Chapter 124 I Miss You 2
The eyes are uncertain, but they can't burst out immediately.

He squeezed the hand holding the wine glass, and there was a click, the glass shattered, and in an instant, a streak of scarlet flowed from his fingers...

"My lord!"

With a sudden change in expression, Lei Luo stretched out his hand to lift Yuan Xiuyue's collar, and with a cry of surprise, he pulled her and strode towards Duguchen.

Slightly looking sideways, he caught a glimpse of Yuan Xiuyue who was being held by the lapel by Lei Luo, and Yuan Wende's pupils suddenly opened, and the bottom of the pupils were uncertain!

Raising her eyes slightly, she frowned secretly at Yuan Wende, Yuan Xiuyue shook her head secretly, then lowered her eyes, and opened Duguchen's hand to take a look.

Seeing two deep wounds on his palm, she didn't say much, she just tore off the veil on her body and bandaged it up for him.

On the handsome face, there was a wry smile. Duguchen lowered his brows and eyes, and did not look at his hands. His gaze was always on Yuan Xiuyue's bright and pretty face.

Above the high position, seeing this scene, Nangong Haoling couldn't help narrowing his slightly cold eyes, and began to look at Yuan Xiuyue in front of Duguchen again.

After a while, after Yuan Xiuyue bandaged himself up, he lightly supported his shoulder, and then raised his eyes to look at Nangong Haoling.

Seeing his gaze falling on Yuan Xiuyue, he frowned, stood up and blocked her behind: "This king knows what Emperor Li wants!"

With a casual smile, he slowly came to Yuan Wende's side step by step, and stood side by side with him!


In the upper position, Nangong Haoling's eyes flickered slightly. Although his long and narrow phoenix eyes were half-closed, they flickered, looking at Dugu Chen below him with disdain: "Then Yue Wang said, I think What do you want?"

Raising his head, facing Nangong Haoling's half-closed phoenix eyes fearlessly, Duguchen laughed and cried, and lowered his eyes to look at the shiny stone floor under his feet.

"My lord!"

Realizing what Duguchen was going to do, Lei Luo couldn't help frowning, and made a gesture to move forward.

Raising his hand slightly to stop Lei Luo from coming forward, Duguchen heaved a long breath, slowly raised his chin, and met Nangong Haoling's slightly cold but interested eyes with his smiling eyes!
"Li Di!"

The corners of the sexy lips were slightly raised, and Duguchen said to Nangong Haoling with firm eyes: "Last year, what happened in Anyang was my fault. Today, I am here to apologize to you!"

As the words fell, he suddenly raised his hand, lifted the skirt of his robe, then bent his knees slightly, and knelt down on the hall!

"My lord!"

With this cry, Lei Luo clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his forehead protruded!

Seeing this scene, looking sideways at Dugu Chen's kneeling but still straight back, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly didn't hate him so much in her heart!
As a man who has always been proud, for the sake of the peace and interests of his own country, he would rather give up his dignity and kneel down... This kind of thing, with righteousness in mind, is not something everyone can do!
Raising her eyes slightly, her eyes fell on Nangong Haoling who was in the upper position with a calm face, and she bent her lips bitterly.

She knew that, as an emperor, he would definitely choose the most beneficial outcome for the country and the people.

Therefore, after Duguchen sacrificed himself and knelt down, the Three Kingdoms Summit could be held, which is already a certainty!
Taking advantage of everyone's eyes, all focused on Duguchen, she retreated slowly without a trace.

Staring deeply, almost greedily at his handsome face, her eyes were dimmed, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was slowly hidden, and she turned outwards, leaving this magnificent but suffocating hall. !
In the hall, the atmosphere was tense.

But outside the main hall, the moon is bright and the stars are few, and the air is pleasant.

After leaving the stagnant main hall, Yuan Xiuyue stood in the shadow outside the hall, raised her head and breathed in the fresh air without any impurities outside.

In the sky, the moon is bright and the stars are shining.

Looking back, she couldn't help sighing softly when she saw people coming and going in front of the main hall.

Unexpectedly, from a dark place not far away, almost at the same time, there was also a faint sigh!


The one who could hear the sigh was a woman, her brows were tightly knit, and she couldn't help but stepped forward a few steps.

Before she could go far, she saw a woman walking out from behind a pillar in front of her somewhat awkwardly.

Ting Lan...

Seeing the woman's face clearly under the dim light, Yuan Xiuyue's heart twitched and he almost called out her name.

"Servant Ting Lan is a servant of Fengluan Palace. You are disturbing Miss's pleasure!" She raised her eyes lightly, glanced at Yuan Xiuyue, saw that the palace clothes on her body were not worn by ordinary palace people, Ting Lan clasped her hands In the past, he gave her a little blessing.

She... lost a lot of weight!

Didn't my brother say that Ting Lan is doing well?

Why is Ting Lan in front of her at this moment so haggard? !
Looking at the woman who grew up with her in front of her with distress, Yuan Xiuyue slightly opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word for a while.

After a long while, seeing Yuan Xiuyue's silence, Ting Lan clasped her hands again: "The empress is still waiting for the maidservant to serve, and the maidservant will leave first!"

She raised her eyes again and only glanced at Yuan Xiuyue. Ting Lan lowered her eyes and turned around, walking towards the entrance of the main hall.

"Ting Lan..."

Looking at Ting Lan's slender and desolate back, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help calling her by her name.

Hearing this, Ting Lan was taken aback, and then turned around to look at her.


The red lips trembled slightly, and Yuan Xiuyue wanted to speak, but she saw Lei Luo walking out from the gate of the main hall, striding towards the support where she was at the moment.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue remained silent for a while, Ting Lan couldn't help frowning and asked, "Miss, do you have any orders?"


With a bitter smile on her lips, Yuan Xiuyue asked Ting Lan with a smile: "I just want to ask Miss Ting Lan, how to get to the Imperial Garden...?"

Hearing this, Ting Lan's red lips curved slightly, and then raised her hand lightly, pointing to the long corridor behind Yuan Xiuyue: "Miss, go straight along the long corridor, turn left at the corner, and you will reach the imperial garden directly!"

"okay, I get it!"

Staring deeply at Ting Lan's slightly swollen pupils, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly, then nodded slightly.

Watching Ting Lan leave, Lei Luo also came in front of him.

Frowning furrowed his brows and gave Yuan Xiuyue an angry look, Lei Luo scolded her coldly, "Miss Long, this is the palace, why are you walking around? What if you get lost?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue also frowned, and then smiled disapprovingly at Lei Luo: "I will remember the path I have traveled, and I will never get lost."

Seeing this, Lei Luo's face was not very good at first, and it stretched a lot in an instant: "Miss, do you think this is Juxian Tower? Do you know how big this place is?"

"I do not know!"

She answered Lie Luo's question with a frown. Seeing Lei Guo's dark face, she guessed that he might still be brooding over what happened in the main hall just now. Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows, crossed her arms, squinted at him and asked, "Lord Lei , What do you say is under the nose?"


Unable to react for a while, Lei Luo answered Yuan Xiuyue's question directly.

"You're pretty smart!"

Curving her lips and smiling, Yuan Xiuyue praised Lei Luo without hesitation.

Everyone in the world likes to be praised, and Lei Luo is no exception!

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue boasting that she was smart, he couldn't help softening his gloomy face: "Of course! If you ask a three-year-old child such a question, he can answer it very well!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue nodded lightly.

Frowning, she gave Lei Luo a sly smile, and then said embarrassingly: "As far as you said, even a stupid person like you and a three-year-old child know that there is a mouth under the nose. Don't tell me I don't know how to use my mouth to ask for directions when I get lost? ?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's facial muscles, which had just been relaxed, froze again!
Cursing her lips into a smile, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head and looked at the hall behind her: "When can the prince finish talking?"

"I don't know yet!"

Frowning and looking back, Lei Luo shook his head helplessly: "It's about the summit of the Three Kingdoms, how to balance the interests of all countries still needs a regulation, and the prince is still negotiating with Emperor Li at this moment!"

"That's going to be a long time!"

With a soft grunt, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing secretly when she saw Lei Luo's gloomy and displeased expression, and then proudly stretched out her hand and patted him on the shoulder: "I know, your prince was humiliated inside. It's uncomfortable, but he did this for the sake of the country, it's really admirable, you should be proud of him!"

Unexpectedly, Yuan Xiuyue would explain herself, Lei Luo was slightly startled, and then slightly twitched the corners of his lips uncomfortably.

Frowning deeply, looking towards the main hall, he said firmly: "I know that the prince has put in too much effort for the Yue Kingdom. Today, I, Lei Luo, swear here, and I will swear to protect the prince to the death in the future!"

It was just a casual explanation, but unexpectedly, Lei Luo made an oath.

Yuan Xiuyue was a little taken aback, thinking to herself that Uncle Lei is really cute.

She smiled lightly and pointed to the direction of the main hall, and said to Lei Luo: "You have to make an oath to express your determination. When your prince comes out, come in front of him. You don't have to do this in front of me, an irrelevant person!"


Thinking that his lord dotes on this woman in front of him, she is here in a hurry to get rid of him, Lei Luo was stunned, raised his eyes coldly, a little displeased with Yuan Xiuyue, and said in a deep voice: "Who Said that you are irrelevant? You are the woman my prince likes, and you will be my master in the future. I swear in front of you, it is no different from swearing in front of the prince!"


This time, Yuan Xiuyue was stunned!

Looking back at Lei Luo's dark pupils, she frowned and asked, "Who told you that I am the woman your prince likes?"

Lei Luo replied lightly: "Does the prince still need to tell this? Don't you feel it at all?"

Asked by Lei Luo, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help being silent for a while.

According to Duguchen's attitude towards her, a fool can also feel that he is interested in her!
And she is not stupid!

But even so, she still couldn't believe this fact!

After all, Duguchen is too proud and suspicious, he has never really trusted anyone, and naturally he will not treat anyone sincerely!

(End of this chapter)

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