Chapter 113 Miss, sell yourself? 3
His face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he murmured softly: "This is Juxian Tower, how dare they mess around?"

Duguchen smiled wryly: "So what if this is the Juxian Tower? After all, the owner of the Juxian Tower has a deep relationship with Liguo Palace!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo was secretly startled!
"Come on!"

Shouting to the outside world, he asked several guards to protect Duguchen. He ordered a few minutes to take care of his master, then silently pulled out the long sword, swiped down with the tip of the sword, turned around in large strides, and then risked Heavy rain, jumped on the roof.

Outside, it was raining.

But it didn't take long, and on the roof, there was the ear-piercing sound of swords clashing.

On the roof of Graceland, several men in black besieged Lei Luo alone...

In the medicine garden, the wet rain soaked the herbs in the garden in sevens and eights, making the air filled with bursts of medicinal fragrance.

Standing outside the door, looking up at the sky above where the rain was still falling, Yuan Xiuyue only thought that the rain would not stop today, so she limped back to the dormitory, nestled on the bed and slept in her cage!
It seemed that she had slept too much during the day, and when she lay back on the couch, no matter how much she tossed and turned, she still couldn't fall asleep.

Every time, as soon as she opened her eyes, she would immediately think of that kiss from Duguchen just now!
Ever since she was a child, she has only been kissed by Nangong Haoling alone, and now there is Duguchen, who is also the person she hates the most... Frowning, her eyes are slightly fixed, she got up annoyed and pulled her to the basin Before, he kept scooping up water to wash his mouth.

Thinking back, she felt that she only slapped Duguchen, it was too cheap for him!

After a while, she felt pain even after washing, so she reluctantly gave up and nestled back on the bed again.

However, she had just gone to bed, and before the quilt was even covered, someone slammed on her door vigorously from outside.


Frowning tightly, Yuan Xiuyue looked displeased.

"Miss Long, my lord asks you to go there again!"

There was an unfamiliar male voice outside the door, but Yuan Xiuyue also knew that this person should belong to Duguchen's subordinates.

Thinking about why it wasn't Lei Luo who came here this time, and thinking of Lei Luo's attitude towards her earlier, she snorted coldly, and replied with a snort: "My girl is asleep, please come early tomorrow if you have something to do!"

After saying a word, the door fell into a suffocation again, only the sound of rain.

It didn't take long, just when Yuan Xiuyue thought that the visitor had left and was about to fall asleep, the sound of slapping on the door became louder and louder: "Miss Long, please get up, Mr. Lei has been poisoned like the prince. If it is delayed until tomorrow, I'm afraid there will be no way to recover!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart skipped a beat!
When she left Graceland just now, everything was fine with Lei Luo, why is he poisoned again now? !
Could it be that the people sent by the palace chased them to Juxian Tower? !

Thinking that wicked people will be punished by wicked people, she couldn't help but smile embarrassingly!
Thoughts changed slightly, thinking that these people dared to blatantly assassinate in Juxian Tower, they must have informed Grandma Long in advance, Yuan Xiuyue put the quilt on her body again without any haste: "Even if he was shot, it will be with your family. He is as poisonous as the prince, so he will not die tonight no matter what, and wait for this girl to wake up before going to heal him!"

As soon as her words fell to the ground, the people outside the house froze, but they did not leave immediately: "Miss Long, the parents of doctors..."


Yuan Xiuyue's face turned cold, she picked up the pillow in her hand, and slammed it towards the door: "If you dare to say a word, I won't save him tomorrow!"

How could she not only heal parents' hearts? !
It's just that for people like Lei Luo, she felt that he had to suffer a little bit!
Who told him to provoke her!

What's more, with this kind of poison in him, if he didn't bleed after being poisoned, it would be impossible to remove all the toxins in his body.

Sure enough, after she uttered harsh words, the house was completely quiet.

In this way, Yuan Xiuyue could finally fall asleep steadily, but perhaps because she slept for a day during the day, she lay back on the bed, but she couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

In desperation, she sighed softly, couldn't help but sat up again, staring at the dark room in a daze.

Since last year, the relationship between Li, Chu, and Nanyue has become more subtle.

If her guess is correct, this time Dugu Chen came to Lidu in person, it should be for peace talks.

But... Thinking of the sword wound on his body and Lei Luo's injury tonight, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips could not help but curl up slowly.

She thought, they had traveled so hard all the way from Nanyue to Liguo, it must be the person in the palace who used the same method to fight back against him!

This is also like his character.

Although she hadn't seen him for a year, at this moment, his handsome but slightly elegant face clearly appeared in her mind... Slightly raised her hand, trying to touch his face, but in vain, Yuan Xiuyue raised her head slightly. He shook his head, sighed shyly, and finally closed his eyes slowly.

Some people can't imagine...


The next morning, the rain was over and the sky was sunny, and the air was very fresh.

After a good night's sleep, Yuan Xiuyue got up early, and after a simple wash-up, she carried the medicine box and prepared to go to Graceland.

As soon as she went out, she saw that Duguchen's people were already waiting at the door, she pursed her lips slightly, followed them into the carriage, and went straight to Yayuan.


When Yuan Xiuyue arrived in Yayuan, Duguchen actually appeared to greet her in person.

Looking at Duguchen in a brocade blue robe, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help jokingly said: "If the prince is dressed like this, if he walks around the powder pile, he might capture the hearts of many girls." Woolen cloth!"

Hearing this, Duguchen hooked his sexy lips gracefully, and looked at Yuan Xiuyue with a smile: "I don't know if the heart of Chuxiu girl has been captured by this king?"

Frowning lightly, Yuan Xiuyue sneered: "My lord thinks it's too idle in Juxian Building, so he wants to make fun of me, a lame girl?"

"Do you think this king looks like he's joking?" His eyes darkened slightly, and Duguchen leaned over and said in her ear.

"Your Majesty, don't you think it doesn't look like it?"

Facing his slightly deep gaze, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but shuddered, the corners of her lips hooked up a little forcedly, and she smiled bitterly: "It seems that the prince is not in a hurry to let Lord Lei and I heal the wounds at all!"


Smiling again, Duguchen took her hand very naturally, and walked forward: "From injury to healing, he has endured longer than this king, and this king feels that the toxins on his body should be exhausted." about there!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue was secretly startled!
For a moment he forgot that he was actually holding his hand, and he asked in a daze: "My lord knows medicine?"

"Just the fur!"

Seeing that she didn't break away from his hand, Duguchen smiled gently and said: "This king has studied some poisons, but he never knows how to detoxify!"

"is it?"

Seriously suspecting that this black-bellied prince is very likely to be well versed in medical principles, Yuan Xiuyue half-closed her eyes and stared at his hand coldly.

Seeing this, Dugu Chen lowered his eyebrows and smiled, but then he had to let go, and said cheekily: "Because Lei Luo was injured, this king was in a hurry and offended Miss Chuxiu!"

"Ha ha……"

With a cold smile, Yuan Xiuyue secretly scolded Duguchen in her heart!

Ever since she got off the carriage just now, she has been smiling like him, but she has never seen him showing a hint of anxiety!

Recalling the kiss he gave her last night, knowing that he might have done it on purpose, Yuan Xiuyue curled her lips in displeasure, and then stepped in: "Girl Ben's hand, a bag of gold!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen frowned slightly!

But only for a moment, he smiled knowingly and nodded with a smile: "This bag of gold is worth what the king paid for it!"

Because of her words, Yuan Xiuyue stared and stopped: "I need a bag of gold to treat Lei Luo!"


Slightly startled, Duguchen watched Yuan Xiuyue turn and move forward with a slight frown, and couldn't help but smile from the corner of his lips: "You really are a money-grubbing woman!"

Where Lei Luo lives is in a wing room separated from the upper room where Dugu Chen lives.

Lei Luo, who was lying on his side on the bed, had dark lips and pale face.After he was injured last night, he had already taken off his outer shirt. At this moment, his strong and stylish upper body was exposed, and on his shoulder blades, a sword mark stood out, which was no different from Dugu Chen. It was deep, but black blood kept flowing out.

On the side of his bed, in the wooden basin just used to catch the black blood, the black blood glistened, and a drop or two dripped from his shoulder from time to time. Bloody ripples rippling slightly from inside to outside.

"Hey... I don't know who it is, isn't this Master Lei?"

The sarcastic smile on his face was particularly glaring to Lei Luo. Yuan Xiuyue came in with a medicine box, looked down at the wound on his body, and then at the wooden basin half filled with black blood on the ground. Tsk tut and said: "Look, you will be punished for being so rude to this girl!"

Hearing this, the guards who followed him couldn't help secretly complaining for Lei Luo!

Everyone of them knew that Lei Luo had a great opinion on the female doctor in front of him, and had a conflict with her!
But he is so alive, he is the only one who can cure the poison in him!
After bleeding all night, no matter how strong a person is, he will become pale and weak.

Lifting his eyes lightly, he gave Yuan Xiuyue a feeble glance. He really didn't have the energy to fight her anymore, but he was still not convinced. Lei Luo moved his dry lips weakly, but couldn't even utter a whole sentence.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and quickly stepped forward to the bed.

Looking down at the wound on Lei Luo's body, she smiled lightly, and couldn't help scolding Nangong Haoling in her heart!
This bastard boy, even if he is a villain, still uses different methods to punish him!

It's good now, people let him harm one after another, and in the end she has to heal her!

It's been a lot of hard work, counting her as the hardest!
Seeing the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face, thinking that he was gloating, Lei Luo's face froze!

Never caring about Lei Luo's face, after Yuan Xiuyue inspected his wound, he quickly started to take medicine from the medicine box.

(End of this chapter)

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