115 Chapter 1 Can't Escape [-]
Duguchen's words made Yuan Xiuyue's hand holding the medicine stem slightly stiff, and the corners of her slightly raised mouth slowly raised a cold arc. Her eyes turned slightly, and she met Duguchen brightly, but extremely charming~ Huo Li's phoenix eyes: "Is the prince kidding me?"

Dugu Chen in front of him has a straight nose, and his slender and long eyebrows set off his narrow and long phoenix eyes very charmingly. There are a few traces of smiles in the corners of his slightly raised eyes. It is these traces of smiles that will It made people feel that he was playing a harmless joke with her.

With a smile on his lips, staring into Yuan Xiu's bright eyes, Dugu Chen's figure dropped slightly again, getting closer to her: "Girl Chuxiu, do you think this king is joking?"

"This girl looks alike!"

Eyes flashed slightly, and she let go of the herb in her hand, Yuan Xiuyue took a step back, stood up, and kept a distance from Duguchen: "If the prince is not joking, then I can only sigh secretly, the crows in the world are indeed black of!"

"Miss, have you ever seen a crow as handsome as this king?"

Asking a bad question, feeling Yuan Xiuyue's resistance, Duguchen did not bully him again, but smiled meaningfully: "Didn't Miss Chuxiu say that she has never entered the palace? This king sincerely wants to Invite the girl to enter the palace with the king."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled suddenly, and said in a displeased tone: "I remember I told the prince just now that I have to travel far away and have no time to enter the palace with you!"

This person, can't hear the rejection in her words? !

Do not!
He must be able to hear it!

However, the him in front of him is the real him.

That high-ranking and powerful King Yue who plans the world and cannot be rejected by anyone!

Duguchen's eyes lightly fell on Yuan Xiuyue's body. Seeing that her brows were slightly twisted, he seemed to be disgusted with her. He pursed his thin lips slightly and said, "The girl from the far door can come out in the future, but is this the palace? Not everyone Anyone can enter! And this king will give the girl a very considerable commission!"

"If I want to come in, I just need to tell my mother-in-law!"

Replying directly to Dugu Chen's words, Yuan Xiuyue frowned tightly, and sighed softly. She deliberately pretended to look disappointed and looked at him: "I love money, but a woman loves money, just like a gentleman. If you want to learn the right way, you have to discern your own heart..."

Yu Luo turned around slightly, not looking at Dugu Chen anymore, Yuan Xiuyue said coldly: "I thought that the prince and Lei Luo are different, so in the end, they are still the same raccoon dog!"

If Yuan Xiuyue's words were placed on someone else, Duguchen would have been furious and would definitely kill her!

But it was she who was talking now, but he didn't get angry at all. On the contrary, he felt that this was her frank nature.

Staring at Duguchen's handsome eyes that were not angry and smiling, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly felt hairy in her heart!

Casting a cold glance at him, she raised her steps slightly and walked towards her own room without looking back.

After entering the room, she turned around and looked at Dugu Chen who was still standing there. The corners of her lips twitched coldly, she ignored him, and slammed the door shut with all her might!
Seeing this, Duguchen couldn't help laughing!

As if the door that had been closed with a bang had touched the ashes of his nose, he bent his lips and raised his hand, caressed his straight nose, and turned back with a resentful expression...

Behind him, the two guards who came with him saw that he was still smiling, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded, with incredible expressions on their faces!

You know, the two of them have followed Duguchen for many years, and the women they see on weekdays are all throwing themselves at him and trying their best to please him.

But, even so, Duguchen always had a handsome face, and if he said he would turn his back, he would turn his back.

But today, he actually wanted to buy someone else, and... was rejected by him!

Then... touched the ashes on the nose!

Walking forward slowly, walking in front of the two guards, seeing the surprised expressions of the two guards with their mouths slightly open, Dugu Chen slightly hooked his lips, and asked coolly: "What? Does it look good?"



The two came back to their senses, fell silent, and bowed their heads respectfully towards Dugu Chen.

Looking back slightly, he took a deep look at the closed door behind his eyes, Duguchen lightly closed his eyes, his voice became slightly colder: "Go, go back to Graceland and wait for the news from Li Palace!"



The two hurriedly nodded yes, then followed Dugu Chen out of the medicine garden and returned to Grace Garden.

Standing in front of the window, Yuan Xiuyue half-closed her bright eyes, watching Duguchen leave the medicine garden, her mind was full of thoughts!

She is not a fool, so she can naturally feel that just now when Duguchen said that he wanted to buy her, he was not joking!

And in her opinion, it would definitely not be a good thing for Duguchen to think about her!
Thinking again and again in her heart, she frowned, and finally paced slowly in the room for a while, then opened the door, and went straight to Juxian Tower.

In Juxian Building, Long Po sits at the counter, watching the people coming and going in the building with half-closed eyes, and when she sees a tall and handsome man, she frowns from time to time, and then makes some comments in her heart, assuming that these are All the joys of her life.


Entering through the back door, seeing Long Po sitting in front of the cabinet, Yuan Xiuyue called softly and walked forward quickly.


Responding with a smile, Long Po smiled and looked at Yuan Xiuyue: "You girl, why are you willing to come forward?"

"I miss my mother-in-law!"

Smiling sweetly at Dragon Po, Yuan Xiuyue stepped forward and wrapped her neck around her from behind, and said lightly, "Grandma has lunch today, how about granddaughter to accompany her?"

"Of course!"

Looking back at Yuan Xiuyue, Long Po told the nurse next to her, "Go and prepare some dishes that the girl likes to eat."


Like the dragon mother-in-law, Mammy also had a smile on her face, nodded lightly, and she went out to the dining room to prepare lunch.

Not long after, in the quiet and fresh orchid room, lunch was served, as expected by Luang Po, a table full of delicious dishes, all of which were to Yuan Xiuyue's appetite.

"As expected, my mother-in-law loves me the most!"

Smiling, she picked up some dishes with the dragon mother-in-law, and Yuan Xiuyue smiled happily and said, "Let's eat!"

When the words fell, she really lowered her head and began to feast!
Seeing her eating happily, Long Po couldn't help but shook her head and laughed: "Look at you, how can you have the demeanor of the mother of a country?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue, who was gnawing on a crystal pork knuckle, was taken aback!
Raising her head to meet Luang Po's smiling eyes, she smiled lightly, and then she acted like a lady, and served the Luang Po's dishes lightly, taking small bites for lunch.


Being teased by her serious look, Long Po was dumbfounded and didn't dare to accept it: "Are you trying to kill my old lady?"


Yuan Xiuyue pursed her lips and looked aggrieved: "I let you eat, you said that I don't have the slightest maternal demeanor, I eat in a gentle way, and you are calling me Respondent, you... are you letting someone eat you?"

While talking, she put the chopsticks on the table and stopped eating!


Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's full of grievances, Long Po nodded, and personally picked up the chopsticks and pushed the delicious crystal elbow she ate earlier to her: "Eat! You eat! Let go and eat!"


With a smile of success, Yuan Xiuyue resumed her old self again, and started to eat on her own.

After a while, lunch was over and her stomach was full. While hiccupping, she asked Long Po: "Princess Xian told Po Po, when will she come?"

"The exact date is yet to be determined!"

If she replied softly, Long Po took a look at Yuan Xiuyue and asked softly: "When she comes, I will send someone to send you out, you don't have to worry too much!"

"That was not what I meant!"

Shaking her head at Long Po, Yuan Xiuyue smiled and said, "I want to leave early!"

Hearing this, Long Po frowned slightly.

Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly, and murmured: "Yue Wang wants me to enter the palace with them!"

When Long Po heard this, her face changed slightly: "This King Yue has a deep scheming mind and is good at calculating everywhere. He is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. According to my old lady, it is better for you to deal less with him!"

"Grandma is really good at seeing people!"

Slapping the mother-in-law's ass hard, Yuan Xiuyue straightened her face: "Please also prepare the carriage and dry food with me in advance, and I will leave early tomorrow morning!"

"Do not worry!"

Pettingly patted Yuan Xiuyue's face, Long Po firmly nodded: "Tomorrow morning, I will order people to prepare the carriage and wait outside the medicine garden!"


Pulling the long tone, she got up from her seat, Yuan Xiuyue stepped forward and hugged Long Po, and said softly and coquettishly: "I am the best mother-in-law in this world, I wish with my heart that my mother-in-law will live a long life! "


Because of the continuous laughter, her cheeks were reddish, Long Po reached out and touched Yuan Xiuyue's forehead, "This mouth is sweet!"

"Isn't sweet mouth good?" Looking up at Long Po, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes sparkled brightly: "Grandma, who can be coaxed by sweet mouth, laughs every day, how wonderful!"

"Good! Very good!"

With a look of joy on her face, Long Po patted her hand, "Grandma, I hope you have a sweet mouth and a sweet heart!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue felt a little suffocated, she knew what Long Po meant, but if it was true, how easy would it be?

Sighing secretly in her heart, she soon showed her face again, teasing Long Po's face with joy!
Leave the country, go to the main hall!
Dressed in a bright yellow dragon robe that never changes, showing the majesty and supreme power of the imperial power, Nangong Haoling took the imperial edict written by Dugu Jiang from Ji Heng's hand, lowered his eyebrows and only glanced at it, his heroic eyebrows did not change. He wrinkled happily: "You said that your lord traveled all the way and was assassinated by assassins one after another, almost losing his life?"

In the main hall, the guards sent by Duguchen to deliver the imperial edict stood respectfully.

Hearing Nangong Haoling's question, his complexion changed, and he couldn't help answering in a cold voice: "If you go back to Emperor Li, that's true!"

(End of this chapter)

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