Chapter 104 Xiao Chenchen is Injured 2
As soon as Nangong Haoling left Yexi Palace, he saw Xuanyuantang got off the chariot, climbed up the steps step by step, and walked up slowly.

After a while, Xuanyuantang came to the front: "The concubine sees the emperor!"

"Sister-in-law is free!"

Raising his hand slightly to Xuanyuantang, Nangong Haoling turned and turned in, while Xuanyuantang followed step by step.After entering the main hall and taking their seats, Nangong Haoling waited for Ji Heng to serve tea before looking down at Xuanyuantang, "Is the emperor's sister-in-law going back to Chu, what can I gain?"

"What can I gain?"

Smiling gracefully, Xuanyuantang raised his eyebrows and sighed softly: "The emperor should know that my concubine actually doesn't have too much affection for that imperial palace."

She has never met her own father, and grew up with Chu Huang. Although she is indeed a princess with Chu's blood in name, she only has a close relationship with Zhuge Zhenxi. As far as she is concerned, she doesn't have any deep feelings at all.

Looking up at Xuanyuantang, Nangong Haoling nodded slightly.

Taking a sip of tea, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "I heard from Brother Wang, does the emperor's sister-in-law want to talk to me about something?"


Xuanyuan Tang took a sip of tea and put the teacup on the table, her eyes were full of solemnity, it was rare that there was no trace of a smile on her face.

Seeing her like this, Nangong Haoling's heart tightened, and he couldn't help frowning: "But what happened to Xi'er?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang's face darkened!
She raised her eyes lightly, met Nangong Haoling's eyes, and she smiled coincidentally: "The concubine heard from your brother that the emperor's queen has run away, why the first thing the emperor wants to ask when he sees the concubine is another one. woman?"

Although, that woman is her imperial sister-in-law.

However, seeing Nangong Haoling like this, she would still feel wronged for Yuan Xiuyue!

In any case, she has to help her or not, doesn't she? !
Hearing Xuanyuantang mention Yuan Xiuyue, and seeing her dissatisfied face, as if she wanted to question him, Nangong Haoling knew that it was not something Zhuge cherished.His heartstrings relaxed, and his face, which had just recovered just now, became gloomy again: "What the hell is the emperor's sister-in-law going to talk to me about!"

"How about talking about the queen?!"

Faintly, after glancing at Nangong Haoling, Xuanyuantang picked up the teacup again, and after taking a sip, she asked earnestly: "After the queen left the palace, the emperor suppressed the matter in the name of her resting in Fengluan Palace." Excuse me, Your Majesty... After all, paper can't contain fire, do you think the queen will come back after she leaves?"


The eyes were firm, without a trace of flicker, Nangong Haoling met Xuanyuantang's eyes with a stern face, frowned and said: "I once said, even if she escapes to the ends of the world, I will definitely find her!"

Slightly surprised by the firmness in his eyes, Xuanyuan Tang turned his mind slightly, and then asked with frowned eyebrows: "The concubine has always known that what the emperor is thinking about in his heart is the concubine's sister-in-law. As for the queen, she is never the same. I don't like it from the bottom of my heart, even so, now that things have come to such a point, the emperor just let her go... how about letting go?"

She has always known that Yuan Xiuyue has always disliked life in the palace.

But at the beginning, she thought that she could make the man in front of her forget the woman who had no future with him.

But now, when she returned to Li Palace and learned from her husband that Yuan Xiuyue had lost a leg and left, she couldn't help but start to reflect again.

Maybe, the whole thing, from the very beginning, she was wrong!

If back then, she had chosen Yuan Mingyue to enter the palace according to the holy will, then everyone would have their own destination, and Yuan Xiuyue's life today might be different, instead of... so miserable now!
"Why should I let go?!"

Quietly, staring at Xuanyuantang, Nangong Haoling said in a cold voice: "Sister-in-law Huang only knows that I didn't like her in my heart before, but did she ever ask me, do I have her in my heart now?"

Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Xuanyuantang couldn't help being shocked!
When she raised her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the deep pain in Nangong Haoling's eyes, her brows tightened, and she froze on the spot for a moment!

Isn't the person in his heart her sister-in-law? !


Suddenly, with a soft voice, she called Xuanyuantang softly, Nangong Haoling lowered her eyes, and said slowly what she had never said before to outsiders: "I admit, I can't forget, I can't let Xi'er go, but I repeatedly Promise her that as long as you give me time, you will be able to truly love her alone, but even if I do this, she... still left!"

Staring blankly at Nangong Haoling suffering from love, Xuanyuantang couldn't help but darken her eyes. After a long time, she couldn't help laughing and said: "I used to choose her as the empress only because she was smart and shrewd. Those women in the emperor's palace always have the shadow of the emperor's wife, maybe the emperor can really let go of the previous relationship! Now it seems... I really didn't miss her!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Sister-in-law Huang really didn't miss her! But after she stole my heart, she left!" Lifting her handsome face and meeting Xuanyuantang's eyes, Nangong Haoling laughed at herself: "So, sister-in-law Huang Don't try to persuade me to let go, anyone... wants me to let go of the woman who stole my heart!"


Thinking of Yuan Xiuyue's legs, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help sighing softly, frowned and played with the teacup in her hand, she said helplessly: "About her injury, I have already asked the imperial physician about her injury, and I understand it too well." The empress is gone, if her legs don't heal, she may never return to the emperor's side again!"

The expression on Nangong Haoling's face became darker and darker: "The imperial physicians in the palace are all full of wine bags and rice bags. Doesn't the emperor's wife's medical skills claim that as long as she is willing to treat, no one will die?!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang frowned: "The concubine claims that there are no dead people under her command, but she may not be able to heal her leg!"

After all, she had never seen Yuan Xiuyue's leg injury with her own eyes, so she didn't know how serious the injury was, so naturally she was not completely sure!

"It's okay!"

Although her eyes darkened slightly, Nangong Haoling still nodded lightly: "Whether the emperor's wife can cure her or not, she will be my unique queen!"

However, if her leg cannot be healed, she will not stay in the palace!
If so, she secretly slandered in her heart, but couldn't bear to say it in front of Nangong Haoling.

Couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Xuanyuantang raised his eyes to meet Nangong Haoling's, and then slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "If that's the case, the concubine will point out a place with the emperor, maybe... she may not be there !"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes lit up, and his expression froze slightly: "Where is it?"

Seeing his eagerness, Xuanyuantang couldn't help but smiled and said, "Juxian Tower!"

"Where is the dragon mother?"

Nangong Haoling couldn't help frowning.

Recalling that two years ago, he had indeed seen Yuan Xiuyue go to Juxian Tower, and his heart couldn't help jumping with joy.

"That's right! It's her mother-in-law's place! Before entering the palace, she often went to her mother-in-law's place to grow medicinal herbs. Maybe where the emperor is, she can be found..." Smiling, Xuanyuantang blessed Nangong Haoling slightly: "The words are over. At this point, the concubine will retire!"


Seeing Xuanyuantang's leaving figure, Nangong Haoling couldn't help asking: "You have always had a good relationship with her, but why did you help me?"

"Because... I don't want to see two lovers parting in this life!" Looking back lightly, and smiling meaningfully at Nangong Haoling, Xuanyuantang raised his eyebrows and said: "Your Majesty, do you still remember that five years ago you and I were together?" On the way back to Beijing, what happened?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling narrowed his eyes slightly.

As his thoughts turned, his pupils suddenly widened: "Is it her?"

"It seems that there are some things that the queen knows, but the emperor doesn't necessarily know." The smile on his face gradually became thicker, Xuanyuan Tang turned around again, and the figure of Pin Ting stepped outward: "The concubine also invites the emperor to come to Juxian in person. Go upstairs, don't miss her forever!"

She thought, that's all she can do to help him...

No matter how much Xuanyuantang left, Nangong Haoling's heart still couldn't regain his peace!

Was that the woman he rescued in the heavy snow back then?

His mind turned slightly, thinking of the worry-free trees in An Guohou's mansion in full bloom, he already had the answer in his heart, and he couldn't help showing a long-lost smile again on his face!

"Ji Heng, prepare your horse, I'm going to Juxian Tower!"

He raised his footsteps, but they were extremely brisk, and his figure moved forward like the wind...

Once, in that place, because of Xi'er, he fought with Xuanyuanxu, and was finally beaten by both of them!
After taking the throne, if there is no special event, he will never set foot in that place again.

Because every time he passed by, he would think of the time when Luang Po beat him with a cane.

But today is different!

Today, he desperately wants to pass.

Because, his heart is very likely to be there...

Juxian Tower is located in the south of Lidu. The overall structure is similar to that of ordinary villas, but the special thing is that its gate is not like an ordinary mansion, but an independent three-story elegant building.This elegant building is located next to green mountains and green waters, with a quiet environment, which is deeply loved by scholars in Beijing.

However, because the treasurer of Juxian Tower, Long Po, once rescued the former emperor, and recognized the current Queen Mother Zhong as a righteous daughter in the early years, therefore, those who can go to Juxian Tower for entertainment are not ordinary people!

After leaving the palace, Nangong Haoling rode out of the south gate of the capital, all the way south on Qingsong Avenue, and arrived at Juxian Tower in less than a quarter of an hour.

Looking up at the Yalou in front of him, he got off his horse, gave the reins to Anyun, and then quickly entered the building.

Inside the elegant building, an old woman in brocade clothes, hale and hearty, was sitting hunched over in front of the cabinet, fidgeting with her abacus.

When she raised her eyes, seeing Nangong Haoling entering, she frowned, stretched out her hand to pick up the leading crutch beside her, stood up with a happy smile and went forward: "What kind of wind is it today? VIP!"


Slightly bowing to the dragon mother-in-law, Nangong Haoling looked around the building.

Although there is almost a gap left in her eyes, she still sees Nangong Haoling's actions in her eyes. The dragon mother-in-law smiled lovingly, leaned on her crutches and turned to look at the old mother behind her: "I wonder why this distinguished guest came here today?" Is it? It turns out they are here to find someone!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling wasn't annoyed at all, instead she lowered her posture: "Mother-in-law, grandson's daughter-in-law is lost, can I look for it in Juxian Tower?"

(End of this chapter)

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