117 Chapter 3 Can't Escape [-]
Slowly lowering his eyes, meeting Yu Leiluo's eyes, Duguchen bent his lips and smiled: "Before entering Li Palace, this king has one more thing to tell you!"


Facing Dugu Chen's deep and bottomless pupils, Lei Luo's heart faltered slightly, following him for many years, he had already understood what was in his heart, he moved slightly, and asked aloud: "Will the prince Explain the matter with your subordinates, but is it related to Miss Long?"

"Lei Luo?!"

Duguchen was slightly taken aback by Lei Luo's direct question, and then with a gloomy face, he said in a cold voice: "You know, guessing my king's mind is a big taboo for this king!"

"Lei Luo is guilty of death!"

Suddenly bowing his head, Lei Luo's already pale face turned cold!
Seeing the expression on Lei Luo's face, Duguchen didn't continue to pursue anything, but narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a light smile, "I want to keep her by my side!"

"My lord?"

Staring blankly at Dugu Chen in front of him, Lei Luo couldn't help but feel choked up!
In the past, if there was a woman that Duguchen liked, he would tell her that he would bring that woman into the palace!
But, what he said right now is true, he wants to keep her by his side!

Although the difference is only a few words, there is already a world of difference!

After a moment of stagnation, seeing Duguchen's gentle gaze resting on him again, Lei Luo said softly: "Going to leave the palace, the situation is treacherous, according to my subordinates, it is good for Miss Long to stay here, and when we go to Chu Kingdom , and then bring her along..."

Now, their master is trying his best to promote the Three Kingdoms Summit!

Therefore, after seeing Nangong Haoling, he would immediately set off to the state of Chu to negotiate with the emperor of Chu on the Three Kingdoms Summit!

If he brought the dragon out of the Xiu during the period of entering the palace, he always felt that there would be more troubles!

"She said she was going on a long trip!"

A faint smile was still hanging on the corner of his mouth, Duguchen's tone was quiet, but his brows were slightly frowned: "I am afraid that when we leave Li Palace, she will not be in Juxian Tower anymore."

"My lord..."

Knowing that Duguchen was different this time, Lei Luo bit his lip lightly, and finally nodded: "This subordinate understands!"

For many years, he has never seen Duguchen treat any woman so attentively...

Now, since he has put his heart into it, he thinks, no matter what he is talking about, it is all in vain!
After all, being able to say that fearful word from his mouth already proves everything!
It was night, as Nangong Haoling expected, in Graceland, the guards in charge of guarding were all concentrated and did not dare to slack off, even Dugu Chen and Lei Luo, who were injured in the room, did not Sleep peacefully, lest the assassins sent by Liguo sneak attack again in the middle of the night!

However, it was beyond their expectations.

This night passed very peacefully, and the moment they had expected did not appear.

In a flash, another day passed.

The night sky is extraordinarily enchanting, but the guards in charge of guarding Yayuan are still holding on.

And they have not slept peacefully for a day and a night.

The third watch is about to pass, which is the fourth watch.

Standing outside the door, looking up at the night sky above.

Duguchen's face was stern, his eyes were flickering.

After coming out of the upper room, Lei Luo put a thin brocade cloak on his shoulders, and urged him softly: "The prince must be tired too, let's go in and rest for now, there are subordinates guarding here, and they will definitely ensure that the prince Nothing to lose!"

"No need!"

Shaking his head lightly, the corners of Duguchen's lips curled up slowly, revealing a desolate smile: "Everyone, go in and sleep for a while!"

It wasn't until this moment that he realized something that he hadn't thought of before.

But...it was too late!
After hearing Duguchen's words, Lei Luo couldn't help but change his expression!
Looking back at him, the smile on Duguchen's face did not diminish, but he was laughing at himself: "Just like yesterday, the assassin who left the country today will not show up after all."

"How does your lord know?"

The brows were tightly knit, and Lei Luo had a puzzled look on his face.

With a sneer, Duguchen turned back and said, "If the king's guess is correct, the Li Palace Residence has never been repaired at all, and Nangong Haoling tricked me into entering the palace two days later. He guessed that he would make the last move in these two days, but he... did the opposite, making us wait here for nothing like fools!"

Thinking of this, I still can't help but sigh!
Dugu Chen shook his head and smiled wryly, then looked back at Lei Luo: "There is still an hour until Chen Shi, you should also squint for a while!"

"Uh... yes!"

Dazed, standing on the spot without moving, Lei Luo saw Dugu Chen enter the upper room with a wry smile on his face, and couldn't help scratching his hair in frustration.

This time they left the country as an envoy, they never asked anyone for divination in advance!
He believed that if he went to make a divination now, the higher authorities would definitely show that this trip...was very inappropriate!

Thinking wildly in his heart, Lei Luo sighed heavily, turned his head and gave instructions to the shadow guards placed in the yard, he said to two of them: "You go and wait outside the medicine garden, and bring Miss Long here at about Chen Shi! "

Hearing this, the two guards looked at each other in dismay, but finally took the order respectfully, and then flew away from Yayuan!


The next day, the sky was clear and bright, slightly slowly.

But Yuan Xiuyue caught wind and cold!

When she got up early in the morning, she was sneezing all day long, and even after she had taken the elixir for wind and cold, she would take one from time to time, and so on, which made her extremely annoyed, but there was nothing she could do!

After breakfast, Yuan Xiuyue simply wrapped her clothes in a bag and took a few bags of gold from Lei Luo earlier, and Yuan Xiuyue was ready to go out.


As soon as she opened the door, she felt the cool wind blowing in front of her, and she couldn't help sneezing again!
Dai frowned slightly, and rubbed the tip of the person's nose lightly, she muttered inwardly, then turned around and closed the door.

It was also on this matter that as early as the fourth watch, the two guards who had been guarding the medicine garden appeared behind her silently.

Turning around slightly, unexpectedly there were two more living people behind her, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled, she couldn't help shivering suddenly, and dropped all the baggage in her hand on the ground: "Ghost!"

Hearing her words, the two people standing behind him twitched their eyebrows, and then said in a deep voice: "Miss Long, we are human!"

How could Yuan Xiuyue not know that the two people behind her were human beings? !
It's just that they appeared too abruptly!
With an expression of displeasure on her face, she stretched out her hand and patted her chest and turned around. She took a closer look and saw that it was the two plainclothes guards beside Duguchen. At the bottom: "You guys better give me a reasonable reason to scare me, or this girl will turn you all into ghosts!"

Respecting Yuan Xiuyue, one of the two guards tried to make himself smile cutely, and said softly: "The two of us are ordered by Lord Lei to pick up the girl to Yayuan!"

"What is this girl going to Graceland for?"

With a sneer, Yuan Xiuyue gloated and asked back, "Is your prince or Mr. Lei poisoned again?"

It's rare for her to be quiet these two days, and they came to look for her again today, could it be that they were plotted against by that kid Nangong Haoling again? !
Very likely!
Seeing the expression on Yuan Xiuyue's face, the corner of the guard's smiling lips suddenly twitched twice.

"My lord and Lord Lei are all well!"

Taking a deep breath, he shook his head, then bowed his head respectfully, and stopped looking at her: "Master Lei's order is to let his subordinates take the girl there, and please don't make things difficult for us!"

Looking down at the two people in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue thought in her heart, what did Lei Luo ask her to do in the past!
Suddenly, remembering that Dugu Chen had said that she wanted her to enter the palace with them, she bent down to pick up the bag on the ground, and then hugged it tightly in the words: "Your lord is going to enter the palace today!"

Hearing this, the two guards were shocked!
Seeing them like this, Yuan Xiuyue twitched the corners of her lips, knowing that they must be thinking why she would know this, and after a slight sigh, she slightly bent her lips to explain the confusion for the two of them: "Two days ago, your lord and I mentioned it!"

The two were stunned, and then nodded.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue sneered inwardly, raised the bundle in her hands and said, "Go back, I'm going out today, so I won't go to Graceland."

After the words fell, she started to leave, but was stopped by two guards again.


With a gloomy expression on their faces, the two guards said coldly: "If the girl is in a hurry to go out, please go to Yayuan to meet Lord Lei first!"

Looking up at the two strong men in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue knew that if she didn't attack them secretly, she would definitely not be able to deal with them, but if she attacked them secretly, Duguchen would definitely begin to doubt her...

With a lot of thoughts, she looked outside the door, thinking that the carriage arranged by Long Po should be at the door at this moment, she pursed her lips slightly, and then said in a slow tone: "Let's go, don't you want to see Lei Luo?"

After the words fell, she raised her hand to push the two of them away, and passed between them.

Seeing this, the two hurriedly followed.

After walking out for a while, she saw a carriage parked outside the medicine garden, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help feeling more at ease.

Quietly, she put her hand into her breast pocket, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, but her steps gradually slowed down.

"Dragon girl?!"

Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue didn't move forward anymore, the two couldn't help saying at the same time: "Why don't you leave?"

"I have a stomach ache!"

Saying so, her legs were aggrieved, and she pretended to cry bitterly and moaned: "Oh..."

Seeing this, the two quickly stepped forward: "Girl?!"

Just as the two squatted down in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue raised her head with a smile on her lips.

Seeing her smiling so strangely, the two couldn't help trembling. Before they could react, Yuan Xiuyue made a sudden move, sprinkled the medicine powder in his hand towards their eyes impartially!


Crying out in pain twice, the two of them felt severe pain in their eyes and couldn't open them for a while.

"My lords, this powder is non-toxic, just wash it off!" Quickly muttered to the two of them, Yuan Xiuyue saw the opportunity, and then her eyes lit up, she stepped forward and jumped onto the carriage.

When the footsteps fell, her legs twitched slightly, and she couldn't help grinning!
(End of this chapter)

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