Chapter 112 Miss, sell yourself? 2
All of this only fell into Lei Luo's eyes, but Yuan Xiuyue never noticed it.

After spending a long time, the bandages were finally untied one by one. Yuan Xiuyue inspected Duguchen's wound carefully, and couldn't help laughing softly: "My lord's wound has begun to heal, it's great!"

"is it?"

A strange brilliance gradually rose from the bottom of the deep eyes, and Duguchen's gaze still stayed on her lips.

"Of course!"

Eyes raised slightly, facing Dugu Chen's deep eyes, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being startled!
"What happened to Chuxiu girl?"

Smiling lightly, but charming and enchanting, Duguchen smiled and looked at Yuan Xiuyue's dazed look: "Aren't you going to change medicine with me?"

Secretly cursing secretly in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly came back to her senses, threw the bandage aside, then took the medicine bottle and shook it in front of Duguchen: "This medicine..."

"It hurts!"

A faint smile burned to the corner of his eyes, Duguchen never looked at the medicine in her hand, but still stared at her pretty face tightly!

"It hurts!"

Under Dugu Chen's aggressive gaze, she felt as uncomfortable as she could be, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows lightly: "Since the lord is already mentally prepared, I'll start changing the medicine!"

"It's time to get out of Xiuxiu girl!"

There was still a smile on the corner of his lips, and Duguchen stared at Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, and also half-narrowed them.


With another soft response, Yuan Xiuyue and Duguchen sat opposite each other on the chair in front of the bed, uncorked the bottle, then frowned and sprinkled the powder in the medicine bottle on his wound lightly.

The moment the medicine powder was in close contact with the skin, Duguchen only felt the sharp pain in the wound, as if it was being burned.

Bursts of severe pain hit him, and the hands that forced him to place beside him suddenly tightened, grabbing the mattress under him.

Slightly raising her eyes, seeing Dugu Chen's face was in pain, but still handsome in a mess, Yuan Xiuyue slightly hooked the corner of her lips, and reached out to take the first medicine bottle: "The poison on the prince's body was almost cleared yesterday. , today you don’t have to wait too long, you can take this second medicine, my lord, please bear with me!”

Duguchen raised his face, and was noncommittal to her words: "Even if this king can't bear the current situation, he has to endure it, right?"

Gently nodding, Yuan Xiuyue did not raise her head, only sighed slightly, and said softly: "Judging from yesterday's treatment with the lord, the lord is a very patient person, this point... I admire Chuxiu from the bottom of my heart! "

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyes darkened slightly, but he still smiled slightly and said, "It's my honor to be able to impress Miss Chuxiu!"

"Here it is!"

Finally, she looked up at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes again, and gently sprinkled the medicine powder in the second bottle on his wound.


The severe pain hit, and Duguchen couldn't help but gasp, he squinted his eyes slightly, opened them slightly, and stared at Yuan Xiuyue's drooping eyelids, his brows froze, and he leaned down and kissed Yuan Xiuyue accurately. Her slightly raised cherry lips.

In just an instant, Yuan Xiuyue felt that the blood in her whole body seemed to rush to the top of her head, and her pupils suddenly opened wide, staring blankly at the infinitely magnified handsome face in front of her eyes. An inexplicable panic suddenly occupied her heart!
Lowering his eyelids lightly, taking a panoramic view of her astonished pretty face, Dugu Chen relaxed his heartstrings, and lightly pressed her lips, he really didn't feel the pain!
Seeing this scene, Lei Luo, who had been standing aside with a stern face, couldn't help being a little dumbfounded!

Their too hungry to choose what to eat!
Consciousness finally came back little by little, Yuan Xiuyue's heart tightened, her hands landed on Duguchen's wound impartially, and then pushed him away forcefully!


Because of the sharp pain in his chest, he hummed lightly, Duguchen raised his hand to caress his injured area, but saw Yuan Xiuyue waved his arm and came straight towards his handsome face!

The loud slaps resounded throughout the hall, and Lei Luo, who was on the side, made a quick move. He reached out and strangled Yuan Xiuyue's hands, twisting her arms behind her back: "You dare to hit my lord? You really don't want to die! "

"let me go!"

A pretty face was flushed red, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and twisted her body vigorously: "Which girl can allow anyone to be frivolous? If I slap him in the face, it is considered light."

"Lei Luo, let go!"

On the handsome face, five fingerprints were clearly discernible. Duguchen's face was slightly pale, but after looking at his wound that burst again, he ordered Lei Luo to let go of Yuan Xiuyue!

Looking at his master in disbelief, Lei Luo's eyes were deeply shocked!

No matter when, anyone who has done anything to Duguchen is basically dead, but now he let him... let her go? !
Frowning lightly, his eyes swept over Yuan Xiuyue's swollen pretty face, Dugu Chen whispered: "I can't blame Miss Xiu for this matter, it's my king's fault!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's heart trembled, but he had no choice but to let Yuan Xiuyue go.

Vigorously shaking the arm that was hurt by Lei Luo, Yuan Xiuyue gave him a fierce look, and then took a few steps forward, but instead of continuing to change the medicine for Duguchen, she started to pack her medicine box with her head down.

"Chuxiu girl!"

After calling her softly, Duguchen stretched out his hand to grab her wrist, "It was the king who made a mistake, the king and the girl apologize!"

"It's not your fault, is it my fault?"

Looking at Dugu Chen with the same viciousness, Yuan Xiuyue yelled at her without image: "This girl is here to change medicine with you, not to make you frivolous, you hurt this girl and die! You ask for it yourself!" Good luck!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's handsome face couldn't help but slightly darken!
Without even looking at him, Yuan Xiuyue brushed his hand away, took the medicine box with her, and was about to turn around and leave.

"and many more!"

Looking sideways at his master, Lei Luo blocked Yuan Xiuyue's way.

"Go away!"

Staring at Lei Luo in a bad tone, Yuan Xiuyue said in a bad tone: "A good dog is not on the road!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's anger rose, and he couldn't help being so angry that he couldn't choose what to say: "Didn't my prince just kiss the girl? If the girl is not angry, I will buy you this kiss with a bag of gold!"

Hearing that Lei Luo wanted to buy her kiss with gold, Yuan Xiuyue's brows frowned, and the anger in her heart rose, and the fire in her eyes became even more uncertain: "Lei Luo, what do you mean? Who do you think I am?!"

"What I mean is the literal meaning!" With a sinister smile and a contemptuous look at Yuan Xiuyue, Lei Luo raised his eyebrows and said softly: "Or, I should ask this, girl, are you selling yourself? If you buy it, I will buy it today." Bought it for our lord together!"

Anyway, he could see that his prince was interested in her!

Taking a cold look at Lei Luo, Duguchen suddenly frowned, "I'll make an apology to Miss Xiu!"


Turning to look at Dugu Chen, Lei Luo's eyes were slightly cold.

He has been enduring the woman in front of him for a long time, and now he has finally gained the upper hand, and he can't make him and her bow their heads again!

Even his face sank, Duguchen stood up: "You don't even listen to my king's words?"

"My lord..."

Smacking his lips, but helpless, Lei Luo turned his head to look at Yuan Xiuyue with cold eyes.

Seeing his reluctant look like a bullied little daughter-in-law, Yuan Xiuyue glanced at Duguchen, and then met Lei Luo again with a provocative expression.With a shy smile, she asked in a deep voice: "Master Lei, do you want this girl to sell herself?"

Lei Luo narrowed his eyes slightly: "So what?"

"I'll fuck you!"

Xingyan opened her eyes angrily, and swearing viciously, Yuan Xiuyue lifted her left foot violently, and stomped fiercely on the back of Lei Luo's right foot.


Caught off guard, for the first time in his life, his foot was stepped on by a woman, Lei Luo gritted his teeth and snorted, and almost didn't hug his foot and scream.

"I what me!"

Lifting her chin, with a stubborn and disdainful face, Yuan Xiuyue smiled coldly: "Do you think this girl is a girl who sells laughter in Chunlou? You have to sell whatever you want to buy? This girl will tell you today. The body is precious, and ten thousand gold is worthless!"

After all, she really didn't want to look at Lei Luo again, and she didn't want to be in the same room with Duguchen again, Yuan Xiuyue gave the master and servant a hard look, and limped away with the medicine box on her back!

Seeing her leaving back, Duguchen frowned slightly, and there was a look of pity in his eyes: "Send her back in a carriage!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo quit immediately: "Master?!"

She didn't even finish changing the medicine, and took away the jade pendant and the bag of gold!
At this moment, he actually asked him to see her off? !
"Go and deliver!"

The pain in the chest came in bursts, and Duguchen couldn't help but frowned.

Seeing him like this, Lei Luo respected him, and had no choice but to order the carriage outside to take Yuan Xiuyue back to the medicine garden.

After a while, when he came back again, he saw Duguchen covering the wound with his hands, but his face became more and more ugly.

"Master, are you alright?!"

"It's nothing serious, it's just that the wound is open again!" Spreading his hands, looking at the glaring red blood on his palm, Duguchen cast a sideways glance at Lei Luo angrily: "Lei Luo, you made this king's doctor go away, Who will heal this king's injury?!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo couldn't help feeling speechless and wronged!

There is a lesson to be learned from all over the world, I don't know who is the one who secretly kissed someone!
If so, thinking angrily in his heart, but didn't have the guts to say it, Lei Luo glanced at his master with a calm expression, turned his head and walked out quickly.

Duguchen was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help frowning: "What are you going to do?"

Pausing in his footsteps, Lei Luo looked back slightly and looked at him: "Go down and chase him back!"

"Chase what?"

With a cold voice, looking at Lei Luo who has been abnormal since meeting Long Chuxiu, Duguchen picked up the bandage and wrapped it around himself: "It's useless for you to maintain your calmness all the time, but today you lose your temper in front of her." It’s been a while, and you still haven’t found anything?”

While speaking, Duguchen stopped his hands and pointed to the roof.

Seeing this, Lei Luo's heart shuddered!
Outside, although the sound of the rain was not incessant, but with his skill, if he calmed down, he still noticed something strange!
(End of this chapter)

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