Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 108 Heal the Injury or Treat the Person? 2

Chapter 108 Heal the Injury or Treat the Person? 2
While raising her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue looked indifferently, and gave Lei Luo a cold look.Putting the empty medicine bottle in her hand back into the medicine cabinet, she took the first medicine bottle on the bedside and opened it.Seeing the black who retreated a little under the influence of the white medicine, she couldn't help curling her lips, and asked full of digging: "I thought, King Yue, you must have done something that broke your conscience!"

Hearing her words, Lei Luo's expression froze instantly.

But Duguchen frowned tightly, and smiled without anger, his voice was as gentle as fine wine, deep and honest: "How did you see it, girl?"

As he raised his hand, the second bottle of light green medicinal foam poured down. Seeing Dugu Chen in pain with satisfaction, Yuan Xiuyue curled her lips again in a wicked way: "This kind of poison in you will not disappear for a while. It took people's lives, but it would actually cause people to shed a lot of blood. To make them so cruel to let you bleed, I must have done something bad for your conscience, for example...caused others Yellow flower girl?"

"You're the one who harmed my little girl!"

On the forehead, three black lines floated. Lei Luo, who had been dissatisfied with Yuan Xiuyue since just now, had a gloomy expression, wishing to throw her out immediately!

Looking down at the wound on Duguchen's body, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but slightly bent her lips in satisfaction when she saw that the blood that flowed out was no longer black.Frowning slightly, she looked back at Lei Luo with a ghostly look: "I really want to, but it's a pity that it's too late!"

Yu Luo, looked back at Dugu Chen who was frowning on the bed, but with a faint smile on her mouth, she confidently accused Lei Luo behind her with a gun and a stick: "Why hasn't your lord been angry yet, you But it seems like you have been stepped on and hurt your feet? Could it are the one who harmed the girl of Huang Hua?"

As soon as she said those words, the two plainclothes guards standing at the door couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Hearing the sound, Lei Luo's face was deadened!

Looking back and glaring at the two of them angrily, he turned his head to look at Yuan Xiuyue again, before he could utter a word of anger, he saw Duguchen glanced at him faintly.

With just one glance, his expression became solemn, and he fell silent immediately!

Seeing that Lei Luo was silent, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly felt a little bored, her lips were tightly pursed, she reached out and took the third medicine bottle, and played with it gently in her hand.

Looking down at the medicine bottle in her hand, Duguchen frowned tightly: "Is it almost ready?"


Responding to him faintly, Yuan Xiuyue uncorked the third medicine bottle, and slowly poured the golden sore medicine inside on his wound.

If you say that the medicine in the first two medicine bottles is very painful.

Then the medicine in the third medicine bottle is going to kill people alive!
The moment the medicine powder came into contact with the wound, Duguchen felt bone-piercing pain rushing straight into his mind!

Finally, he couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, his hands gripped the bed sheet under him tightly, and he clenched his teeth tightly!
Although Yuan Xiuyue didn't like Dugu Chen's various schemes, seeing his reaction at this moment, she couldn't help admiring him secretly in her heart!

Just now, she could have mixed these three medicines together, and then made him suffer all at once, but she really felt that it was wrong for him to be sorry for the conscience of heaven and earth, and she made him suffer three times in a row.

But these three times, he only cried out in pain!
This is enough to make her look at him with admiration!

After a while, the pain eased, Duguchen's eyes were blurred, and his eyes gradually closed. At this moment, due to the severe pain, his body had already secreted a trace of sweat, soaking a large area of ​​the mattress under him!
Looking down at his handsome face that was as perfect as a white jade carving, Yuan Xiuyue hesitated a little when seeing that his wound was no longer bleeding, and took the fourth bottle of medicine back.

Seeing this, Lei Luo couldn't help saying coldly: "Why take it out but not use it?"

"I'm afraid your prince will die of pain!"

Without looking back, Yuan Xiuyue took a clean piece of cloth from the medicine box and bandaged Duguchen's wound again.

In fact, this fourth bottle of medicine has the effect of relieving pain.

However, she didn't want to use it for Duguchen!

Who told him to force her to have sex with Nangong Xiaoran when he was in Lishan last year, and the worst thing is that Lei Luo and Nangong Haoling sent the chessboard over afterwards!

She wants to let him know what it means for a woman to have a grudge, and to avenge her flaws!
The crimes he suffered today, whether it was being stabbed with a poisonous sword or letting her be so tricky, he was entirely to blame for it!

This is his karmic retribution!
And she treated him with the utmost benevolence!

It didn't take long, and the wound on Duguchen's body was finally bandaged. Looking at his naked body with intertwined bandages, she couldn't help but blush slightly.Secretly sighing deeply, she stretched out her hand and pulled the thin quilt beside him to cover it with him, then got up and began to pack her medicine box.

"All right!"

Carrying the medicine box on her shoulders again, Yuan Xiuyue told Lei Luo: "In the middle of the night, your prince's wound should be the most painful, so you should take good care of him. Remember, don't let his wound stick to you in a short time. to the water."

When the words fell, he was about to leave with the medicine box on his back!

However, before she took two steps, Lei Luo's figure flashed, blocking her like a wall.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and took two steps back, but she had a slight smile on her face: "Oh... I've been busy saving people, but I forgot, does this lord want to pay me? Hmm... ...Your master is the king of Yue, and his body is precious enough, so this reward? You should give more..."

Hearing her mention silver, Lei Luo couldn't help but darken his eyes!
Looking coldly at the woman in front of him that made him hate him so much that he gritted his teeth, he thought to himself, this woman who has left the country is really a headache, and he said angrily: "I promised you the money, I will naturally give it to you, but tonight You can't go!"


Couldn't help shouting at Lei Luo, Yuan Xiuyue glanced at the other guards in the room with a pair of big black and white eyes, and said with a cool face: "Who do you think you are? Or do you think this is the Yue Kingdom! I told you, this is my home! I want an innocent woman like me to spend a night in the same room with you big men, go ahead and dream!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around, passed by Lei Luo, and walked straight to the door of the room.

Seeing this, Lei Luo put on a cold handsome face, drew out his long sword with a swipe, and placed it directly on Yuan Xiuyue's neck!


Between the neck, there was an icy chill, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and turned to look at Lei Luo sullenly: "I just saved your prince, and you want to avenge your kindness?"

Thinking of this sentence, she once said it to Nangong Haoling, she couldn't help sighing in her heart, why are there so many people who will revenge their kindness in this world!

Because of Yuan Xiuyue's sarcasm, Lei Luo's expression changed!
The hand holding the sword hilt moved up slightly, and he said in a low voice: "Miss Long, you should know that I don't have any wrong thoughts or any malice towards you, it's just that the prince is not awake now, and you, as a doctor ...Tonight, I can only guard here!"


Smiling coldly, Yuan Xiuyue turned and looked at Lei Luo: "It's fine for me to stay here, but you have to think about it first. After tonight, I guarantee that your master and servant will be expelled from Juxian Tower tomorrow!"


Lei Luo's expression froze, his eyes flickered slightly.

The dragon mother-in-law is so famous that even the current emperor and the emperor of Chu dare to fight, let alone his prince!
They stay here because they are sure that no one will attack them here. If they are expelled from here, no matter which inn they stay in, they will definitely be assassinated all the way before they enter the palace. people found.

In this way, it will be troublesome!

After a while, seeing Lei Luo's flickering expression, as if he was struggling with something in his heart, Yuan Xiuyue's mood relaxed instead.

Taking in all her reactions, Lei Luo suddenly ordered the plainclothes guard at the door: "You... get out of the door!"

Hearing this, several people were startled for a moment, and then respectfully said: "Yes!"

After several people exited the door, Lei Luo turned his wrist, put away the long sword on Yuan Xiuyue's neck, and said to Yuan Xiuyue indifferently: "Miss Long, right now, there are only you and me here, I will be out tonight The hall is on guard, you just need to take care of my prince!"

Seeing that he did not intend to let her leave, Yuan Xiuyue scolded Lei Luo a thousand times in her heart!
With a cold smile, she returned to the bed with the medicine box on her back.

She lowered her eyes and focused on Duguchen's handsome face, which was a little more beautiful than a woman's. She bit her lips lightly, and looked at Lei Luo calmly: "You are not afraid, I am also the one who will assassinate you?!"

"If there is something wrong with the prince tonight, the first one to be buried with him will be Miss Long!" Lei Luo snorted impatiently at Yuan Xiuyue, looked Yuan Xiuyue up and down, then smiled disdainfully, but No more words!
As Nanyue's shadow guard captain, he has always been known for his coldness and calmness!
But the woman in front of him tonight completely destroyed the image he had built over the years!

In his opinion, this Long Chuxiu is too savage and smells like copper, which is even worse than that of Yuan Xiuyue back then. Talking to her is just making fun of himself!
There is always only one bed in Yayuan's upper room.

Now the bed is occupied by Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue can only sleep on the table.

The night is getting deeper, everything is quiet!

In the middle of the night, as Yuan Xiuyue said, it was the time when Duguchen's wound hurt the most.Because of the severe pain at the wound, even though he was asleep, he still couldn't help moaning in pain!

Hearing his groans, Lei Luo shivered and hurried into the inner hall.

Frowning, he glanced at Yuan Xiuyue who was still lying on the table and fell asleep. He stepped forward a few steps and checked Duguchen's condition with a worried expression on his face!

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, at this moment, he can't help being startled by Duguchen's pale face!
Seeing him humming softly, Lei Luo put his hand on his forehead and felt the sweat on his forehead. He frowned, turned around and walked to the table, and kicked the table: "Miss Long, wake up! "


Raising her head in a daze, Yuan Xiuyue smacked her lips to meet Lei Luo's unfriendly gaze, and deliberately wiped the corner of her mouth with her hand, as if wiping her saliva: "What are you doing? This girl is sleepy to death!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's face darkened, and then he reached out and grabbed Yuan Xiuyue's arm, pulling her to the bedside: "My master is in severe pain, and his face is also ugly, think of a way!"

"His wound is so big, it has just been treated, so of course it will hurt!" Frowning tightly between her brows, Yuan Xiuyue glanced at Dugu Chen, seeing that his face was indeed pale, she secretly felt With a sigh, he finally got up and returned to the table.

(End of this chapter)

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