Chapter 121 Let's Go, My Queen 3
"My king must tell you!"

Lightly nodding his head, Nangong Haoyuan followed the wind and walked away...

When Yuan Xiuyue entered the palace on this trip, Xuanyuantang was the one who worried the most.

Everyone knows that Xuanyuantang, the virtuous concubine, is smart.

And she lied, as long as Xuanyuantang didn't expose it, she would have a chance to get away with it.

Therefore, as soon as she entered the palace, the first thing she did was to ask Nangong Haoyuan to help her send a message to Xuanyuantang, so that Xuanyuantang came to Xingyue Pavilion to recognize her relatives!
However, the person who brought the words left for a long time, and in the blink of an eye, it was past noon. She was looking forward to it in the Xingyue Pavilion, but Xuanyuantang was still there.

Seeing that in another hour, someone would come to invite them to Yexi Palace, but Xuanyuan Tang still did not come, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't sit still anymore, and started pacing back and forth in front of Duguchen non-stop.

"Miss Chuxiu, how about you sit down and have a cup of tea first?"

Looking up, seeing Yuan Xiuyue fidgeting and looking out from time to time, Duguchen said with a chuckle while drinking tea.

"My lord, drink it yourself!"

While talking, Yuan Xiuyue paused slightly, turned her head to look at Duguchen, she pulled her lips, "Why don't you help me find my sister, my lord?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo at the side couldn't listen anymore: "Miss Long thinks this is Juxian Tower or Yue Kingdom?"

"Not at all!" Yuan Xiuyue replied with a light smile, "It's Liguo Palace!"

With a smile, Lei Luo said lightly: "It's only the first day for the prince to visit the Li Palace, how can he help you find someone?"


His eyes were slightly cold, Duguchen shook his head at Lei Luo!
"My lord!"

Of course Lei Luo knew that his master was interested in the woman in front of him, but even so, he was too indulgent to her.

"You are still injured, go down and rest now!"

After waving lightly at Lei Luo, Duguchen turned his head to look at Yuan Xiuyue, and said with a slight smile, "It's been so many years since we last met, so why should the girl care about this moment? If the king's guess is right, tonight Concubine Xian will definitely attend the welcome banquet!"


She also knows this!
Cursing secretly in her heart, wishing she could go forward and rip off Duguchen's smiling mouth, Yuan Xiuyue took a deep breath and kept telling herself to be calm!
Smiling and looking at Yuan Xiuyue again, Duguchen winks at the palace servants around him!
Seeing this, the palace people nodded to the palace people around them, and they turned around and entered the inner hall.

In just a moment, they came out from the inner hall, each holding a brightly colored palace dress in their hands.

Looking down at the palace clothes of different colors in the hands of the palace people, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes turned slightly, and she looked at Duguchen again.

Facing her gaze, Duguchen said with a faint smile: "Today's reception banquet, I am the protagonist. You are accompanying me, so naturally you can't dress too poorly!" And then, lightly brushing over the plain dress on her body, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue also chuckled lightly, then shook her head: "I'm just a medical girl next to the prince, there's no need to dress up too brightly!"

It's too conspicuous by his side, she still doesn't want it!

In this way, the target is too big!
As if he had expected Yuan Xiuyue to refuse, Dugu Chen was not annoyed, he still smiled lightly and said, "Even if you are not by my king's side, you can't dress too poorly, can you?"

Staring at his faint smile, Yuan Xiuyue could only lower her eyebrows and glance politely at the dresses in the hands of the palace people.

Among them, there are dazzling pure white, bright new green, warm light yellow and a light, slightly dull purple blue.

After pondering for a while, she tapped her slender jade-like index finger on the purple-blue palace dress, and she murmured helplessly: "Then this one!"

She couldn't choose white, because white was too dazzling, and green was the same, only warm colors and purple blue, but she chose purple blue, because... that goose yellow was her favorite color before!
And she will never choose!
With his face slightly lowered, he glanced at Yuan Xiuyue's chosen clothes, Duguchen shook his head dissatisfied: "This dress is too dull, not bright enough!"

"I just love this color!"

Rejecting Duguchen's intention to continue to choose again, Yuan Xiuyue took the clothes and went back to her room, ready to change into the clothes.

However, just as she picked up the clothes and raised her eyes, when she caught a glimpse of the palace man wearing the clothes, she couldn't help but secretly startled!
How... could it be her?

The woman in front of her, although her head was drooping, was only wearing a light blue palace dress.

But her appearance and her facial features are something she will never forget in this life.

But why is she here?
And, still in this dress?

All of a sudden, the mind was full of thoughts, one question followed by another, circling back and forth in Yuan Xiuyue's mind from time to time!

Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue was silent for a while, Duguchen put down the teacup in his hand, got up and came to her side.

Sensing his approach, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly withdrew her mind, and took the purple-blue palace dress in her hand. She smiled, looked at the palace servant in front of her, and sighed endlessly: "What a beautiful woman... "

Hearing her praise, Duguchen was slightly taken aback!
How beautiful should a woman be so beautiful? !

Taking two steps forward, standing side by side with her, he bent his lips and ordered to the palace man in front of him with a faint smile: "Look up! Let me see how beautiful you are!"


Responding softly, the palace man still lowered his eyes, but slowly raised his head according to the words.

When he saw the woman's face clearly, Duguchen's eyes couldn't help shaking slightly!

The woman in front of me is really beautiful.

So beautiful, if he had never seen Zhuge Zhenzhen from Chu State, he would definitely think that her appearance was astonishing as a heavenly being!
But even so, he had to admit that she was really beautiful!

The curved eyebrows, the slightly raised lips, and the pair of black amber-like eyes, no matter what they are, make people feel that they are perfect and flawless.

She had already expected that Dugu Chen would be startled by the beauty in front of her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue waited for a moment, then turned her head and waved in front of him: "My lord, it's time to recover!"

His pupils turned slightly, and his quiet gaze met the big black and white eyes of the woman in front of him. Duguchen smiled elegantly, then touched his earlobe with a smile, and then praised: "Unexpectedly, in the Li Palace, even this palace lady was born like this." The beautiful face of the country..."


Cursing her lips slightly, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head and sighed.

Hearing this, Duguchen frowned slightly, and turned to look at her: "Miss Chuxiu, isn't this king..."

"My lord doesn't need to explain, sometimes, explaining is just covering up!"

Before Duguchen could finish speaking, Yuan Xiuyue flung her arms, put Gongzhong on her shoulders, and slowly returned to her room.

She thought, that person, appearing here must be plotting something.

But, no matter what, these have nothing to do with her!

And she didn't want to be involved with her affairs at all.

Therefore, since she is here now, she doesn't want to stay in this hall for a moment...

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue leave without hesitation, Duguchen's deep pupils slowly half-closed, thinking that she was savoring in his heart, he couldn't help but smile again!
His eyes turned slightly, and he looked at the stunning woman in front of him again. He shrugged his eyebrows lightly, but didn't say anything more to her, then turned around and told the guard in front of the door: "It won't be long, Yexi People from the palace, it's time to arrive, first prepare the gift that this king is going to give to Emperor Li!"

"Subordinates, go get ready!"

Respectfully receiving the order, the guard turned and left.

Seeing the guards leave, he took another deep look at the beautiful woman in front of him, and then only smiled, then stepped inward, towards the direction of Yuan Xiuyue's boudoir.

He has always felt that the purple-blue palace dress is not suitable for her, but he thinks it's better to see it with his own eyes before drawing a conclusion!

Just as Dugu Chencai left, the woman standing in front of her raised her eyes lightly.

Seeing his leaving back, her eyes darkened slightly!
But, just a moment later, when she saw the ambiguous gaze of the guard in front of the door, she couldn't help raising the corners of her lips again, and walked slowly towards the guard...

Night Attack Palace, in Nangong Haoling's bedroom.

Concubine Yan was smiling delicately, sitting in front of the qin, plucking the strings carefully.

Under her slender and slender fingers like jade, the melodious sound of the piano is very pleasant, in the sleeping hall, winding up the beam.

Not far from him, Nangong Haoling was wearing a lavender uniform, with long hair tied into a crown, and his eyes were shining. He was reclining on the imperial concubine's couch, listening to Ji Heng's report on the preparations for the welcome banquet in the main hall.

After the report of the dinner was almost done, Ji Heng raised his eyes to look at Nangong Haoling in front of him, and then asked respectfully: "The emperor plans to accompany you tonight? Is it the concubine Yan or the beauty Yu?"

Concubine Yan next to her seemed to be immersed in the music all the time, but when she heard Ji Heng's words, her long and slightly curled eyelashes trembled slightly, then she slowly raised her eyes and stared at the girl on the imperial concubine's bed with a slight smile. The handsome emperor who made her fall in love!
Slightly raised his eyes, seeing Concubine Yan's beautiful eyes, looking at him with affection, Nangong Haoling's thin and sexy lips slightly hooked, and then smiled lightly at Ji Heng: "I have already made a decision on this matter, you Don't worry about it."


Ji Heng smiled lightly and nodded, then bowed again: "Your servant will leave first!"


He lightly waved his hand to let Ji Heng continue to work, while Nangong Haoling raised his head slightly and continued to listen to the music.

It didn't take long, the song ended, Concubine Yan slender fingers lightly dropped, she got up from the front of the piano, and walked towards the imperial concubine's couch not far away.


In the eyes, the waves flowed, and Concubine Yan was slightly blessed in front of Nangong Haoling.

"Get up!"

Stretching out his hand towards Concubine Yan, Nangong Haoling looked calm, and his low-pitched voice sounded more gentle.

"My concubine thanks the emperor!" Putting her hand in Nangong Haoling's, Concubine Yan slowly got up and sat beside him.Lifting her eyes slightly, seeing him looking at her with slightly warm eyes, she lowered her eyes and smiled, then carefully took a pastry for him, and handed it over respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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