Chapter 120 Let's Go, My Queen 2
"you shut up!"

Eyebrows raised, Duguchen wanted to tighten his five fingers immediately, but he couldn't use any strength!
Taking a deep breath, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to meet Dugu Chen's beautiful and deep eyes again.Seeing that his peach-like face had turned dark, she taunted her in a bad tone: "Speaking of which, my Highness Yue Wang, you are too suspicious! Did you forget? It was yours back then. My subordinates, you rushed to let me detoxify you. Not only did I not harm you, but I also saved the lives of your masters and servants. Now you are starting to doubt me... And... Today I wanted to I left without thinking of having any contact with you at all, and now you are forcing me to go with you, you...what right do you have to doubt me?"

He was momentarily at a loss for words by Yuan Xiuyue's words.

Duguchen hesitated slightly, and the five fingers clasped around her neck loosened a little again!Looking up at her again, he sighed resentfully: "You're not me, so naturally you don't know, the environment I grew up in, and you don't understand why my suspicions are so serious!"

Feeling the ease in his tone, Yuan Xiuyue secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Looking down at his big hand that was still on her neck, her eyes flashed, and she opened her mouth and bit it down!

There was a sudden pain in the tiger's mouth, and Duguchen reflexively wanted to wave his hand towards Yuan Xiuyue's face, but he just raised his eyes and caught a glimpse of her angry gaze, his heart eased, and he frowned, reluctantly letting her bite his Vent your hatred!

Seeing him like this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, let go of his hand a little embarrassingly, and never looked at him again, she turned her eyes outward with a look of anger, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the chariot.

After a long time, her mind moved slightly, and she sighed slowly: "I don't know what kind of environment you grew up in, so that you developed such a suspicious temperament now, you take it for granted, and you don't know, I, who is crippled, live What kind of environment is it like!"

Hearing this, Duguchen frowned slightly.

Turning her eyes slightly, Yuan Xiuyue looked back at Dugu Chen, and Yuan Xiuyue once again looked outside the chariot: "I told you that I know all the princes of the country, but what does that mean? Ask alone to see if they know the princes from the Li country, and they will answer you—yes, but like me, they know the princes, but the princes may not know them!"

Hearing her words, Duguchen couldn't help chuckling.

He opened his mouth slightly, just as he was about to mention Xuanyuan Tang, but he heard her say quietly: "Everyone will have low self-esteem, when the people in front of you are all intact, but you have a limping leg, Even when you walk, you have to be tall and short, and you will be like me, not wanting to face anyone, locking yourself in your own room, and licking your wounds alone."

Suddenly, thinking of leaving Nangong Haoling because of her leg injury, Yuan Xiuyue's heart throbbed in pain.

Her clear eyes gradually became blurred. She raised her head, took a deep breath, and wanted to force back the tears in her eyes, but when she caught a glimpse of Dugu Chen beside her, she let the tears slip from the corners of her eyes...

Seeing her crying sadly, Duguchen's heart couldn't help but suddenly ache!
"Chuxiu girl..."

Reaching out his hand in a daze, he wanted to wipe her tears away, but she saw that she was one step ahead of him and raised her arm to wipe away the tears: "My lord, it's not surprising that the virtuous king doesn't know me, because I have been in love since I was a child. They all live in the medicine garden, and only this year, I listened to my mother-in-law and began to see patients who come and go!"

"This king knows!"

The strings in his heart trembled slightly, the corners of Duguchen's lips hooked slightly, his face was as elegant as before.

Gently raising her eyes, seeing that there was no trace of ruthlessness in Dugu Chen's expression, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up faintly, and then said to him again: "I don't want to enter the palace!"

"This lord must take you into the palace!" Looking into her eyes, he smiled faintly, and there was no room for change in his tone.

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and after a moment of suffocation, she sighed softly: "You can enter the palace, but I have to say something ugly, this time I will enter the palace with you, just as the doctor of you and Lei Luo .”

Hearing this, Dugu Chen pursed his sexy lips disapprovingly, and said in a low voice: "This king has already told Xian Wang just now, you are my concubine!"

"I don't care! That's what the lord said by himself, and the lord himself will explain to the virtuous king, anyway, I'm just your doctor!" Turning her head to look at Dugu Chen again, Yuan Xiuyue pulled her pretty face and said coldly: "If you Otherwise, I'd better go on my journey!"

While speaking, she lightly lifted the hem of her skirt, as if she was about to get off the chariot!

Suddenly reaching out, holding Yuan Xiuyue's wrist, feeling her slenderness, Duguchen's expression changed uncomfortably, and he finally nodded: "Don't go, the king will follow you!"

Hearing this, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up slightly, and she smiled!
Staring at the bright smile on her face, Duguchen only felt the warmth in his heart, even though he was so beautiful, he was so fascinated for a while...

Looking back, Yuan Xiuyue caught a glimpse of his absent-minded look, and Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened, and she couldn't help but secretly gasp in her heart!
She thought of a possibility!
But, probably not...

Duguchen's trip is for peace and stability, and he intends to urge the three-nation summit to be held as soon as possible.

This news, for the common people, is undoubtedly great news!

Therefore, when the chariot entered the capital, the streets of the capital were crowded with people, and the streets that were not originally narrow had already been crowded!
Sitting on the chariot with Dugu Chen, although the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips were smiling, the thoughts in her heart were no longer as calm as before!

One year!
It's been a year since she left here.

But I never thought that I would come back here in this way today.

Far away, looking at the majestic imperial city not far away, thinking that that person is there right now, and she will meet him soon, her heart can't help beating wildly, as if it was going to jump out of her throat out of general.

"Chuxiu girl?"

Looking sideways, seeing Yuan Xiuyue clenched her fists tightly, with a perturbed and pretty face, Duguchen called her softly, then bent her lips and smiled: "What's wrong with you?"


Turning her head to look at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue gave a dry smile, and then whispered softly: "It's the first time I entered the palace, I'm a little nervous!" With a slight turn of her mind, she asked curiously: "You said those concubines and empresses in the palace Don't you guys look as beautiful as a fairy?!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyes were slightly warm, and he smiled!
Stretching out his hand, he pulled Yuan Xiuyue's hand affectionately. He winked and said with a smile: "In my eyes, no matter how beautiful they are, they are not even one ten-thousandth as beautiful as girls!"

Facing Dugu Chen's eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suddenly thumped again!
Secretly thought that this guy wasn't serious about himself, was he?
She withdrew her hand with a dry smile, and kept telling herself in her heart to hide obediently after entering the palace... When she raised her eyes, seeing that he was still looking at her and smiling, she frowned slightly, and looked at him a little uncomfortably. Turning his head to the outside of the chariot, he looked at the people lining the street to welcome him.

Not long, the convoy approached the palace!

Yuan Xiuyue's heart couldn't help becoming more and more disturbed.

Fortunately, the chariot didn't stop, it kept entering from the north city of the palace, led by the virtuous king all the way, and drove directly into the hotel.

The resort arranged by Nangong Haoling and Duguchen is called Xingyue Pavilion!
Instructing the palace staff in the hotel to properly arrange Duguchen's residence, Nangong Haoyuan smiled lightly and turned his head to him and said softly: "Early this morning, my emperor has already ordered the imperial dining room to meet with you in Yexi Palace. His Royal Highness Yue Wang has prepared a reception banquet, and His Highness must be very tired after traveling all the way, please take a bath and change clothes, and then take a rest, then someone will personally come and guide His Highness to Yexi Palace for the banquet!"

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty!"

With a smile on his face, Duguchen lightly hooked his thin lips, and nodded to Nangong Haoyuan in a gentle and polite manner.

On the handsome face, there was also a slight smile, Nangong Haoling called out softly: "Now that you have arrived in Liguo, as the master, this king must do his best to be a landlord. You and I are both princes, so you don't have to So polite!"

"it is good!"

With a light response, Duguchen slowly raised his head.

Looking at him for a moment, Nangong Haoyuan turned his eyes and looked at Yuan Xiuyue who was beside Duguchen: "This king didn't even bring a maidservant with me when I saw the concubine, so I will order someone to pick out some good ones later. Serving in the palace with the princess!"

"no need!"

Stretching out her hands and shaking them in front of Nangong Haoyuan, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly and said, "I'm not some kind of concubine, I'm just a doctor next to the prince, brother-in-law, please don't get me wrong."

Nangong Haoyuan couldn't help being slightly taken aback when she called her brother-in-law!
In a daze, his handsome eyebrows were slightly pursed, and then he raised his eyes suspiciously and asked Duguchen with his eyes!
"I am the granddaughter of Long Po, named Long Chuxiu!"

Yuan Xiuyue reached out and twisted Duguchen's arm after reporting herself first!
On the arm, the meaning of pain came clearly, he frowned slightly, but still clarified to Nangong Haoyuan with a light smile: "Please forgive me, the king, just now, I was in Juxian Tower, and I spoke a little too early. Miss Xiu is not yet my king's concubine, but in the future... she will definitely be!"

Hearing his words, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face froze slightly!
Lifting her eyes lightly, she looked into Duguchen's eyes as deep as the ocean, she was twisting the hand on his arm, and she couldn't help twisting again!
Seeing this, Nangong Haoyuan couldn't help but chuckled, thinking that the two were flirting, he chuckled and said: "This king is going to return to the emperor now, His Royal Highness Yue Wang and... Miss Chuxiu have a good rest Bar!"

Looking back quickly, seeing Nangong Haoyuan was about to leave, Yuan Xiuyue hurriedly turned her head: "Brother-in-law, please stay still!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling paused, raised his eyebrows and looked back at him!
Smiling at Nangong Haoyuan, Yuan Xiuyue said lightly: "I haven't seen Sister Fengtang for many years, and I asked my brother-in-law to tell her that I'm in the palace, so I invite her to recognize my relatives!"

(End of this chapter)

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