Chapter 119 Let's Go, My Queen 1
Yuan Xiuyue's swearing made everyone present dumbfounded!

For a moment, there was no sound in all directions, and the atmosphere, of course, had froze to the extreme!

Sensing the awkward atmosphere around her, Yuan Xiuyue closed her lips, opened her eyes wide, and turned her head to look behind her.The virtuous king Nangong Haoling was standing in front of the chariot at the moment, looking at her from a distance, she was startled, and had to freeze in Duguchen's arms for a moment.

Following her line of sight, she met Nangong Haoyuan's eyes full of surprise again. Duguchen's lips hooked slightly, he tightened his arms slightly, and calmly walked forward with Yuan Xiuyue in his arms. Glancing at her drowningly, he nodded to Nangong Haoling and said with a smile, "His Royal Highness the Xian Wang must laugh at you!"

Smiling disapprovingly at Duguchen, Nangong Haoyuan lowered his head and looked at the bright and charming Yuan Xiuyue in Duguchen's arms.

Seeing him looking at her, Yuan Xiuyue closed her eyes, and nestled into Duguchen's arms, like an ostrich, she didn't even raise her head after being beaten to death: "Let His Highness Xian Wang see the joke!"

God knows, no matter how much she dislikes Duguchen right now, she still has to use him as a shield!

If not, the current situation is really driving people crazy!

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue nestled in Dugu Chen's arms without raising her head, Nangong Haoyuan frowned slightly, and said with a smile: "The roar of the concubine just now reminded me of the rightful master in my palace, the prince's beloved son." Heart, this king has feelings in his heart, so he won't find it ridiculous!"

Yuan Xiuyue's body trembled because of Nangong Haoyuan's voice of princess!
But Dugu Chen's eyes darkened because of his attitude towards Yuan Xiuyue, and his complexion changed almost invisible!
Slightly raising her eyes, seeing that Dugu Chen's face had changed, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but beat her chest and feet in her heart for a while.

It's over, this guy is so suspicious, after hearing Nangong Haoyuan's words, he must start to doubt her now!
Thinking of this, her thoughts changed abruptly, then she snorted coldly and kicked her legs vigorously: "Put me down!"

Looking down at Yuan Xiuyue, Duguchen did not put her down as he said, but continued to carry her forward until he boarded the chariot.

"Master, servant girl, go and rescue the girl!" Seeing Duguchen carrying Yuan Xiuyue into the chariot, on the second floor of Juxian Building, the mother-in-law next to the dragon lady looked at the dignified dragon lady in front of her. After that, he bowed respectfully behind her.

When the words fell, seeing that the dragon mother did not respond, the mother turned around and went downstairs.

"Do you want Li Guo to fight Yue Guo?"

Without turning her head to look at the nanny behind her, Luang Po spoke coldly, but her eyes still stayed on the chariot downstairs.

Hearing what the LP asked, Mammy couldn't help being stunned!
Turning back slightly, she looked at Long Po with a puzzled expression: "What does the master mean by that?"

Finally looking back at her, the dragon mother-in-law said with a cold expression: "King Xian is downstairs right now. If you make a move at this moment, the identity of Xiuyue girl will definitely be exposed. If that is the case, she will definitely become the biggest girl in the world today." Laughing butt, just think about it, the empress of Liguo is hugged by Yue Wangqiang and claims that she is his concubine. This is tantamount to stealing his wife from the emperor. How can you bear it?"

At that time, Li Guo and Nanyue, even if it is not necessary to fight, this battle will be inevitable!

After hearing Long Po's explanation, Mammy was shocked!
Looking downstairs again, she was full of worry and said: "Even if the servant doesn't save her now, if the girl enters the palace with King Yue today, I'm afraid everything will be out of control! By then , the truth is revealed in the court, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to end!"

Seeing all the worries on Nanny's face, Long Po turned around and looked downstairs again: "That girl, although she usually looks at her laughing and joking, she is actually very alert. Now that you and I can think of the pros and cons, she will naturally It's clear in my heart, now my old lady also wants to see how she will solve this situation today?"

Hearing this, Mammy was startled, but her face was still anxious: "Master, what you mean is that now we just let it go and wait and see what happens?"

Long Po turned her head again and looked at the old nanny who had been with her for many years. She couldn't help but smile, and piled up all the wrinkles on her face: "If what I expected is right, after a while It won't be long before someone from the palace will come to Juxian Tower to investigate her life experience, when the time comes, you can just say what we have arranged in advance, and let her explain the rest!"


Raising her eyes and looking at her master again, the nanny sighed heavily, knowing that what the master said was reasonable, she could only frowned, hoping that Yuan Xiuyue could escape smoothly during this trip.

Downstairs of Juxian, Nangong Haoyuan raised his eyes slightly, and met Long Po's eyes in the air. He bent his lips and smiled gently, saluting her respectfully!

Seeing this, Luang Po smiled kindly, waved to him lightly, and let him go!

After a while, the chariot started, looking at the group of people who were slowly heading towards the capital from downstairs, Luang Po's lips curled slightly, and she sighed softly, "I hope she can untie herself during this trip." That knot in my heart!"

Hearing this, the nanny looked up at her, and muttered in a low voice: "Didn't the master always say that he likes the Chuxiu girl the most, and wants her to be with him all the time?"

"I also like girl Fengtang the most! She is different! She has that boy Nangong Haoyuan, and she hasn't come to my wife's place year after year!" Looking back at the nanny who had been by his side for decades, Long The mother-in-law smiled bitterly and sighed again: "We are all old and dying, so naturally we want to stay with young people like them, but what they a man!"

Hearing Long Po's exclamation, Mammy couldn't help but burst out laughing: "The servant listens to the master, so sour."

"Isn't it okay for my wife to be jealous?"

As the saying goes, the old is still young, and the old is still young, and this is the case for Luang Po at this moment.

I saw her grunting to herself, she looked like a child, and went downstairs with a stick on her crutches...

The chariot left Juxian Tower and headed towards the capital.

On both sides of Jing Road, wild flowers are in full bloom, green and lush, and there is a vibrant scene everywhere.

Inside the chariot.

Dugu Chen had a cold expression on his face.

At this moment, his slightly long and narrow eyes were slightly squinted, and his sharp eyes fell directly on Yuan Xiuyue's pretty face, as if he wanted to see her through!
He was like this, he had looked at her for a long time, but he never spoke.

After a long while, she finally felt like a thorn in her back, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help turning her head, and said coldly to him: "If the prince doesn't like this girl, he can put her down on the chariot, why bother to make trouble here? Happy, my girl, I am still waiting to go out and visit relatives!"

After hearing her words, Duguchen rarely showed a smile on his face, and only stared at her with deep eyes.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and stared back at him not to be outdone!
For a moment, they stared wide-eyed, and the atmosphere in the chariot had also froze to the extreme.

After a short period of silence, a stern look flashed in his deep pupils, his slightly sharp chin raised slightly, and he also drew a beautiful arc in the air: "My lord will give you another chance!" , tell me the truth, who are you?"

As early as when Nangong Haoyuan declared that he didn't know her, Yuan Xiuyue had already expected that Duguchen would definitely ask this question after he opened his mouth!
Gently, frowning, she first had a look of doubt on her face, then her eyes darkened, and she replied with a sneer: "Who am I? I am myself, who else can I be?"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's complexion changed slightly, and his tone gradually became colder.

Leaning forward, facing Yuan Xiuyue on all sides, he stared into her eyes, and asked repeatedly in a deep voice: "Say——who are you?"

Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help trembling slightly when she met his breath and caught a glimpse of his cold eyes.

Waiting with bated breath, she stubbornly raised her chin, her voice became colder and colder: "I am Long Chuxiu, the granddaughter of Long Po, the young master of Juxianlou! You and Lei Luo's savior!"

"Are you still lying to me?"

His eyes suddenly became cloudy, Duguchen lightly raised his hand, under her gaze, stroked her shoulder, and then slid down to her jade neck: "As far as this king knows, Xuanyuantang, the virtuous princess, has been in the palace since she was a child. I grew up with the dragon mother, if you are the granddaughter of the dragon mother, will the king know you?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes couldn't help but shrink!
Staring at her pretty face, Duguchen retracted his five fingers and held her neck. His eyes were bloodthirsty and gradually turned red: "Didn't you say that when you and this king were healing that day? You know all of them, my lord? Why doesn't the virtuous king know you at this moment?"

At this moment, as long as he thinks that the woman in front of him who has moved his heart is not treating him sincerely, and is very likely to be lying to him, he can't help but want to go crazy!

In his world, deception has never been tolerated!


Between the neck, Duguchen's big hand, although he never really exerted force, but in the bottom of Yuan Xiuyue's heart, the image of Nangong Haoling once strangling her throat suddenly appeared, and her heart felt like falling into an ice cave instantly, she raised her eyes and spoke in a vague tone. With a sluggish smile, he said, "Are you doubting me?"

Although she was indeed lying to her, she still hated people not believing her, and even more disgusted by being strangled!

"Do you think you shouldn't make this king suspicious?"

Unable to see her gloomy eyes, Duguchen frowned tightly, and controlled the strength of his hands to just not hurt her, his eyes were as deep as night!

As if hearing a big joke, Yuan Xiuyue opened her mouth to scoff, then bit her lip slightly, and asked with a sneer, "Has the lord ever treated anyone sincerely?"

Hearing her question, Duguchen couldn't help being shocked!
"No, you never have!" Seeing that Duguchen was silent, Yuan Xiuyue sighed with a smile: "A person who has never treated anyone sincerely, why should he force others to treat you sincerely? In this world, there is no one who must treat you well , if you treat people badly, how can others treat you well?"

(End of this chapter)

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