Chapter 125 I Miss You 3
But... he likes her?
Thinking of the bad relationship between them in the past, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help feeling a chill, and shivered all over her body!

This is not the way to go!

She must quickly find a way to get out of Duguchen's control!

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue tremble obviously, Lei Luo couldn't help but said: "If Miss Long is cold, go back to the main hall."

"Don't go, don't go!"

Smiling faintly at Lei Luo, Yuan Xiuyue muttered, "Compared to the suffocating atmosphere in the main hall, this girl prefers to take a walk in the Royal Garden."

"To the imperial garden?"

Frowning slightly, Lei Luo looked displeased, thinking that this woman is always very popular, he said coldly, and said to her unquestionably: "Miss Long, let's go back, and comfort the prince later!"

"okay, I get it!"

Frowning slightly, she still nodded to Lei Luo, Yuan Xiuyue said again: "I'll go to the Royal Garden first, and when the banquet is over, I'll go back to Xingyue Pavilion to comfort your lord!"

Yu Luo, without giving Lei Luo a chance to refuse, Yuan Xiuyue turned around and walked towards the imperial garden.

Stunned on the spot, Lei Luo's face darkened again as he watched Yuan Xiuyue fleeing away along the long corridor!

He wondered, how could their lord fall in love with such a woman who is... limping and not a lady at all? !
Anyway, he felt that she was not cute at all.

Moreover, apart from knowing some medical skills, she is useless at all!
There is no advantage at all!
After walking about a hundred steps forward, Yuan Xiuyue turned around and turned into the right side of the pavilion.

Leaning on the pillars, she looked far away at the place where Lei Luo was standing just now, and saw that she had turned around and walked towards the main hall, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she couldn't help smiling!
Right now, it's too late for her to hide from Dugu Chen, why is she rushing to comfort him right now? !
not to mention……

Thinking of the person she met in Xingyue Pavilion today, the smirk on Yuan Xiuyue's mouth gradually turned into a wry smile!

With that person here, she will never return to Xingyue Pavilion!
The night breeze was gentle, and Yuan Xiuyue walked forward all the way, but she never saw that Lei Luo turned back again shortly after entering the hall, and followed the direction she left...

Royal Garden.

Different from the bustling and lively Yexi Palace, this place is very quiet.

Just like when she left a year ago, now when the flowers are in full bloom and the most beautiful, in the imperial garden, there are naturally hundreds of flowers blooming in full bloom, it is too beautiful to behold!
Standing still, with the silver-white moonlight pouring all over the ground, staring deeply at the large lotus in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled slightly, and she stretched out her hand to grab a blooming lotus, and gently touched it. Sniffing, the elegant lotus fragrance spread over the face, and the light curve of Yuan Xiuyue's lips couldn't help but deepen.

All of a sudden, she became more playful, and she stretched out her arms mischievously, gently stirring the pool water under the lotus leaves.

As soon as her slender hands entered the water, she felt a sense of coldness rushing to her mind, and she never stopped, gently fluctuating the originally calm river surface, concentrating on the faintly shining circles of silver ripples under the moonlight, she couldn't help chuckling speak out.

After a while, Ting Lan's red eyes from crying suddenly flashed in her mind, her laughter slowed down, and her hand touching the water gradually ceased to move.

Although, her brother has always told her that Ting Lan is doing well.

But she felt that her life was not good!

Thinking of her faint and resentful sigh just now, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing softly too!

With her gone, how can Ting Lan live well? !

Just when Yuan Xiuyue fell to the ground with a sigh, a big hand suddenly grabbed her wrist that was submerged in the water, and then she heard Lei Luo's deep and hoarse voice resounding beside her ears: "Since Miss Long feels that it is here The scenery is not beautiful, and I always sigh, so follow me back first!"

Startled, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly raised her eyes.

In the moonlight, looking into Lei Luo's dark and cold eyes, she was slightly suffocated.

Although she had already made a decision in her heart that she would not return to Xingyue Pavilion, but looking at Lei Luo in front of her, she struggled to grab her hand, and said in a slightly annoyed tone, "Lei Luo, why are you lingering? Didn’t this girl say it? It’s not too late to go back to Xingyue Pavilion after the banquet is over!”

Hearing this, Lei Luo is still unmoved!
Pulling her hand out of the water, his voice was still as low as stagnant water: "My lord has an order, order my subordinates to send Miss Long back to Xingyue Pavilion first."

Seeing his unconscionable and stubborn face, Yuan Xiuyue felt a little angry, and her tone also rushed: "Lei Luo, you should understand that I am your prince's doctor, not your prisoner... Let go!"

At the end, she raised her voice steeply, struggling hard, trying to shake off Lei Luo's big hand.

However, no matter how much she struggled, Lei Luo's hand never loosened a bit, and he was determined to follow Duguchen's order to bring her back to Xingyue Pavilion!

"Lei Luo, let go!"

Gazing fiercely at Lei Luo, Yuan Xiuyue raised her arm, making a gesture to bite it off.

Seeing this, Lei Luo frowned, but still clenched her wrist tightly: "I advise Miss Long, don't waste your efforts, the banquet is about to end now, please come back with me to Xingyue Pavilion!"

"Back to your uncle! Why should I listen to you, my girl? I won't go back with you!" Once again, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't bear to swear, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and opened her mouth to bite Lei Luo's wrist.


When the pain hit, Lei Luo couldn't help but let out a low voice, but because he couldn't make a move on her, he had to endure the pain and let her bite, pulling her back.

"Don't you, a big man, understand the reason why a woman can't be kissed?" Seeing that biting didn't work, and knowing that Lei Luo wouldn't let her go because of her weakness, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but get upset and yelled at her. Said: "Lei Luo, you wait, when I go back, tell the prince, you hold my hand tightly!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo was really shocked!
After raising his eyes, he was just about to refute her, but suddenly he heard a gentle and pleasant voice slowly sounding from behind him: "Since the girl is unwilling, Lei Luo, why do you have to force it?!"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue trembled suddenly, and Lei Luo, who was holding her wrist tightly, also stopped coldly.

this sound...

Only suddenly, thinking of the owner of this beautiful voice, Yuan Xiuyue's complexion changed, and she turned her head slightly, but in the moonlight, she looked into the depths of a pool like a clear spring.


The person in front of him was dressed in white brocade, suave, unrestrained, and unrestrained. Under the bright moonlight, his slightly curved lips were still the same as before, always slightly raised, just like his eyes like a clear pool. The sea, people can't help but sink into it.

And he was actually the one who should be in the far north, guarding the northern city—that person!

Why is he in the palace? !
Having been disturbed several times throughout the night, Yuan Xiuyue stared blankly at him, who was as handsome as before, but didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Nangong Xiaoran!"

With a cold voice, the name of the person in front of him was squeezed out from between his lips and teeth, and killing intent emerged from Lei Luo's body.

Last year in Anyang, if it wasn't for Nangong Xiaoran's sudden betrayal, Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue would not have escaped safely. In his opinion, a large part of the reason for Dugu Chen's humiliation in the Yexi Palace today is because he!

"Who is this kingly way? It turns out to be Yue Guo's shadow guard captain, Lord Lei Luolei!"

Although he couldn't see Lei Luo's expression clearly, he could clearly feel the murderous aura emanating from him. Nangong Xiaoran smiled lazily and charmingly: "What? Sir Lei, do you want to do something to this king? You must Don't forget, this place... is Li Guo's palace!"

Hearing this, the anger in Lei Luo's heart rose sharply, wishing to chop off Nangong Xiaoran who was smiling dazzlingly right now, but after only a moment, thinking of Duguchen's forbearance, he suppressed his temper, and said coldly to Nangong Xiaoran: "Today's matter has nothing to do with His Highness King Ning, please don't meddle in your own business!"

Now, they are in Li Palace and not on their own territory, so they must bear with it, but Yuan Xiuyue was requested by his master by name, and he must bring her back to Xingyue Pavilion.

Thinking of this, he suddenly tightened the big hand holding Yuan Xiuyue's wrist, and pulled her forward again...

"My lord..."

Pushing backwards, not taking a step forward, Yuan Xiuyue looked back at the whiteness behind her, deliberately let go of her voice, and only shouted four words: "My lord, save me!"

Hearing the sound, Nangong Xiao Ran couldn't help frowning suddenly!

He made a sound coldly, and the sound came to him. He waved his big hand and grabbed Yuan Xiuyue's other hand!

"King Ning!"

His face was as cold as ice, and Lei Luo's voice suddenly turned cold: "Are you trying to meddle in your own business?"

Facing Lei Luo's icy eyes, Nangong Xiaoran still smiled warmly: "The affairs in Li Palace are the family affairs of this king. Even if this king wants to take care of it, it's not my business!"

Yu Luo, at some point, there was an extra jade flute in his hand, and he suddenly lifted his wrist, impartially, and hit the back of Lei Luo's hand!

In just a split second, Lei Luo felt severe pain on the back of his hand!
Before he could think about it, he reflexively withdrew his hand suddenly, but when he caught a glimpse of Nangong Xiaoran bending his arm and pulling Yuan Xiuyue away from him, his eyebrows frowned, and he struck again!


Before he could hold Yuan Xiuyue's wrist again, the jade flute in Nangong Xiaoran's hand struck out again and hit his wrist fiercely.

Everything changes in the blink of an eye.

Squinting at Lei Luo beside him with great sympathy, Yuan Xiuyue stared up in Nangong Xiaoran's embrace.

However, the person who was embracing her at this moment did not look at her, but smiled coldly, confronting Lei Luo in the moonlit night!

"King Ning, don't bully people too much."

With his eyes longing for the corners of his eyes and raging anger in his eyes, Lei Luo glared at Nangong Xiaoran, but he couldn't change his color!
His skill is already one of the best in Yue Kingdom, and he will definitely not be inferior to Nangong Xiaoran!

But the abominable thing is that now, they are seeking peace with Li Guo, if he and Nangong Xiaoran fight at this time, it is definitely not a wise move!
(End of this chapter)

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