116 Chapter 2 Can't Escape [-]
"Who the hell? How dare you attack King Yue after eating the heart of a bear?" Nangong Haoling's eyes turned cold, and he slapped the handle of the faucet beside him seemingly angrily: "If I catch him , the canonical punishment must be revealed!"

"Calm down the anger of Emperor Li. Fortunately, my prince is fine. Those assassins have never succeeded!"

With such words on his mouth, the corner of the guard's mouth couldn't help but curl up coldly!
From his point of view, Nangong Haoling is simply calling for a thief!
But suffering from helplessness, what he can do is to bow himself again and let him calm down and calm down again!

With cold eyes, he glanced at the guards standing respectfully in the main hall. Nangong Haoling handed back the imperial edict to Ji Heng, and then asked Ji Heng softly, "Is the palace in the palace repaired in these two days?"

Hearing this, Ji Heng was taken aback, and was a little confused for a while.

Seeing Nangong Haoling winking at him secretly, he shook his head in a sudden realization, and then replied: "Return to the emperor, the slave just asked yesterday, and the craftsman in charge of repairs said it will take two days!" "

"Why so slow?!"

The handsome eyebrows were lightly raised, and Nangong Haoling immediately gave him an order: "I will pass on my will, the King of Yue has just arrived in the capital of my country after a long and difficult journey, and ordered the craftsmen who repaired it to arrive within two days. The repair of the hall is complete, so that I can welcome King Yue to Beijing!"

As the words fell, the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he said to His Royal Highness's guards: "I have seen this imperial edict, and it will only be tomorrow, and when the palace's guest house is properly repaired, I will personally send someone to welcome His Royal Highness Yue Wang into the capital!"

Hearing this, the guards frowned, faintly, and said with some displeasure: "Forgive me from Emperor Li, and I will forgive you for your humble position. According to the usual practice, when a foreign envoy with the status of a prince comes, he should immediately welcome him into the palace hotel." !"

"is it?"

Beautiful eyebrows, raised high, Nangong Haoling turned his head to look at the virtuous king Nangong Haoyuan!

"He is right, there is indeed such a practice!"

With a faint smile on his face, Nangong Haoyuan nodded lightly to Nangong Haoling.

Seeing her elder brother nodding, Nangong Haoling smiled disapprovingly, and then looked at the guards in the palace: "You also said that it's just a custom, this is Liguo, I am the emperor of Liguo, what I say is the rule !"


The complexion changed slightly, the guard raised his eyes to look at Nangong Haoling, only thinking that he was deliberately making things difficult, the guard said in a low tone: "Emperor Li is so indifferent to my lord, aren't you afraid of hurting the peace of Li Yue and the two countries?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's handsome face turned cold, and immediately sneered: "I just wanted to make him live better and more comfortably, so why would I hurt the harmony between Li Yue and Li Yue? Besides, no matter you My lord, you must never forget how beautiful it is in Yue Country, this place... is Li Country! Everything... must be done according to my rules!"

Because of Nangong Haoling's words, the guards of Yue Kingdom in the main hall turned green and white for a while, until finally they turned black!
Seeing that he was silent, Nangong Haoling ordered Ji Heng: "Take my imperial pen, and I will personally send a divorce letter to King Yue!"


Responding respectfully, Ji Heng took the imperial pen and waited for Nangong Haoling to write the imperial edict.

Not long after, the imperial edict was completed, and after Nangong Haoling got the seal, Ji Heng handed it to the guards.

Holding the imperial edict tightly in his hand, the guards respected the superior Nangong Haoling and asked to leave the palace.

Seeing the guard leaving with an unhappy expression on his face, Nangong Haoyuan who was sitting beside him couldn't help but secretly shook his head!

After getting out of the court hall, in front of Nangong Haoling and Yuan Wende, he finally couldn't help asking Ji Heng beside him: "Is the hotel in the palace under repair? Why didn't the king hear about it?"

Hearing the words, Ji Heng turned his eyes to look at Nangong Haoling and couldn't help but chuckled, and then replied: "My lord, the hotel in the palace has always been very good, and there is no need to repair it at all!"

Frowning, Nangong Haoyuan thought for a while, then shook his head with a smile: "Your master and servant deliberately performed a double reed, just to let King Yue enter the palace two days later?"

"Brother Wang is so smart!"

Smiling softly and harmlessly, Nangong Haoling's handsome face showed a trace of coldness: "Duguchen is suspicious by nature, but in the past two days, I don't need to do more, he will definitely live in panic All day long!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoyuan gave a hearty smile that was rare to see!
Above the lower ranks, although Yuan Wende was smiling, there was a little worry in his eyes!

Just now, the guard had already said that Duguchen is living in Juxianlou right now.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't help but start to worry about Yuan Xiuyue. He got up and asked Nangong Haoling to resign: "My Majesty, there are still matters to be dealt with in the army, so I will leave the palace."

"not busy!"

Taking a deep look at Yuan Wende, Nangong Haoling turned his head to Nangong Haoling and said, "Because King Yue has not yet entered the palace to seek peace, in these two days, I want to study my relationship carefully with Brother Wang and the General. In order not to rely on the state of Chu for the deployment of troops from the country, let him shock Dugu Chen first!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende frowned almost invisible, but he couldn't help but secretly worried.

Of course, he had already heard about Yuan Xiuyue's holiday with Duguchen.

Although Yuan Xiuyue lives in the medicine garden in disguise now, she is under the same roof as Duguchen after all!

In his heart, he was really worried about Yuan Xiuyue!
Two hours later, in Graceland.

The person Duguchen sent to deliver the letter to Li Palace has also returned!
At this moment, he was sitting in the side room, looking at the imperial edict of Nangong Haoling brought back from the palace by the guards!

It wasn't long, and he couldn't help but smile coldly when he read the imperial edict, and slapped the letter on the table!

"My lord?"

Seeing his stern expression, Lei Luo couldn't help asking, "What did Emperor Li say?"

The coldness on his body gradually faded away, Dugu Chen said with a faint smile: "Emperor Li said in the letter that the palace pavilion is currently being repaired, and it will take two days to complete the work. It will take the morning of the next day, and he will personally send someone to pick me up. palace!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's face darkened: "The foreign envoy came and was welcomed into the palace immediately, why did he have to wait a day when he arrived? What kind of bullshit reason is the repair of the hotel?!"

Hearing Lei Luo's words, the face of the guard who was going to deliver the letter changed slightly.

Seeing the change in his expression, Duguchen couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly: "Why do you have such an expression?"

"My lord doesn't know anything!"

Respecting Dugu Chen, the guard replied in a deep voice: "Just now what Sir Lei said, in Li Palace, the Xian Wang also said so."


Eyebrows pursed, Duguchen smiled coldly: "What's Nangong Haoling's reaction after the virtuous king said it?"

"He says……"

He gave Dugu Chen a hesitant look, and the guard frowned: "He said..."

"what did he say?"

When he asked this sentence, Duguchen smiled lightly, on the surface he looked elegant and dusty, but in fact, he revealed a heart-pounding coldness!
"He says……"

Feeling numb, the guard glanced at Duguchen again, then lowered his head and said: "He said this is Liguo, and he is the emperor of Liguo. Follow the rules!"

"Too deceiving!"

With a bang, it hit the eaves of the bed fiercely, but the shock caused severe pain to his wound. Lei Luo couldn't help showing a look of pain on his angry face!
There was no hint of anger on Nangong Haoling's words on his handsome face. Duguchen glanced at Lei Luo, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "Lei Luo...what's the matter with you? Why did you go away this time? Will you become so irritable? Where did you go, the one that this king knew before, who showed no emotions?"

"My lord..."

Smacking his lips, he was embarrassed by what Duguchen said, and Lei Luo immediately calmed down.

With a slight sigh, Dugu Chen's eyes darkened, and his voice gradually became cold: "It's still the same sentence, if today's matter is placed in Yue Kingdom, and it is Nangong Haoling who comes to ask for peace, this king will definitely not accept it." I will let go of this excellent opportunity to add insult to injury!"


Frowning tightly, Lei Luo said coldly: "Nowadays, the strongest of the Three Kingdoms belongs to me, Nanyue. Why should the prince be so humble to them?"


Smiling disapprovingly, Duguchen smiled lightly, "In order for the Three Kingdoms Summit to be held as scheduled, so what if I humble myself?"

Although he has always been conceited, he will never shirk his responsibility!
What happened today all started from the Anyang battle last year. If he hadn't missed in Anyang, there would be no such serious consequences today!
Therefore, now, if he is wronged, things can develop according to his intention, and he himself feels that it doesn't matter!
Looking at Lei Luo with lowered eyebrows, he sighed in a low voice: "Aren't you ignorant of the situation in front of you? Li Guo and Chu Guo, my Nanyue will win any one of these, but after all Last year in Anyang incident, these two countries have basically reached an alliance. In this way, if they go to war again, although all three parties will be seriously injured, but it will hurt me Nanyue the most! So... When you arrive at Li Palace, you must Restrain your emotions, this king will not allow you to make any mistakes during this trip!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's heart shuddered!
There were many thoughts in his heart, he lowered his chin slightly, and respectfully replied to Dugu Chen: "This subordinate must obey the prince's reprimand!"

Seeing Lei Luo like this, Duguchen pursed his lips slightly and smiled faintly.

Turning his head to look at the guards beside him, he ordered softly: "The king ordered, let our people work harder in the past two days, don't sleep at night, but be more careful, after tomorrow, when we enter Palace, it's easy!"

He thought that the reason why Nangong Haoling decided to welcome him into the palace two days later, was very likely to attack him again in these two days!
"Subordinates obey!"

With a solemn expression, he bowed his head to accept the order, and the guard turned around and left the wing.

At that time, only Duguchen and Lei Luo were left in the wing room.

He raised his eyes to look at his master, seeing that his expression was unsteady, as if he was thinking about something, so he didn't dare to disturb him.


After a long silence, Duguchen spoke quietly again.

Frowning slightly, Lei Luo responded respectfully: "This subordinate is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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