Chapter 103 Xiao Chenchen is Injured 1
Nangong Haoling's stagnation caused the whole Yexi Palace to fall into silence and depression for a long time. After a long time, when everyone dared not even breathe, he asked Yuan Wende in a hoarse tone: "You told her of?"

Facing his questioning, Yuan Wende was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly and shook his head: "As for her leg injury, what the emperor and the minister said is the same as what she said, what can the minister tell her?"

Regarding Yuan Xiuyue's leg injury, Nangong Haoling put his life on the line from the very beginning. Both the imperial doctor and the medical lady said that Yuan Xiuyue's leg injury was not a serious problem!
"Then how did she know?"

With dark eyes, bottomless, Nangong Haoling stared at Yuan Wende, trying to discern something from his expression.

But after a while, he gave up, because from the beginning to the end, Yuan Wende had always looked calm and calm, even when he met his sharp gaze, his face was calm and composed, without a trace of panic!

Not at all afraid of the sharpness and coldness in Nangong Haoling's eyes, facing his eyes, Yuan Wende's eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't help sighing: "That girl Yue'er has always understood medical skills, her leg hurts on her body, and it's her who hurts." She, she should know better than anyone else what happened to her legs... Therefore, even if the emperor didn't say it clearly, she can still guess it!"

Hearing Yuan Wende's words, Nangong Haoling couldn't help closing his eyes in embarrassment.

Turning around in a daze, looking at the empty bedroom behind him, his tone was low but extremely firm: "I won't let you go just like that."

"Even if the emperor finds her back, so what?"

The handsome eyebrows were tightly closed, Yuan Wende smiled wryly, and his voice was low: "Let her be a lame queen in the palace, and bear the strange eyes of the ladies in the palace every day? Her temper, absolutely can't stand these things." ..."

Raising his hand slightly to prevent Yuan Wende from continuing, Nangong Haoling gave him a sideways glance and said coldly: "That's my business, you don't need to worry about it!"

Her legs are crippled, if she is left outside, how will she survive? !
Now that her leg injury has not healed, will running away like this make the injury worse? !
There are many thoughts in his heart, but he is worried about Yuan Xiuyue's deep attachment. Nangong Haoling secretly swears that in this life, no matter where the world is, he will definitely capture Yuan Xiuyue back!

He only wants her, no matter if she has a lame leg or not!


Looking at Nangong Haoling's raised hand, Yuan Wende frowned and kept silent!

Beside her ears, Ting Lan's sobbing sound was intermittent.

The gloomy and cold eyes swept over Ting Lan, Nangong Haoling frowned, turned to Ji Heng and said: "I have passed on my will, from today onwards, the Empress will move back to Fengluan Palace to rest, and everything in the palace will still be handed over to you." The Empress Dowager is in charge, and without my will, no one in the palace is allowed to set foot in Fengluan Palace! If anyone dares to disturb the Queen's peace, don't blame me for taking his head!"

"The slave obeys the order!"

With a solemn look on his face, Ji Heng respectfully comprehended Nangong Haoling.

Slightly lowering her eyes, she stopped her gaze on Ting Lan again. Nangong Haoling said in a cold tone, "From today onwards, Ting Lan will always live in Fengluan Palace and accompany the Queen. She is not allowed to leave without my will." Half a step from Fengluan Palace!"

Hearing this, both Yuan Wende and Ting Lan were shocked!
He is confining Ting Lan!


Raising her eyes, Ting Lan looked at Nangong Haoling in horror.

With trembling lips, she wanted to say something, but Yuan Wende beside her had already understood the intention of Nangong Haoling's move: "Does the emperor want to use Ting Lan as a bait to force her to show up?"

"Didn't she value Ting Lan the most and be the closest to her?" Without denying what Yuan Wende said, Nangong Haoling glanced back at Yuan Wende coldly, turned around slightly, and met Ting Lan's tearful eyes. He frowned slightly, but it was Asked Yuan Wende in a cold voice: "If my guess is correct, she will definitely tell you before she leaves that you must find a chance to sneak Ting Lan out of the palace, right?"

Frowning slightly, Yuan Wende was at a loss for words!
Yuan Xiuyue... really confessed to him, let him find a chance to take Ting Lan away from the palace!
"I advise you, it's better to die!" Nangong Haoling raised her eyes slightly with a slight hook on the corner of her beautiful lips, but her eyes were unprecedentedly cold: "Not only will I not give you a chance If she is taken away, I will put her under house arrest in Fengluan Palace. As long as Yuan Xiuyue doesn't come back for a day, the girl who is most important to her will stay in Fengluan Palace for a day. If she doesn't come back in this life, they will Servant, I don’t have to meet again in this life!”

He didn't believe it, Yuan Xiuyue really wanted Ting Lan to die in Fengluan Palace!


Listening to Nangong Haoling's words, Ting Lan couldn't help trembling slightly, but she opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to intercede for herself!

Looking down at Ting Lan with lowered eyebrows, and shaking his head slightly at her, Yuan Wende took a full view of Nangong Haoling's icy expression, and couldn't help but lower his voice: "Don't the emperor think that this is too cruel for Ting Lan? "


With cold eyebrows raised slightly, Nangong Haoling smiled: "I dote on her, spoil her, and rely on her for everything. If she leaves like this, isn't she not cruel to me? If you think I'm cruel, let you My sister is coming back!"

Seeing him like this, Yuan Wende frowned slightly, with an angry expression on his face, and stopped answering!
As a courtier, contradicting the emperor is never a wise choice!

Seeing Yuan Wende's silence, Nangong Haoling's eyes turned slightly, and he ordered Ji Heng coldly: "Take Ting Lan to Fengluan Palace!"


Ji Heng sighed secretly, led the order forward, bowed his head to Ting Lan and said: "Miss Ting Lan, follow me!"


Never crying again, Ting Lan reached out to wipe the tears off her face.

There was no trace of resentment or complaint on her delicate and soft face. She bit her lower lip tightly, blessed Nangong Haoling and Yuan Wende, and said softly: "Your Majesty still wants to see the slaves get married and have children, and she will never be willing to let the slaves die of old age." In the Luan Palace, the slaves will go to the Fengluan Palace and wait for the empress to come back!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende frowned slightly.

Did she ask him to send a message to Yuan Xiuyue?

Without further words, Ting Lan slowly stepped up and followed Ji Heng all the way to Fengluan Palace!

Seeing Ting Lan leave, Yuan Wende begged Nangong Haoling respectfully with a cold and handsome face, "Retire first!"

"Yuan Wende!"

Opening his mouth coldly, Nangong Haoling contemptuously said to Yuan Wende: "You'd better not lie to me, otherwise you will be deceiving the king."

Hearing his words, Yuan Wende's heart shuddered!
With a faint smile, he replied respectfully to Nangong Haoling: "The loyalty of the minister to the emperor is beyond the heavens and the earth!"

"What a statement!" Nangong Hao Lingjun couldn't help turning black with a cold smile: "You are loyal to me, but you still help the queen escape?"


If Zhijiu stays, there will be no good results, so Yuan Wende resigns respectfully again.

As soon as Yuan Wende left, Nangong Haoling's gloomy face turned into stagnant water!
After a while, he turned his head and called out the door: "Shadow!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Walking out of the door, the shadow's crescent eyebrows were tightly frowned, making it impossible to see happiness or worry!

Glancing at the shadow, Nangong Haoling ordered in a cold voice: "Follow Yuan Wende, and we must find out the whereabouts of the Empress!"

"Subordinates obey!"

Respecting Nangong Haoling slightly, the shadow turned around and left the bedroom, chasing Yuan Wende straight away.

After she left Yexi Palace, an almost roaring roar came from Nangong Haoling's mouth. The roar was mixed with anger, but it also contained deep pain and reluctance!With nowhere to vent the anger in his heart, Nangong Haoling raised his foot, kicked the imperial concubine couch in front of him to the ground with a bang!

A few days later, the shadow guards sent by Nangong Haoling to Yunyang wrote back, saying that they did not find Yuan Xiuyue's whereabouts.The next day, a letter came from Beicheng, saying that everything in Nangong Xiaoran of King Ning was the same as before. He raised flowers and planted grass every day. There was nothing unusual, and he had never seen a trace of the queen!
After receiving the secret report, Nangong Haoling couldn't help being furious again.

For a moment, all the people accompanying him were more careful, for fear that if they were not careful, they would offend Longyan and end up in a tragic end with a decapitated body!

In the blink of an eye, a month passed by in a hurry.

Everyone in the palace only knew that the queen was really recuperating in Fengluan Palace, and they didn't know that she had left the palace.

On this day, outside the main hall of Yexi Palace, the spring day was clear and the sun was shining brightly.

But in the imperial study room, Nangong Haoling's mood was extremely gloomy!

I saw that every time he reviewed a paper, he would forcefully throw it aside, and then Ji Heng would pick it up from the ground and arrange it neatly on the imperial case!
Finally, I really couldn't stand it anymore, the virtuous king Nangong Haoyuan, who had been sitting in the lower seat, couldn't help but said: "I'm in a bad mood, so I went out for a walk, brother Wang is watching here."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling paused slightly for the hand holding the vermilion pen.

He looked up at his elder brother who looked somewhat similar to himself, his face darkened, and he frowned and said: "I am indeed in a bad mood, but I also know that even if I leave here at this moment, my mood may not be certain." It will be better!"

"Is that so..."

With a gentle smile, he slightly raised his hand and scratched his temples lightly. Nangong Haoyuan frowned and said softly, "I let you go out, not just to let you relax."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned, and asked with doubts on his face, "What do you mean, Brother Wang?"

Lightly raising his eyes, Nangong Hao looked at Nangong Haoling with a smile: "Tang'er is back, and she should pay her respects in the mother's harem now, but she said when she came earlier that there are some things that need to be discussed with the emperor."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned: "Sister-in-law Huang, what do you want to talk to me about?"


With the smile still on his face, Nangong Haoyuan shook his head lightly.

Seeing Nangong Haoyuan shaking his head, Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning even deeper.

When Xuanyuantang returned to Chu from this trip, he kept clamoring to talk to him, presumably it must be about Xi'er.

You know, Xi'er is her imperial sister-in-law!
Thinking of this, he put down his ink brush and got up from the imperial case.

Seeing his leaving figure, Nangong Haoyuan couldn't help saying hastily: "After talking about things, and remember to come back quickly, I haven't been alone with your sister-in-law yet..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Nangong Haoling waving to him without looking back, Nangong Haoyuan's face darkened slightly!
"The word love has always hurt people the most!"

He muttered softly to himself, looked up at the mountains of piles on the imperial case, shook his head in self-pity, then covered his lips and coughed softly, continuing to review the memorial on the table!
(End of this chapter)

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