't send the king's love!
Even though he gave her his own heart, she still left after all!
She left without a trace of nostalgia for him!


Guessing that Yuan Xiuyue had left the palace, Ji Heng looked at Nangong Haoling worriedly.

The sneer on his face was quickly put away, and he turned his head abruptly. Nangong Haoling reached out and grabbed Ting Lan's arm: "Say! Where did she go!"

Ting Lan was startled, and hurriedly cried and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, I don't know, I really don't know!" She didn't expect that Yuan Xiuyue would leave just as soon as she said it!
"Dark Cloud!" Focusing on Ting Lan's crying red eyes, Nangong Haoling turned his head to look at An Yun with a stern look: "Send Shadow out immediately, An Guohou Mansion, Beicheng, Yunyang, as long as the queen has been there I'll go through everything I've been through without missing anything!"

Hearing this, An Yun's heart shuddered!
Facing Nangong Hao's stern eyes, he respectfully responded: "This subordinate obeys the order!"

When the words fell, he was ordered to leave!

"Yuan Xiuyue!"

After being suppressed to the extreme, it was outrageous, Nangong Haoling went crazy, threw the raft in his hand on the ground, and roared in a deep voice: "Even if you go to heaven and earth, I will definitely find you out!"

Slightly drooping eyes, looking at Ting Lan in front of him, his eyes were very cold: "I will give you another chance to say... where did she go?"

Hasn't she always been closest to Ting Lan?

He didn't believe it. Before she left, she never mentioned it to Ting Lan.

Facing Nangong Haoling's eyes, knowing what he was thinking in his heart, Ting Lan trembled and hurriedly knelt down on the ground: "Your Majesty... if this servant knows, she will definitely leave with your mother... I really don't know !"

Just as she was replying tremblingly, Yuan Wende's gentle and elegant voice slowly came from outside the hall: "Your Majesty, why do you make things difficult for her, she really doesn't know!"

Hearing this, before Yuan Wende could respectfully salute, Nangong Haoling frowned, stepped forward, and grabbed his lapel with his hand: "You must know where she went! Return her to me!"

At this moment, he had already forgotten that he wanted to call himself Zhen!
"I don't know!"

Slowly but firmly shaking his head, Yuan Wende lowered his eyes and met Nangong Haoling's eyes: "I just sent her out of the capital, but I don't know where she is going!"


Shouting at Yuan Wende angrily, Nangong Haoling could no longer maintain his composure: "You are her eldest brother and the closest person to her, it is impossible for her not to tell you where she is going!"

"Just like Ting Lan, if she knows where Yue'er is, the emperor will know it after he presses her, and it's the same with the minister. If the minister knows her final destination, the emperor will know it too!" Quietly staring at Nangong Hao Ling, said so calmly, Yuan Wende said lightly: "The you think that after knowing that her leg can't recover at all, it is still possible for you to find him when she leaves the palace this time?"


Dazed, he let go of Yuan Wende's collar, and Nangong Haoling's heart seemed to shatter into pieces at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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