Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 109 Heal the Injury or Treat the Person? 3

Chapter 109 Heal the Injury or Treat the Person? 3
Seeing this, Lei Luo hurriedly followed.

Frowning slightly, she put her hand on the medicine box, but didn't rush to open it, Yuan Xiuyue said angrily to Lei Luo, "Since you don't believe me, why do you ask me to find a way?"

Seeing her like this, Lei Luo only frowned, and retreated to the bed again.

Brows relaxed, Yuan Xiuyue poured out two pills from the first medicine bottle she put away earlier, turned around and returned to the bed, leaning slightly, she was about to open Dugu Chen's mouth and take the medicine with him , but unexpectedly he stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed her wrist tightly.

Startled, Yuan Xiuyue almost screamed out!

In the eyes, the eyes are hazy, but they are staring at him firmly, Duguchen actually called her queen mother softly like a child!
Knowing that Duguchen must be in pain, Lei Luo hurriedly wanted to speak out.

But before he could say anything, Yuan Xiuyue bewitched Dugu Chen in a soft voice: "Come on, good boy, listen to what the mother says, and take the medicine first!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's eyes deepened, and he looked at Yuan Xiuyue like a sharp knife.

How dare she pretend to be the first queen mother of Nanyue Kingdom in front of King Yue? !
If this were placed in Nanyue, it would be enough for her to punish the Nine Clans!
But, beyond his expectation.

His master, who seemed to really regard her as his mother, actually listened to her words, opened his mouth obediently, and swallowed the elixir.

Now, Lei Luo's complexion can be said to turn from blue to white!

Seeing Lei Luo's blue and yellow complexion, which changed all the time, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help chuckling.

Raising her hand slightly, she wanted to take Duguchen's hand away, but he held it tightly, and she couldn't break free again!
In desperation, she frowned, and pulled out a silver needle from her sleeve pocket with her backhand, making a gesture to stab his wrist!

With an angry snort, Lei Luo's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his strike was like lightning, directly knocking the silver needle in her hand to the ground: "Miss Long, I respect you for detoxifying the prince, but I will never allow you to hurt the prince in the slightest!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue moved her wrist tightly held by Duguchen with a displeasure on her face: "My lord, this girl is here to treat your prince, and the money you gave does not include this!"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue mention Yinzi again, Lei Luo couldn't help flashing a hint of disgust in his eyes!

Slightly startled, she reached out and took out a bag of gold from her sleeve pocket and threw it to Yuan Xiuyue. He curled his lips in disdain: "I'll give you gold when others use silver. Even the top oiran of Cuiyu Tower is only worth this price." , so why not just let my master sleep holding hands tonight?"

Looking at the gold in her hand, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly taken aback!
When she came back to her senses, she thought about where the Cuiyu Tower might be, and she couldn't help opening her mouth and sneering: "What do you take this girl for?"

After saying that, Lei Luo raised his eyes and glanced at her, then took out another bag of gold from his sleeve pocket.


Feeling upset, Yuan Xiuyue's voice couldn't help but rise sharply!
"What? Isn't it enough?" Frowning, Lei Luo actually took out another bag of gold from his sleeve pocket, and piled all three bags of gold in front of Yuan Xiuyue. He frowned and stared: "Miss Long loves money so much? Can't this gold go through?"


Looking at the three bags of gold in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue narrowed her phoenix eyes, gradually getting rid of the unhappy expression just now.

You know, when she first met Lei Luo, she showed a face of love for wealth. If she is not tempted by seeing so much gold now, it would be unreasonable.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's eyes glowing, Lei Luo frowned slightly, and the disgust in his black eyes deepened.

Turning around slightly, he and Yuan Xiuyue moved a chair, "Miss, let's sit here and sleep tonight!"

Looking down at the chair in front of her, and then at the bags of gold beside the bed, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips slightly, with an unsatisfactory look on her face: "My mother-in-law is the owner of this place, do you think my worth is so low? ?”

Hearing her words, Lei Luo's handsome face froze suddenly, and then it became cold inch by inch until it was frozen: "Miss Long, a gentleman loves money in a proper way!"

Yuan Xiuyue smiled, disapprovingly said: "Sorry, I'm a woman!"

Lei Luo stared at her with deep eyes, but he just sneered and said helplessly, "You make a price!"

"That's right!"

Smiling triumphantly at Lei Luo, Yuan Xiuyue held out five fingers to him.

Seeing this, Lei Luo raised his eyebrows, secretly thinking that the woman opened her mouth like a lion, and he said in a deep voice, "Do you want two more bags?"

The current three bags, plus two bags, are exactly the number she gave!


Shaking her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows and said, "I mean, you have to give me another five bags!"

Seeing her face greedy for money, Lei Luo gritted his teeth bitterly, almost not dying of anger.

After a while, seeing that Lei Luo didn't respond, Yuan Xiuyue raised her hand held by Duguchen slightly, as if trying to break free.


With a cold drink, Lei Luo turned around and strode out.

After a while, he went back and forth, with a cold handsome face, and threw five bags of gold in front of Yuan Xiuyue.

Looking at the seven bags of gold in front of her with satisfaction, Yuan Xiuyue smiled happily, frowned and looked at the wrist held by Duguchen, although she was unwilling, she knew that she secretly sighed, and then yawned loudly, Lying on the bed and falling asleep...

After passing through the night, Dongfang's fish belly was white, and the playful sunshine was bright and warm, passing through the window lattice, and falling on the mature Yuan Xiuyue who was lying on the bedside.

The eyelashes of thick eyebrows trembled slightly, Dugu Chen, who had been in a coma all night, finally woke up slowly from his deep sleep.

Frowning, he moved his arms, only to find that he was holding something tightly in his hand.

Slightly raising his eyes, he turned his head to one side, his gaze slowly stopped on Yuan Xiuyue's quiet and beautiful sleeping face following the sunlight.

Under my heart, I moved slightly.

Knowing that what he was holding was his hand, Duguchen stared deeply at the strange woman in front of him, but she was the first woman in history who could sleep peacefully beside him!

She is tall, and she is not considered to be overwhelming, but it makes people feel extraordinarily beautiful.

Especially, the corners of her lips were slightly raised even when she was sleeping...

Deeply, looking at the corner of her lips, Duguchen's heart skipped a beat involuntarily, but suddenly there was an urge to kiss her, this... surprised him!
After a long time, his heartbeat gradually calmed down, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he secretly laughed at himself!
Last night, when he first met her, he felt that she was very interesting, and he did not reject her like he used to reject those women in the palace.

But now, it was beyond his expectation!

Seemingly hearing Duguchen's laughter, Yuan Xiuyue's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Seeing this, the smile on Duguchen's lips suddenly retracted, and then he closed his eyes again!
Feeling that the big hand holding her wrist loosened a little, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips slightly, and sat up slowly with a sleepy face.

Squinting her eyes slightly, seeing that Dugu Chen's eyes were closed tightly and still asleep, she squinted her eyes and smiled lightly, then hugged the seven bags of gold on the bed, stretched her waist, and walked out!

Seeing her leave, the smile on Duguchen's face couldn't help but deepen!

This time, Lei Luo didn't stop her.

Because the sky is already bright, but Dugu Chen is fine, if he doesn't let her go, and things get serious, I'm afraid that the dragon mother-in-law will drive her out of Juxian Tower!
After Yuan Xiuyue left, Lei Luo entered the inner hall.

Seeing that Dugu Chen had already woken up, his expression faded, and he hurriedly asked: "Does the lord feel better?"

"much better!"

Like Lei Luo, Dugu Chen's expression was also indifferent, making it impossible to see a trace of emotion.Thinking of Yuan Xiuyue, he raised his eyebrows, and asked Lei Luo: "Where did you hire the doctor who treated me last night?"

Mentioning Yuan Xiuyue, Lei Luo's face suddenly sank!
But because of his master's questioning, he had no choice but to reply in a cold voice: "She is the granddaughter of Long Po, named Long Chuxiu!"

"Dragon came out of Xiu..."

Whispering the name softly, Duguchen couldn't help but tickle his slightly white lips: "This king likes this name!"

Also, I am also interested in the owner of this name!

Looking up at him, the corners of Lei Luo's lips twitched slightly, and his face was not very good-looking: "Although the name is good, this person... is not satisfactory!"


Recalling the scene where Lei Luo was run on by Yuan Xiuyue last night, Duguchen bent his lips, "It's a bit savage!"

"It's not just savage! She's also a money-grubbing woman!"

His gaze was sharp and cold, and Lei Luo's voice became even colder: "My lord, you don't know that she stole seven bags of gold from her subordinates last night!"


The word "oh" came out again, Duguchen raised his eyebrows lightly, and the interest in his eyes deepened!
"Don't you think this king's life is more important than your seven bags of gold?" He asked Lei Luo coolly, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that Lei Luo still had a dead expression on his face, as if he had been caught. Angry with internal injuries, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and said with a smile: "The Lei Luo in front of me actually feels sorry for those things. He is not at all like the Lei Luo that this king is familiar with."

Hearing this, Lei Luo's face turned serious, and then he collected his thoughts: "This subordinate lost his composure!"

Taking a deep look at him, Duguchen said again: "Lei Luo, you have to remember that in this world, women who are greedy for money are the most reliable!"

Hearing Duguchen's words, Lei Luo frowned slightly, but finally nodded his head: "This subordinate has written it down!"


After returning to the medicine garden, Yuan Xiuyue didn't care about having breakfast, so she lay down on the long-lost warm couch and continued to catch up on sleep.

While I was in a daze, and I didn't know how long I had slept, it was raining outside the house.

Squinting her eyes slightly, she looked at the rain outside the window, and sighed contentedly, thinking that today she could lie on the warm couch for a whole day, then closed her eyelids again, and fell into a deep sleep.

At lunch time, Yuan Xiuyue was soundly asleep, but she heard the door creak!
Frowning slightly, she raised her eyes and saw Luang Po coming in with a cane.


With a grunt, she got up from the couch. She wanted to step forward to help Luang Po, but when her right foot landed, her leg hurt and she almost fell down!
Suddenly reaching out to hold Yuan Xiuyue's arm, Long Po smiled and frowned at her, "You child, you are always so irritable, you still have to let my old lady help you! What if the two of us fall down together? "

"Who made my mother-in-law hurt me!"

Smiling wryly in her heart, but still with a bright smile on her face, Yuan Xiuyue limped and helped Luang Po to sit down.

Yes, it's raining today.

Although her legs are no different from ordinary people in a short period of time on weekdays, when it rains, they will be beaten back to their original shape again!

Sitting at the table, Long Po ordered someone to set up the lunch she brought, and said with a smile: "I heard that you were invited by Yue Wang's people yesterday, and you only came back this morning, so you should be hungry by now!"

Secretly thinking that in Juxian Building, you can't hide anything from Dragon Po, Yuan Xiuyue pouted and said displeasedly: "Since Grandma knows that my granddaughter was invited by Yue Wang's people, why did she ignore me all night? Don’t be afraid that I will be eaten by wolves!”

(End of this chapter)

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