Chapter 114 Miss, sell yourself? 4
After a while, everything was ready, she waved the cloth ball in front of Lei Luo just like last night: "Do you want to use it?"

As she expected, Lei Luo shook his head lightly.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue didn't force it, and threw the cloth ball back into the medicine box. She reached out and took out a porcelain plate from the medicine box, poured out all the medicines in the three bottles, and then carefully stirred them.

Seeing her like this, Dugu Chen beside him couldn't help frowning and asked softly: "Why are you and Lei Luo treating the wounds differently from the steps when you saved the king?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue paused slightly for the hand that was stirring the medicine powder, and then raised her eyes to look at him, "Because it was the first time I detoxified the poison you are poisoning yesterday, and when you detoxified, I didn't fully understand it. How would the three kinds of medicine react when used in this poison, so I will be careful, now that the prince has used these three medicines, there is no serious problem, now naturally there is no need to make him suffer again and again!"

After understanding her words, Lei Luo couldn't help showing a very surprised expression in his eyes!

God knows, if Yuan Xiuyue treated his master yesterday, and treated him again, he wouldn't feel anything wrong at all!

She can completely follow the gourd painting and punish him severely!
But, she... did not!
Raising her eyes slightly, looking into Lei Luo's eyes, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly when she understood what was in his heart: "Don't think that people think like you, okay, this girl has a pure heart, she is a rare good woman! "

Hearing this, the corners of Lei Luo's mouth could not help twitching lightly, with a look of disdain.

Seeing the two of them like this, Duguchen couldn't help saying again: "That's all for the day before yesterday, why did you still separate the medicine and use it with me yesterday?"

Frowning, he wondered why this person must be so shrewd?

Yuan Xiuyue looked back at him again: "That's because it's best to eat once and for all, but Lei Luo is so weak now, do you think he can allow me to come again and again?"


Being asked by her like this, Duguchen was completely silent!

At this moment, Yuan Xiuyue poured all the medicine powder from the porcelain dish onto his bleeding wound on the side of his wrist.


Severe pain, bone-piercing pain, all kinds of unbearable pain rushed into Lei Luo's mind at the same time.Under the tremendous pain, although he clenched his teeth tightly, he still couldn't help howling.

"Call out the pain, why endure it?!"

Looking coldly at Lei Luo, who was about to pass out from the pain, Yuan Xiuyue sighed secretly, took the pain-relieving pill from the fourth porcelain bottle and handed it to his mouth: "Eat this, the pain should be relieved." Smaller!"

Seeing this, Lei Luo couldn't help but change slightly when he looked at Yuan Xiuyue!
After a while, Lei Luo didn't see him swallowing the elixir. Yuan Xiuyue thought that he was in so much pain that he had no strength left, so she couldn't help getting up and supporting his head, and stuffed the elixir into his mouth.

Just as Lei Luo was taking the pill, Dugu Chen's gentle and elegant voice could not help but sounded from Yuan Xiuyue's side again: "Why didn't you let me take this painkiller when you treated my wound with me last night?" Elixir?"

His tone of voice was sour, as if he wanted a child who couldn't eat candy.

Hearing his words, Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up, and she turned her head to look at him with a funny face: "My lord passed out when he took the third medicine last night, how do you know that you haven't taken this pain-relieving pill before?" medicine?"

"Have it?"

Duguchen narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling serious doubts in his heart.


Swallowing the pill in his mouth, Lei Luo made a hoarse voice.

Thinking of the scene of Dugu Chen taking the medicine last night, she couldn't help but glance sideways at Yuan Xiuyue, then closed her eyes weakly.

That's it!That's it!
Although it was a few hours late when she asked the prince to take the pill last night, she let him take it right away today. No matter how loyal he is to the prince, he can't avenge his kindness and tear her down again!

After healing the injury with Lei Luo, Yuan Xiuyue didn't stay in Graceland for long, only received the consultation fee, and went back to the medicine garden directly!

In Graceland.

Duguchen sat in front of Lei Luo's bed, looked deeply at Lei Luo who had just woken up, and lowered his eyebrows to look at himself who was not much better than Lei Luo, couldn't help curling his thin lips, and slowly raised a touch of coldness The arc of laughter: "Right now, Juxian Building is not safe anymore."

"My lord!"

His face was still a little pale, Lei Lu's eyes flickered and said: "We are here to seek peace, and they went to do this in every possible way, Nangong Hao bullies people too much!"

Hearing this, Duguchen lowered his head: "If I switch identities with him, I will do the same to him!"

Although, they were chased and killed several times all the way from Nanyue, but he didn't blame each other at all!
Because, they are also the people at the top of the power.

They think about the problem from the same angle, so they have a feeling of sympathy!

Seeing that Dugu Chen lost his temper, Lei Luo asked helplessly, "Then what should we do next?"

"How to do it?"

Gently raising his head, Dugu Chen's expression was very calm and flat: "As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. Now that this Juxian Building cannot stay for long, we will send the emperor's imperial edict to you earlier. Go over and let them welcome us into the palace!"

"My lord said so!"

With a look of relief on his face, Lei Luo's tone subconsciously softened: "If anyone dares to attack the prince in the palace, it will really be the responsibility of Emperor Li!"

"That's right!"

Duguchen nodded and said yes!
Walking out of the wing room, he immediately ordered someone to send the Imperial Edict of Nanyue Emperor Dugu Jiang to Liguo Imperial Palace at high speed.

After all the orders were done, he paced in front of the door, raised his head to face the bright sunshine, and couldn't help but think of Long Chuxiu who healed with himself.

With a heartbeat, he raised his footsteps lightly and walked out: "Go, take me to the medicine garden for a walk!"

"The medicine garden?"

Frowning slightly, the guard was stunned for a moment before turning around.

Feeling for his prince, this is going to find his female doctor!


In the medicine garden.

Yuan Xiuyue was squatting in the medicine field, burying a few wild medicines just dug from the mountain.

When she was concentrating on it, she suddenly heard Duguchen's soft voice: "Wei snake orchid grass can detoxify seven-step snake venom!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's body trembled suddenly.

Frowning tightly, she turned around and looked up at Dugu Chen behind her. She pursed her lips in displeasure: "My lord, you walk without making any noise? Do you know that people are scary, and they can scare people to death!"

Slightly frowned, seeing that she really looked frightened, Dugu Chen's heart softened, and then he cupped his hands lightly: "It's the king who is being rude and frightened Miss Chuxiu!"

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue's complexion improved slightly, but her tone was still bad: "Why don't you recuperate in Graceland, why come here?"

"The king is leaving!"

The corners of his lips curled slightly, but his eyes were deeply entangled in Yuan Xiuyue's face, and there was still a gentle smile on Duguchen's face.

I thought, he should be entering the palace.

But it didn't show on his face, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and asked: "Is the lord going back to Nanyue?"

"Not going back to the palace!"

Duguchen smiled lightly and shook his head, bowed slightly, looked at Yuan Xiuyue who was squatting in front of him: "This king has to go to Li Palace first, and then return to Yue Kingdom!"


Nodding clear, Yuan Xiuyue said without hesitation: "Then I wish the prince a smooth journey!"

Seeing her so free and easy, Duguchen felt a little uncomfortable.

With a light cough, he leaned over slightly, and looked at her with a smile: "Now the king and Lei Luo's injuries have not healed yet, the king wants to bring the girl into the palace, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue was shocked!
Looking up at Duguchen's gentle smile, knowing that he was not joking, she twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "My lord, you should go by yourself, this girl will go on a long trip in two days!"


She had gone through a lot of hardships to escape from that palace, let her go back now? !

There are no doors!

"Where is Miss Chuxiu going?" Duguchen felt a little uncomfortable when he was rejected by a woman for the first time, and when he heard that she was going to go far away, he couldn't laugh anymore.

"To see a friend!"

Thinking of that person, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face gradually warmed up!

Seeing this, Duguchen couldn't help squinting his eyes and asked: "Is it a young master?!"


Facing Duguchen's narrowed eyes, Yuan Xiuyue nodded with a half-smile.

"Farewell today, my lord and I may not see each other again, lord, take care of yourself along the way!" She patted him on the shoulder very proudly, she turned around and continued to toss her own flowers and plants!
Seeing that she didn't care much about him, the sour taste in Duguchen's heart suddenly surged out again.

"Chuxiu girl!"

Calling her by name again, a smile appeared on his face again, his smile was as warm as a spring breeze: "Miss, are you prostitution?"

(End of this chapter)

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