Chapter 122 Let's Go, My Queen 4
"Concubine Concubine Yan, don't you ask me, who will accompany me tonight?" Before picking up the pastry from Concubine Yan, Nangong Haoling's lips called Qinggou, and his eyes sparkled.

Hearing this, Concubine Yan smiled sweetly, with a charming smile: "The concubine is here today, but the emperor has not hand-picked it, which shows that the emperor already has a more suitable candidate than the concubine... Whoever the emperor wants to accompany, naturally has the emperor." intention."

After the words fell, she raised her slender hand again, and pushed the cake in her hand towards Nangong Haoling.

Looking up at Concubine Yan, the smile on Nangong Haoling's face deepened.

"In my harem, concubine, you are the smartest and most considerate of my heart!" Finally, he raised his hand and took the pastry from Concubine Yan's hand. Nangong Haoling took a bite and took the rest Send it to Concubine Yan.

Seeing this, Concubine Yan lowered her eyebrows and smiled, then opened her mouth slightly, and put the snack in her mouth.

"I like smart women!"

Smiling, she stretched out her hand, and patted Concubine Yan's tender cheeks. Nangong Haoling glanced at Geng Mou beside her eyes, and then got up from the concubine's couch.

"It's still early, where is the emperor going?"

Looking back, she also looked at Geng Mo beside her, and Yan Fei'e asked with a slight frown.

"I'm going to Fengluan Palace to pick up the empress!" Nangong Haoling smiled lightly, and said in a sour tone, "Who is more suitable to sit beside me than the empress on such an occasion today?"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan's face was stunned, and then her figure froze slightly!

Looking at Nangong Haoling who was already wearing a robe in front of her, she bit her cherry lips tightly, and then bowed her head: "The concubine sends the emperor respectfully!"

"You can also attend at Yexi Palace tonight, but you have to sit below!" Faintly, he lowered his eyebrows and glanced at Concubine Yan, Nangong Haoling licked the corners of his lips bitterly, then turned and walked out.

"It turns out that the empress is accompanying me..."

Gently, she straightened up and looked at the entrance of the main hall. The stalwart figure had long since disappeared. Concubine Yan curled her red lips lightly, then raised her eyes with a smile: "Then the concubine should go and have a look!"

At about the time of You, just after nightfall, in Fengluan Palace.

The autumn eyes with water cut, the soft Mo Dai, and those eyes that are always indifferent but smiling...Looking at the familiar face in the Linghua bronze mirror, Ting Lan's eyes are faintly filled with tears light flashes.

"My lady..."

The tears in her eyes finally turned into tears, Ting Lan couldn't help but stretched out her hand, and pulled the hand of the person who was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, and began to cry.

As if taken aback by her excited reaction, the person in front of the bronze mirror, holding Tan Mo's slender hand, froze for a moment, then raised his eyes to meet Ting Lan's tearful eyes...

Her heart trembled slightly, seeing Ting Lan crying sadly, she pursed her lips lightly, and couldn't help laughing softly: "Okay, what are you crying for? Are you going to make your eyes red from crying and shame yourself in front of King Yue?"

"The slaves dare not!"

Shaking her head one after another, the tears in Ting Lan's eyes fell even more fiercely.

With a soft sigh, he took Ting Lan's hand and the woman's other hand, and wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes: "Okay, don't cry, hurry up, go and get the phoenix crown of the palace, the time is coming soon !"


Sucking her nose hard, Ting Lan pursed her lips lightly, and turned her head to get the phoenix crown.

But when she saw the person behind her, she couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground with a thud: "My servant sees the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Get up!"

Staring at Ting Lan's red eyes from crying, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly, and ordered her to get up.

"Slave, thank the emperor!"

Respecting Nangong Haoling again, Ting Lan stood up trembling slightly, took the phoenix crown, turned around and carefully put it on for the woman in front of the bronze mirror.

Slightly raising her eyes, looking at herself wearing a phoenix crown in the bronze mirror, the woman smiled confidently.

From the bronze mirror, she caught a glimpse of Nangong Haoling with a gloomy face behind her. She smiled, then slowly got up, and turned to look at the stalwart man behind her: "The emperor thinks, what does the concubine look like today? Will you lose me and leave?" Is it the face of the country?"

With low eyes, she raised her eyes slightly, and only glanced at the woman, but quickly turned her gaze back. At this moment, Nangong Haoling's heart was shocked, as if he heard the sound of his own heartbeat!
Facing the shocked eyes, the smile on the woman's face deepened.

Stepping forward slowly, waving her five fingers in front of him, she smiled lightly: "Your Majesty?!"

Suddenly returning to his senses, staring at the face in front of him that was identical to Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling's eyes moved slightly, and he raised his hand in a daze, wanting to touch the picture in front of him that he had been thinking about for more than 300 days and nights. Face: "Yue'er..."

Hearing his whispering voice, the woman frowned slightly, raised her hand a little amusingly to block the hand that was about to touch her cheek, and called out in a drawn-out voice: "The emperor... has recovered..."

Hearing the sound, Nangong Haoling's expression was shocked, and he really came back to his senses.

The smile on the corner of her lips became brighter and prouder, and the woman sighed with a smile: "It seems that my disguise technique is already unparalleled in the world. At this moment, even the emperor thinks it is the empress who has returned?"

Facing the smiling eyes of the woman in front of him, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

From the very beginning, he knew that the person in front of him was his imperial wife.

But he still couldn't help but regard her as the woman who had been haunting him for a year!

Thinking of the woman who seemed to have evaporated from the world, the wry smile on his lips deepened again.

After a long time, he came back to his senses, and said apologetically to the woman in front of him, "I'm rude, please forgive me!"

That's right!

The woman in front of her is none other than Xian Wangfei Xuanyuantang!
And today, she has another identity, that is, changing her appearance into Yuan Xiuyue's appearance, going to Yexi Palace with Nangong Haoling, and meeting Duguchen to wash away the dust!

Knowing that Nangong Haoling was suffering because of love, Xuanyuantang didn't bother with him about the matter just now.

Stretching out her hand generously, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and smiled faintly at her: "Your Majesty, the reception banquet in Yexi Palace is about to start, you and I, the two masters, are absolutely indispensable!"

Slightly drooping eyelids, looking down at the white jade hand in front of him with lowered eyebrows, the corners of Nangong Haoling's lips curled slightly, and a slight smile appeared on his handsome face again.

Stretching out his hand, holding Xuanyuantang's hand, he spun lightly and turned outward: "Let's go, my queen!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang smiled, and then stepped forward.

Looking at the hands held by the two, Ting Lan's eyes couldn't help turning red again.

"Ting Lan, let's go!"

Looking back, he caught a glimpse of her secretly weeping eyes, and Xuanyuan Xu's voice couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"Uh... slaves are coming!"

Raising her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Ting Lan hurriedly followed her...

In the darkness of night, the lights come on.

Under the palace, bright red lanterns hung high and swayed gently in the breeze.

Yexi Palace, the main hall, is already overcrowded at this moment!
Surrounded by the courtiers, Duguchen was dressed in luxury with a rosy face. Together with the virtuous king, the two kings stood shoulder to shoulder, each handsome and extraordinary, and seemed to be the focus of the banquet.

The virtuous king tonight seemed to set off the emperor's black court clothes, which complemented the dark blue on him, without any conflict.

Unfortunately, but fortunately, Yuan Xiuyue was squeezed to the back under the crowd of courtiers.

And she, being so happy, only took a look at Dugu Chen from a distance, and then sat down in an inconspicuous corner in the hall.

Her gaze slowly moved from the familiar hall, looking at Yexi Palace, which had never changed in any way, the corner of her mouth couldn't help evoking a nice curve.

Only suddenly, as if out of a woman's intuition, she turned her eyes to the left, meeting the eyes of Concubine Yan who had already been seated on one side.

Heartbroken, she couldn't help being startled, her brows were slightly pursed, and then she nodded to Concubine Yan as a signal.

At this moment, she felt that there was suddenly an extra person beside her, so she could only look away from Concubine Yan, frown and turn around!

Turning her eyes slightly, she saw Lei Luo's gloomy face condescendingly contemptuously condescending to herself, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, but she still laughed dryly: "Master Lei, why are you standing behind me if you don't protect the lord?"

Still looking contemptuously, Lei Luo's tone, although a little reluctant, still said lightly: "The duty of this subordinate tonight is to protect Miss Long!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes and glanced at the place where Duguchen was.

Seeing that he didn't forget to raise his glass with a smile to her in the midst of his busy schedule, she snorted coldly, and then gave Lei Luo a leisurely look, "This girl's relatives are everywhere here, how can this girl use it?" You protect?"

To her surprise, and I don't know if it was because of the occasion or what, this time, Lei Luo didn't show a trace of anger on his face, but still looked down at her just like before, with lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes: "Girl use No, it's the girl's fault, this subordinate is only carrying out the prince's order!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile!

No longer in contact with his contemptuous gaze, she turned her head to look at the table in front of her, and couldn't help but start to move her index finger again!
At this moment, Ji Heng's singing came from outside the hall: "The emperor is here! The empress is here!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suffocated suddenly, and even the pastry she picked up with the chopsticks just now fell on the table with a very inappropriate sound!
Nangong Haoling will come, she has been mentally prepared all along.

But how did the Empress Empress appear?
In the past year, although she was deeply in Juxianlou, she also knew a lot about the outside world!
Since she left the palace, as Duguchen said, what Nangong Haoling said to the other palaces is that the queen is recovering from her injuries in Fengluan Palace, and will no longer interfere with the affairs of the palace!

This also shows that she, Yuan Xiuyue, is still the Queen of Li Country!


Right now, she is here.

Then... who is the queen that Ji Heng is talking about? !

In a daze, everyone stood up and saluted one after another.

Thoughts were spinning in her mind, Yuan Xiuyue turned around in a daze, and looked at the two people who were holding hands behind each other and were about to step into the hall...

(End of this chapter)

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