Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 132 The Bright Moon Plans Against Dugu Chen 2

Chapter 132 The Bright Moon Plans Against Dugu Chen 2
She believes that there is absolutely nothing worse than losing her body to Duguchen in this world!
Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's tone loosened, Yuan Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief, looked back at the jug on the table, and leaned over to whisper in Yuan Xiuyue's ear.Hearing her words, Yuan Xiuyue's face changed obviously, and after a while, she snorted coldly: "You are really unscrupulous in order to achieve your goal, even the most basic etiquette and shame are ignored!"

"Etiquette? Shame?"

Dai Mei raised her eyebrows lightly, and Yuan Mingyue sighed helplessly: "If you were me, you would not care about these things if you were in this situation."


Frowning, Yuan Xiuyue was about to speak when she heard footsteps coming from far and near outside the door!

Hearing the sound, Yuan Mingyue's face straightened, and she immediately said softly to Yuan Xiuyue: "Now you have been poisoned by me, if you don't have my antidote, you will definitely be poisoned within seven days!"

"Aren't you just afraid that I will spoil your good deed?"

Looking at her beautiful face coldly, Yuan Xiuyue still sneered: "Don't worry, if you really use the incense on him today, you will definitely be able to climb into his bed today!"

Yuan Xiuyue's words were not pleasant.

But to Yuan Mingyue, as long as he can fly on the branches, these are not important anymore.

Now that she has done it, she will not gag other people's mouths!

Smiling lightly, she glanced at Yuan Xiuyue again, Yuan Mingyue reached out her hand and groped her neck again, then a little bit steeper, the blind cat met a dead mouse and tapped Yuan Xiuyue's acupuncture points, sighed softly, she put away the dagger, He turned around and turned off the lights in the room, leaving only one corner lamp, so he could see the scene in the room dimly, then bent down and got under the bed.

After a while, I heard a man's flattering and laughing voice from outside the room: "This subordinate sees that the prince has been depressed, so he wants to give him a big gift!"

"Zhang Chong, do you think that in this world, there is something rare for this king?" The cold voice came out, and it was Dugu Chen who spoke!
"My lord is well-informed, so naturally there are no rare things, but this time is different!" The man called Zhang Chong by Dugu Chen chuckled and opened the door: "Your lord, you'll know when you go in and have a look!"

The words fell, and there was silence outside again.

Only a moment later, the door opened from the outside, and someone stepped in from outside the house.

Unable to move and unable to see clearly, but knowing that the person coming must be Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue lay on her back on the bed, staring at the dark bed with dim eyes, her heart almost jumped out of her throat!
Duguchen stood in the hall for a while, his eyes finally fell on the dark bed.

"This guy Zhang Chong!"

Knowing that his subordinates prepared a woman for him, he snorted coldly, and was about to retreat, but because of the inexplicable hot feeling in his body, he suddenly stopped in his tracks!
He thought to himself, maybe he had been abstinent for too long, and he also wanted to temporarily forget the woman who always appeared in his mind from time to time through the relationship between men and women. He took a deep breath, walked forward slowly, and finally sat down on the edge of the bed!
Slowly, a sneer was drawn from the corner of his lips, his handsome eyebrows were slightly frowned, he stretched out his hand through the bed curtain, and gently caressed Yuan Xiuyue's gentle face.

Feeling Dugu Chen's warm hand, Yuan Xiuyue scolded Yuan Mingyue hundreds of times in her heart, her brows were tightly frowned because of strong disgust, she wanted to call him back, but she couldn't. He reached out to push him away, but there was nothing he could do.

Therefore, the anger in her heart was soaring, but she couldn't vent it, so she could only bite her red lips so hard that the lips almost bled.

Just at this moment, Duguchen's warm palm slid down to her lips impartially, without even thinking about it, she opened her mouth, ruthlessly, forcefully, and bit down!
"Still a little wild cat!"

With a muffled snort, Dugu Chen raised his handsome eyebrows, and lifted the bed curtain with a gloomy face.Leaning down suddenly, his lips domineeringly and slightly punished severely covered Yuan Xiuyue's already bitten bleeding lips.

With a sudden shock in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue opened her pupils angrily, and without thinking about it, she opened her mouth and bit his lower lip tightly.


With a yell, Duguchen was about to hit Yuan Xiuyue's face with his hand, but when he caught a glimpse of Yuan Xiuyue's pupils glaring furiously through the dim light from the corner lamp, he couldn't help but his eyes changed drastically, and then he stopped abruptly!

"Out of Xiu?"

Originally gloomy and deep eyes were full of shock at this moment, Duguchen ignored his lip bitten by Yuan Xiuyue, stared blankly at the lying on the bed in front of him, silent and motionless, staring desperately at him. woman!
Her lips were tightly pursed, and she looked angrily at the handsome man in front of her who was in such a mess, but made her wish to bite him to death, Yuan Xiuyue simply closed her eyes, so that she could see nothing!

It's really her!

The corner of Duguchen's lips curled up, and he raised his hand to caress her hair.

Sensing his approach, Yuan Xiuyue opened her eyes suddenly, and glared at him again.

Seeing this, Duguchen smiled wryly.

The corners of his lips were pursed, and the wry smile on his face instantly turned into a thousand-year chill, and he turned and shouted, "Lei Luo!"

"Subordinates are here!"

Responding outside the window, Lei Luo hurried in, holding one of his subordinates in his hand, it was Zhang Chong who just said he wanted to give Dugu Chen a big gift!
His eyes were as deep as the sea, and Duguchen squinted at Zhang Chong: "Is this the great gift you want to give this king?" Yuan Xiuyue behind the tent shouted coldly: "You'd better give me a proper explanation!"

It is undeniable that for him, the dragon coming out of Xiuxiu is indeed a great gift!
But he hated the way his subordinates gave gifts!
If so, how is his treatment of her different from those vulgar fans before?

Looking up at Dugu Chen, seeing that his lips had been bitten, Lei Luo's heart trembled, and he made a gesture to go forward to tidy up the woman on the bed.

However, when he looked up into the tent and vaguely saw the people inside, he couldn't help being shocked again, and then he raised his foot and kicked Zhang Chong who was beside him two meters away: "You You bastard, why do you work as an errand? How dare you be so disrespectful to Miss Long!"

Although Yuan Xiuyue is usually furious, but with the protection of his master, even he only showed no pretense to her under her extreme provocation, but he had never been so disrespectful to her!
But at this moment, his subordinates actually tied her to the bed and sent her to the master!

"Lord Lei, my subordinates are wronged!"

Being kicked on the stomach by Lei Luo, Zhang Chong struggled to get up from the ground, and knelt down at Dugu Chen's feet with a thud: "My lord, I see that you have been depressed for the past two days because of Miss Long. , so I thought about helping the prince to relieve his worries, but Miss Long is determined not to come back, and the subordinates have no other choice, so they have to act like this!"

Hearing what the guard said, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but sneer in her heart!
It sounds nice, he wants to relieve his master's worries, but in fact, he is simply colluding with Yuan Mingyue!

"My lord!"

Before Duguchen broke out, Zhang Chong bit the bullet and stretched out his hand to grab Duguchen's collar, tremblingly said: "I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not!"


With a slight frown between his brows, Duguchen's eyes were dark and dangerously narrowed.

Only then did he think about how to deal with this desperate subordinate in front of him, so that Long Chuxiu could calm down!
Not daring to meet his gaze, Zhang Chong shrunk his neck, frowned and said in a trembling voice: "Although I don't read much, I also know that women should follow the female commandments. If the prince gets her body, even Her heart is in the wild, and she has to follow the prince's side with all her heart!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyes flickered slightly!

Seeing this, Zhang Chong hurriedly said again, and said with a flattering smile: "The only person in this world who can make the prince fall in love with him is Miss Long. In the eyes of my subordinates, only the prince is the most suitable for Miss Long!"

Staring at Zhang Chong coldly, Duguchen never responded to Zhang Chong's words, turned his head and stared at Yuan Xiuyue, his voice gradually slowed down: "What did you let Miss Long eat?"

"Incense of Enchantment!"

Responding to Duguchen in a muffled voice, the guard lowered his head so low that he couldn't lower it any further: "If you get wet with wine, the medicine on Miss Long's body will take effect..."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling wryly in her heart!
Yuan Mingyue said that what she took was poison, so it's better to say that she took the love potion of Mi Qingxiang!
If she didn't see a trace of abnormality in her body at this moment, she would definitely think that the person who was caught by Mi Qing San was herself, not Dugu Chen!
On the side, Lei Luo took a peek at his master's face, and saw that his face, which had just recovered, turned cold again, he raised his foot and kicked him away, "You bastard!"

With a thud, he slammed into the wall hard. Zhang Chong vomited blood and knelt down in pain: "This subordinate is a bastard, this subordinate deserves to die!"

Glaring at him fiercely, Lei Luo turned his head to look inside the tent with an ugly expression, and then looked at Dugu Chen: "Master... until see..."

"Get out of here, my lord!"

The voice was as cold as ice, and Duguchen clenched his fists and slammed it on the small table beside the bed!

Seeing this, whether it was Lei Luo, Zhang Chong who had already been beaten and vomited blood, or Yuan Mingyue who was hiding under the bed, they all trembled and panicked!

On the other hand, Yuan Xiuyue on the bed never showed a trace of fear!
After a while, Lei Luo and the guard Zhang Chong retreated, leaving only Duguchen and Yuan Xiuyue in the room.

Of course, there is a shameless Yuan Mingyue hiding under the bed!
After being silent for a long time, he finally turned around slightly and focused his gaze on Yuan Xiuyue again. Duguchen's eyes were warm and focused on her pretty face, and the lips bitten by her were a little red.A moment later, he bent his lips slightly, raised his hand slightly, and unsnapped her dumb hole with a snap!
"Duguchen, let me go!"

The dumb acupoints were released, and as soon as she withdrew her right to speak, the first thing Yuan Xiuyue said was to ask Dugu Chen to untie the acupoints on her body.

"Don't worry! I will definitely let you go!"

In the eyes, there was a little bit of lust flowing, Duguchen caressed Yuan Xiuyue's hair scattered on one side, slightly bent his lips, then got up and walked to the table, took the table to the restaurant, and poured the two wine glasses beside him to the top overflow.

Seeing him like this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, her eyes darkened!
(End of this chapter)

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