Chapter 126 I Miss You 4
No need to guess, I also know that Lei Luo is going to be furious at this moment, Nangong Xiaoran smiled lightly, his eyes flashed, he was so angry that Lei Luo said coldly: "Today, my lord, I will fight against you , I will bully you!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo took a breath, and his eyebrows almost stood upright!

In his heart, anger was burning, but he couldn't make a move.

He gritted his teeth hard, turned to look at Yuan Xiuyue who was leaning against Nangong Xiaoran's arms: "Miss Long, my prince is still waiting in Xingyue Pavilion, please go back with your subordinates!"

I will not go!

The words came to his lips, but never uttered.

Yuan Xiuyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and said coldly to Lei Luo: "I just said that when it's time to go back, I will go back naturally, don't worry about it!"


Cursing her for not knowing good and bad, Lei Luo glanced lightly at Nangong Xiaoran, and then snarled hard, so he had to turn back to Xingyue Pavilion for a while!
Seeing Lei Luo leave, Yuan Xiuyue's high-hanging heart finally fell to the ground!
Patting her little heart lightly, she let out a long breath!
"Girl? Are you okay?!"

With a faint smile still in the corner of his mouth, Nangong Xiaoran stared down at Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, his eyes were as warm as water.


Facing Nangong Xiaoran's gaze, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly startled, turned around, and found herself still leaning against his arms, she smiled shyly, stood up hastily, and saluted him: "Minister came out of Xiu, have seen His Highness King Ning?"

"Your name is Chuxiu?"

There was still a faint smile on the corner of his lips, Nangong Xiaoran took advantage of the moonlight to take a rough look at the outline of the woman's facial features in front of him, and finally wrinkled his brows lightly, and asked in an elegant tone: "My lord these days, always I will go to the Royal Garden for a while, why have I never seen the girl? Which palace do you work in? How can you be involved with Yue Wang?"

Yuan Xiuyue took a deep look at Nangong Xiaoran, then lowered her eyes, and pulled the corner of her lips with a light smile: "It's normal that the prince hasn't seen me, because I entered the palace with Yue Wang today!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran was silent for a moment, before bending his lips lightly: "So he is from King Yue?"

"What is Yue Wang?"

Listening to Nangong Xiaoran's words, she suddenly felt uncomfortable, Yuan Xiuyue said in a deep voice: "I am from Liguo, from Emperor Li!"


Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran's eyes softened, and he couldn't help laughing again.

Realizing what she said, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help laughing at herself!
People who leave the emperor!

Someone from Nangong Haoling? !
She is really... enough to make me speechless!

She scolded herself secretly, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Nangong Xiao Ran looking at her with an old spirit. Her red lips curved slightly, and she raised her head slightly: "Did the prince often go to Juxian Tower before?"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran frowned: "How does the girl know?"

Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and without any scruples reached out to wrap his arms around his shoulders which were much taller than her own, and the two of them acted like brothers: "Because I am the granddaughter of the dragon mother-in-law, and my name is Long Chuxiu... we It's family!"

Nangong Xiaoran's eyes flashed, but there was no abnormality on his face: "You said you are the granddaughter of the dragon mother? Why hasn't my king seen you in the past?"

"because I……"

Thinking about it, thinking that Nangong Xiaoran knew that he used to take medicine in the medicine garden, if he told him that he lived in the medicine garden since he was a child, he would not believe it, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, and said casually: "Because I In the past, she was in poor health and was fostered in the mountains until she was taken back to Juxian Tower by her mother-in-law recently!"

"Is that right?"

On the handsome face, the word doubt was still written all over, Nangong Xiaoran smiled, and then said softly: "Since you are the granddaughter of Long Po, why did you enter the palace with Yue Wang?"

Yuan Xiuyue pondered for a moment, and looked at Nangong Xiaoran sincerely: "When King Yue entered Juxian Tower, he was already poisoned. I am the doctor of Juxian Tower. I detoxified him first, and now he has brought him into the palace... ...In short, it’s all wrong, I can’t explain it in words!”

At the end, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help showing a look of helplessness on her face!
If time can be turned back, or if there is regret medicine that can be sold in this world, she must escape early when King Yue lives in Juxian Tower, and save herself such entanglements with him today!
"Oh, that's it!"

Nangong Xiao Ran chuckled, and looked up at Yuan Xiuyue in a leisurely manner. He asked in a low voice: "Since you are the granddaughter of Long Po, you should be the younger sister of Princess Xian. Have you seen Princess Xian before entering the palace?"

Hearing him mention Princess Xian, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly felt a little headache!
She pulled the corner of her lower lip lightly, but she wanted to laugh but couldn't: "Since I entered the palace, I have mentioned to brother-in-law Xian Wang that my sister should go to the Xingyue Pavilion to recognize her relatives, but today I have been waiting for a whole day, but I have been waiting for you." Never met her!"

"Maybe she has something important to do, so she can't get away for a while!"

With a slight frown, the smile on his face was still as gentle as before, Nangong Xiaoran smiled at Yuan Xiuyue.


She is busy pretending to be a queen, how can she have time to meet her?
If so, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes slightly in her heart, but looked into Nangong Xiaoran's deep and shining eyes again.

Staring at her eyes, but can't read her heart.

I don't know what she is thinking in her heart, and when she will escape to!

The smile on the corners of Nangong Xiaoran's lips showed a slight tinge of embarrassment, and then he sighed lightly, and said to her aloud: "The Imperial Palace is no different than Juxian Tower. If Miss Long is fine, she will go back to Xingyue earlier. Pavilion, maybe after tonight, Princess Xian will look for you early tomorrow morning."

After the words fell, he smiled warmly like a spring breeze again, and Nangong Xiaoran was about to turn around and leave.


Seeing that he was about to leave, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but twitched her brows, and said hastily: "My lord, please stay!"

Hearing the sound, Nangong Xiaoran stopped in his tracks, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, but then he drew back again. He raised his eyebrows and turned to look at her behind him: "Is there anything else you need?"


Showing off to him again, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes slightly, met his eyes, and then asked curiously: "Just now I only talked about myself, but the prince hasn't talked about you yet!"

"This king?"

His eyes were slightly dazed, Nangong Xiaoran took the jade flute in his hand, frowned and pointed at himself!

Zheng nodded, and Yuan Xiuyue asked in complete confusion: "Well, I heard people say... You were exiled by the emperor to Beicheng, right? Why did your son show up in the palace again?"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran frowned slightly.

Deeply staring into her eyes, he looked thoughtful.

Never dodging at all, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were bright, like a nympho, her face was full of admiration for Nangong Xiaoran!

Seeing her like this, Nangong Xiao Ran's eyes flickered slightly.

The beautiful lips were slightly raised, he turned around, smiled at her and said: "It's like this... The emperor wants to find someone, but that person is likely to find this king, and he doesn't want that person to be alone. When I met this king, he left his people in Beicheng, but sent this king back to the palace with an you understand?"

If someone else heard Nangong Xiaoran's words, they would definitely be stunned, but Yuan Xiuyue could hear it very clearly!
After pondering for a while, she smiled lightly at Nangong Xiao Ran, but there was endless bitterness in the smile: "I understand!"

He was exiled to Beicheng because of her!
Now, when he returned to the palace again, it was still because of her!

Seeing this, Nangong Xiao Ran's eyes flickered slightly: "Miss, do you really understand?"


Nodding lightly, Yuan Xiuyue said: "I really understand!"

I understand that he was able to return to Beijing because Nangong Haoling expected that she might look for him, but he didn't want them to meet each other!
"My king's words are so convoluted that a girl can understand them, but she doesn't know if she understands her own thoughts?" Looking at Yuan Xiuyue with deep meaning, Nangong Xiaoran gave him a gentle smile again, and then softly said: "The sky is bright." It's getting late, girl, let's go back earlier!"

After the words fell, he stared at her deeply, then turned silently and walked towards his residence.

The moonlight is like water, turning into traces of silver.

He was dressed in a plain white robe, and under the moonlight, there was a faint hazy meaning, which made Yuan Xiuyue feel a little unreal.

Dazed, standing in the same place, thinking about the meaning of his words just now, watching him gradually go away in the sea of ​​flowers, Yuan Xiuyue's heart tightened, and she couldn't help blurting out: "Sir..."

Hearing the sound, Nangong Xiaoran's body trembled violently!
The corners of his lips that were originally drawn back were slowly raised again, his eyes were moistened slightly, he turned to look back, and stared at Yuan Xiuyue who was standing not far behind him: "What did you call me?"


I haven't seen him for a year, but I still clearly remember his handsome face. The corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips slowly curved into an extremely elegant arc, and she asked with a smile, "When I called for help just now, you guessed it was me." , but still pretend to be nothing?"


In the pupils, the gentleness makes one can't help but want to sink into it, Nangong Xiaoran's face gradually raised a captivating smile: "I miss you..."

(End of this chapter)

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