Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 110 Heal the Injury or Treat the Person? 4

Chapter 110 Heal the Injury or Treat the Person? 4
The old man looked at Yuan Xiuyue with a deep frown, and the Dragon Po smiled and shook her head: "Grandma is not afraid that you will be eaten by a wolf, but that wolf will be eaten by you!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue burst out laughing!
"Those who know me are also mother-in-law!"

Holding back her smile, she picked up her chopsticks, Yuan Xiuyue bowed her head and began to eat.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue burying her head in her meal, the dragon mother-in-law was suffocated for a while, and then said lightly: "After a while, Fengtang girl will come to stay for a while, and she will always come to this medicine garden. If you don't want to be hurt by her I found out that I’m afraid I’m going to leave Juxian Tower for a while.”

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue paused slightly with the hand holding the chopsticks!
When Xuanyuantang left the country, his name was Baifengtang.

Therefore, the Fengtang girl that the dragon mother-in-law is talking about at this moment is Princess Xian.

Slowly, she chewed the food in her mouth lightly, she pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Okay, then mother-in-law and I will prepare a carriage, and I will go for a walk!"

Since Nangong Haoling was able to find Juxianlou last time, she already knew that Xuanyuantang's heart was towards him!

Therefore, since she wanted to come and she didn't want to go back to the palace, she had to hide temporarily!
"Where do you want to go?"

With a light smile, she ordered some dishes for Yuan Xiuyue, and Long Po couldn't help asking.

Hehe smiled, looked up at Long Po, Yuan Xiuyue leaned close to her ear, and whispered two words: "Secret!"

For a moment, Long Po's brows couldn't help wrinkling Lao Gao: "You child, even my old lady doesn't believe it, it's useless for me to love you so much!"

"Mother-in-law should know, I don't believe it's not you, it's Xuanyuantang!" Smiling at Dragon Po, Yuan Xiuyue continued to eat her lunch.


Sighing lightly and shaking her head, Long Po only looked at her and smiled, but said nothing...

If that girl Xuanyuantang clung to her and asked her to reveal Yuan Xiuyue's whereabouts, she might have betrayed Yuan Xiuyue!


For a person like Yuan Xiuyue who lost a leg, it was really a good day to sleep in!
After lunch, as soon as Luang Phor left, she returned to the bed, wrapped in a thin quilt, and continued to dream of her sweet dreams!
As time passed, the sky gradually turned dark, but the rain in the sky never stopped.

Around [-]:[-] o'clock, Yuan Xiuyue's sweet dream was disturbed again by a knock on the door outside the house.


With her eyes still closed, Yuan Xiuyue got up and went to the door, muttering to herself: "Good mother, you leave the dinner at the door, I will get up and eat naturally when I'm hungry!"

While speaking, she reached out and opened the door.

But the person outside the door was not the nanny who brought her meals, but... Lei Luo!

Seeing the people standing outside the house clearly, Yuan Xiuyue opened her slightly squinted eyes suddenly, and a false smile appeared on her pretty face, and she asked crisply: "It's a heavy rainy day, is your lord not in Graceland to take care of your prince?" , how come out?"

Staring coldly at the sleepy woman in front of him, Lei Luo showed a smile that could hardly be considered a smile: "Miss Long, my prince's wound still hurts, please go there again!"

After Duguchen's persuasion, he tried his best to make himself smile at the woman in front of him at this moment!

"Yesterday's new injury hasn't healed yet today, so of course it will hurt, you ask your prince to bear it..." He yawned indistinctly, stretched again, and secretly said that Duguchen is endless. It's gone, Yuan Xiuyue smiled cheekily, and stretched out her hand to close the door: "My lord, go slowly, I'm so sleepy, I won't see you off."

"and many more!"

Reaching out to the door, Lei Luo tried his best to keep his tone gentle: "It's been a day, shouldn't my prince's wound be changed?"

Fixed, looking at Lei Luo in front of the door, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

Thinking that he might have come to look for her under Duguchen's order, her thoughts changed, then she blinked slyly, nodded and said: "It's time to change the medicine, but if Miss Ben goes over, this ..."

As she spoke, she reached out to Lei Luo with her palms up.

Seeing her like this, the smile on Lei Luo's face that was not considered a smile disappeared immediately...

Frowning tightly, he took out a bag of gold and handed it to Yuan Xiuyue with a cold face.

Lightly weighing the gold bag in her hand, Yuan Xiuyue smiled and said, "Okay, I'll change my clothes first, and you go prepare a carriage to pick me up!"


Hearing Yuan Xiuyue said that she wanted to prepare the carriage, Lei Luo's face was drawn, but only a moment later, he had no choice but to follow her request and turn around to prepare the carriage.

Who told him that it was his prince who asked him to come here to invite someone!
In Graceland.

The red cage was hung high, and the lights were dim.

With Lei Luo holding the umbrella, Yuan Xiuyue tightly gathered the cloak on her body to protect her injured leg, and slowly got off the carriage.

In the upper room, all kinds of exquisite dishes are dazzling, and the table has already been filled.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue and Lei Luo coming in, Duguchen had a gentle smile on his handsome face, "Miss Long, you've worked hard all the way!"

Taking off the cloak on her body and throwing it to Lei Luo beside her, Yuan Xiuyue smiled at Dugu Chen, and said something that almost drove Lei Luo crazy: "My lord, you are welcome, as long as I have gold, I will not feel hard at all!"

Hearing this, the smile on Duguchen's face couldn't help but deepen a little.

His eyes turned slightly, and he glanced at Lei Luo who had a cold face. He waved his hands at him, and then raised his arms to Yuan Xiuyue and said, "To thank the girl for saving her life, the king specially hosted a banquet today, and invited the girl Let's eat together!"

Looking lightly at the food on the table, Yuan Xiuyue smiled faintly, and turned to look at Lei Luo: "When you came, what this lord said was... let me come over and change the medicine with the prince."

With a faint and gentle smile still hanging on his face, Dugu Chen lightly said: "Of course the medicine needs to be changed, but it's just after dinner!"


With a slight smile, Yuan Xiuyue raised her black eyebrows, stood where she was, but never took a step forward, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I only paid for the medicine change, but never for the meal!"

"Dragon girl!"

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's attitude towards Dugu Chen, Lei Luo was almost furious again!
Ask her to eat and drink for free, but she still charges money? !

What kind of reasoning is this? !
This woman has been challenging his bottom line since last night. If it was normal, she would have been blocked by his sword.


Raising his hand to stop Lei Luo's temper, Duguchen looked at Yuan Xiuyue, instead of being angry, he smiled, and his tone was much softer than before: "Today, this king invites Miss Long to eat, so I should ask Miss Long to show her face!"

When the words fell, he stretched out his hand and pulled at his waist, and actually put the jade pendant that he had been wearing all the time on the table.

"My lord!"

Looking at the jade pendant on the table, Lei Luo's eyes tightened.

Coldly, he glanced at Lei Luo, and Ruyi told him to shut up, Duguchen asked Yuan Xiuyue with a smile on his face: "Miss Long, do you think this is okay?"

As the saying goes, if you see a good deal, you will accept it!
Of course Yuan Xiuyue also knew this truth!

Therefore, looking down at the jade pendant in Duguchen's hand, she bent her mouth, raised her steps, and limped towards him.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue limping, Duguchen couldn't help frowning!

Seeing him like this, Yuan Xiuyue was not afraid of anything, anyway, Nangong Haoling kept saying in the palace that her legs had already been healed, so it was all right for her to show her original shape in front of Duguchen at this moment!

Even in his dreams, he would never have imagined who she... would be!

"Girl's leg?"

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue standing in front of his eyes, the smile on Duguchen's lips froze slightly, and he couldn't help being puzzled.

When she left today, she clearly saw her all right!
Smiling at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and joked: "I've been like this since I was a child, and I'm fine on weekdays. When it rains and snows, I'll reveal my original shape, but it's okay, the prince still has a chance to go back on his word now. !"

His heart twitched slightly for no reason, looking at the woman in front of him with a faint smile, who didn't care at all, the corners of Duguchen's originally stiff mouth couldn't help but twitched again, and the smile on his face deepened unconsciously: "Whether the girl No matter how you live, you are the benefactor of this king!"

At the end of the sentence, he slightly raised his hand to Yuan Xiuyue, signaling her to sit down.

Slightly nodding, Yuan Xiuyue sat down gracefully.

Holding the chopsticks in person, and putting dishes on the dishes in front of Yuan Xiuyue, Dugu Chen said with a gentle smile: "My king heard from Lei Luo that Miss Long is the granddaughter of the Dragon Pom, and her boudoir is from Xiu?!"


Nodding her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue was not in a hurry to eat, but stretched out her hand, first put away the jade pendant on the table, and then met Duguchen's eyes with a light smile: "You can just call me out of Xiu!"

"Chuxiu girl!"

With a soft call, he and Yuan Xiuyue picked up some dishes. Duguchen looked at her intently for a moment, and then slowly said: "Your mother-in-law is the foster mother of Empress Dowager Li Guozhong, I think you should also know about the affairs in the palace. some!"

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue's hand that had just picked up the chopsticks couldn't help but hesitate slightly!
Squinting her eyes slightly, she raised her eyes to look at the handsome man beside her who couldn't help taking a bite, but who had a dark belly that made her want to be punished. Yuan Xiuyue thought slightly, and then nodded: "My mother-in-law, although she is Empress Dowager Zhong's adoptive mother has never brought me into the palace, but the emperor and prince have both been to Juxianlou, so I don't know much about the affairs of the palace!"

"It's not too much, but I know it!"

The voice couldn't help being soft again, Duguchen stared into her eyes, smiled handsomely, and then put a bag of gold in front of her: "I heard that the empress of your country has been recuperating in her palace in recent years. , don’t know how to take care of it?”

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but tighten her heart!
At first, she thought that Duguchen had discovered her true identity!

However, the eyes he looked at her with were always tender, and she soon secretly breathed a sigh of relief!
Last year, she made him so miserable in Anyang, without thinking about it, he knew that if he saw her again, he would wish to tear himself into pieces!

Therefore, since he has such an expression at this moment, and he even took out gold to bribe her, it basically shows that he wants to get some words out of her mouth!
Thinking of this, she never missed the realization. She met Duguchen's eyes and frowned lightly: "How can the prince care so much about the empress's affairs?"

After she asked such a question, she saw that the smile on Duguchen's face gradually became colder.Not only that, even his originally gentle eyes gradually showed a smear of cruelty: "Because, this king can't wait to see her now!"

Then, cut her into pieces!

Quietly, staring at Dugu Chen's expression, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but feel funny secretly.

Gently, she put down the chopsticks in her hand, pulled the corner of her lips, and was not in a hurry to collect the gold, but resisted the urge to laugh and asked: "Does the lord like our empress?"

Hearing this, Duguchen frowned suddenly: "How come? The performance of this king made Miss Long think that this king likes her?"

"My lord's eyes are ruthless and cold, and I really don't like the way I like them! But..." Deliberately elongating her voice, Yuan Xiuyue met Dugu Chen's deep and dark eyes again with a smile: "Isn't there?" Is the sentence right? If you love deeply... you will be held accountable!"

(End of this chapter)

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