Chapter 123 I Miss You 1
The two people who entered from outside the hall held their hands together, wearing bright yellow attires that showed majesty and nobility!
In the blink of an eye, it has been a year since I saw Nangong Haoling's handsome face, although it is still well-defined, but it is a bit more handsome and resolute in a light and refined manner, but... Right now, what shocked Yuan Xiuyue the most was At this moment, the woman holding hands with him and entering the hall step by step looks exactly like her!
Those eyebrows, those eyes, and that expression... That woman even walked like her!
how can that be? !
How could there be two of her in this world?
Dazed, standing behind the table in the corner, Yuan Xiuyue opened her mouth slightly, staring at Nangong Haoling and another self who stepped in from the outside of the hall, for a moment she forgot how to react!

After a while, after Nangong Haoling and Xuanyuantang were seated at the top of the main hall, Yuan Xiuyue was still caught in her own thoughts, standing blankly behind the table, never saluting.

"Miss Long, don't be stage frightened, hurry up and salute!"

Lei Luo, who was in charge of protecting him, just pretended that she had never seen the world like today, so he stretched out his big hand and forced her to bow his head.

Heartbeat, beating uncontrollably.

Looking down at the embroidered shoes under her feet, Yuan Xiuyue felt that her thoughts were in chaos.

When she was in a state of confusion, she heard the important officials in the hall shouting, "See the emperor, see the empress!"

And what she can do is to chime in together.

"Be flat!"

Nangong Haoling's voice was clear and indifferent, just like his handsome face at the moment, without too much emotion, he just raised his hand and ordered everyone to stand up without ceremony.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Slowly, she straightened up, and Yuan Xiuyue was dragged by Lei Luo to sit down again.

Her mind was still chaotic, she fixed her eyebrows and raised her eyes, her eyes slowly turned to the right from Nangong Haoling, and stared at herself who was sitting side by side with him in the hall!

After a long while, she felt that she had been watching for too long, her eyes were lowered, and she couldn't help lowering her eyes again.

When she lowered her eyes, she saw that Concubine Yan was just like her, with a shocked expression on her face. Her heart was shocked, and her thoughts began to fly.

It seems that Concubine Yan is also very surprised that this queen will appear today!
While she was thinking to herself, Duguchen had already obeyed the order and stood up in the main hall to greet Nangong Haoling.

After saluting, before Duguchen could return to his seat, the empress who was above the high position pursed her red lips and said to him with a smile on her face: "Although I have only met His Royal Highness Yue Wang once, but the impression But it's quite deep, it's been more than a year since the farewell, and I don't know how His Highness has been since that farewell?"

Hearing her words, Duguchen's complexion changed almost imperceptibly!
Looking up, thinking of the humiliation he suffered in Anyang, he wished that the smiling woman in front of him would cramp up. On Duguchen's mouth, there was a faint smile, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thanks to the empress's concern, Everything is fine, my lord!"

Seeing her like this, Xuanyuantang turned her eyes slightly, looked at Nangong Haoling and smiled, she smiled coquettishly again, pursed her lips, and invited Duguchen to take a seat with a smile: "Today's dinner was originally a reception banquet prepared with the prince, and now we are going to here we go."

While speaking, she turned her eyes slightly, and slightly raised her arms to the dancers on both sides of the main hall.

With just this one action, the hall is full of silk music, singing and dancing!

First purse your lips, then laugh!
Staring at the motherly empress in the Golden Palace, Yuan Xiuyue's slightly twisted eyes finally opened slowly.

At this moment, she finally understood why she had waited for Xuanyuantang in Xingyue Pavilion for half a day, but Xuanyuantang never showed up!
I see!
The shock and astonishment in the bottom of her eyes disappeared in an instant. She turned her eyes lightly, and finally she slowly stopped her gaze on the scene that made her think about it for a year, but let him hide for more than 370 days and nights. handsome man!
He... is much thinner than before!
But it seems that the edges and corners have been worn away, and it has become more mature and stable.

Seeing him like this, although her heart ached slightly, she was also very... gratified!
I am gratified that the unspoken sadness is slowly growing in my heart, and then it infiltrates into the bottom of her eyes more and more violently.

Suddenly, realizing her gaffe, Yuan Xiuyue secretly took a deep breath and tried her best to suppress the throbbing in her heart. In order not to show her clues to everyone, she seemed to give Nangong Haoling a sideways glance again, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally!
Unexpectedly, Nangong Haoling, who was originally in a high position and just picked up the wine glass, seemed to feel her gaze, his brows frowned slightly, and then he looked back suddenly, meeting her light gaze in mid-air... …

Accidentally looking into his pupils that were as cold as an ice pool, Yuan Xiuyue was startled, and a look of panic flashed in his pupils instantly!
She thought that Nangong Haoling had discovered her!

But, only a moment later, he saw the corners of his lips twitching slightly, holding the wine glass and turning around slightly, looking at and smiling with Xuan Yuan Tang who was beside him who was disguised as her, and then drank the glass together!

There was a little bit of embarrassment in her heart, staring at Xuanyuantang's cheeky smile in front of his face, Yuan Xiuyue pulled the corner of her lips with a wry smile, then bowed her head, ready to get up and leave the table.

Just when she was about to get up and go straight, she saw Lin Sheng who had been serving her all the way in earlier, her eyes flashed, she paused slightly, watching Lin Sheng go all the way in, and finally respected Lin Sheng in front of Nangong Haoling. He saluted and said: "Report to the emperor, the general has returned to the palace from the army, and is waiting outside the palace at this moment!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly!
The next moment, I saw his white and slender palms slightly pressing down. With just this simple movement, everything in the hall, which was originally singing and dancing, stopped immediately, and no one made any more noise!
Seeing this, his thin lips curled up slightly coldly, and then he ordered Lin Sheng: "Send the general to see you!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Sheng turned around and sang loudly: "The emperor has a decree, and the general has an audience!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes lighted up with joy, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Since her elder brother, General Yuan Wende, brought her some news from the palace with her last time, she had not seen her elder brother for a long time.

After a while, Yuan Wende, dressed in snow-white armor, strode in heroically from outside the hall.

With his calm and cold eyes, he never looked to either side, and went straight forward, only looking at Nangong Haoling who was above the high position!
At the end, he cupped his hands and saluted in front of the palace: "My minister Yuan Wende, please see my emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

"Ai Qing is alive!"

Raising his hand slightly, Nangong Haoling ordered him to flatten himself.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Standing still in front of the main hall, Yuan Wende's voice was cold, but the tone of his speech was enough for everyone in the main hall to hear clearly: "I report to the emperor, I have sincerely followed the emperor's order, and sent a letter to Li Guo and Yue Wang. , an additional 20 troops, and there are still [-] troops, who will be dispatched in a month and deployed directly to the south of Yunyang!"

As soon as he said this, the hall was like a frying pan!
Looking at Dugu Chen again, there is no trace of a smile on his handsome and flawless face at this moment, it is already as cold as an iceberg of ten thousand years, and all the officials around are so frozen that they can't help shivering!

Quietly, taking a deep look at Nangong Haoling, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips twitched slightly bitterly, and began to secretly sympathize with Duguchen in her heart!
It should be known that although the man in the upper position has the domineering spirit to rule the world, he is also the most stingy.

He always likes to settle accounts with people!
Just like in the past, for such a trivial matter as she made him angry, he would settle it every now and then!
What's more, in Anyang last year, Duguchen's sneak attack was aimed at his favorite woman, and...almost killed him!

With such a previous enmity, and today's favorable conditions of time, place and people, how could he spare Dugu Chen? !
"Li Di!"

After a moment of silence, Duguchen's handsome eyebrows were slightly raised, and he looked up at Nangong Haoling coldly: "This king has come with the holy will of our lord, and he is determined to enjoy peace with your country forever. What is the intention of increasing troops on the border of the country?"

"What do you mean?"

Nangong Haoling smiled, and sat on the top seat with lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes, without even raising his eyelids, let alone looking at Dugu Chen: "Yue Wang, do you think that what you did with me in Anyang last year is not enough for me? Will you agree to reconcile with you Nanyue?"

Hearing Nangong Haoling mention Nanyue last year, Duguchen couldn't help thinking of what happened to him in the past few days.

Unknowingly, he frowned, looked at Nangong Haoling's expression with dark eyes, and asked in a low tone: "Emperor Li, what this king thinks about is nothing but Li, Chu and me, the three kingdoms of Nanyue. Coexist in peace, never go to war... Today, you can say something heartily, how can you agree to the purpose of this king's trip, and save me Nanyue and Chuli from being ruined by war?!"

He calculated people all his life.

Naturally, you know that there are some things that cannot be told without evidence, otherwise someone will accuse you of lying!

Just like the assassination actions they encountered since Nanyue's journey, not only could he not recover the pain, but he had no choice but to knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, admitting that his stomach hurts!
After all, Nangong Haoling never really showed up, and he also failed to catch the assassin!
However, the matter of Anyang is not the case!
Because of Nangong Xiaoran, he wholeheartedly thought that Nangong Xiaoran could only cooperate with him and there was no way out, so he never concealed his identity from Nangong Haoling!
Unexpectedly, Nangong Xiaoran made a move in the end!
In the end, it ended up like today!
"King Yue..."

Opening his mouth lightly, Xuanyuantang smiled, but his eyes were cold: "I know you are a smart person, if you want the emperor to allow you to hold the Three Kingdoms Summit today, you must do something!"

Do something? !

Xuanyuantang didn't say it, but she believed that Duguchen must understand!
Staring fixedly at the woman in the superior position who is still considered pretty, but does not lose her maternity demeanor, Duguchen suddenly remembered the scene of being assassinated by her on Mount Li a year ago!

(End of this chapter)

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