Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 133 The Bright Moon Plans Against Dugu Chen 3

Chapter 133 The Bright Moon Plans Against Dugu Chen 3
While looking sideways, she watched Duguchen walk back to the bed with the wine glass in hand, she smiled, her eyes filled with disappointment: "Duguchen, you don't really want to..."

"You are intoxicated by the enchantment!"

Smiling lightly, Duguchen sat down again.Gently, he sipped the wine in the glass, he smiled slightly, and under Yuan Xiuyue's furious glaring, he bent down, pressed her lips softly, and slowly poured the wine in her mouth into her mouth.


The spicy wine flowed through the gap between her teeth and flowed into her throat, choking her to cough uncontrollably. On her pretty face, there was still an angry look, but she didn't know it was because of anger or shame. Yuan Xiuyue's face was flushed red With a pretty face, she scolded Duguchen: "Duguchen, you know that this enchanting scent will come out when you drink it, but you feed me wine? You bastard, taking advantage of others, is despicable and shameless!"

Even though she wasn't intoxicated, at this moment he decided that she was intoxicated, and continued to feed her wine.

What he thinks now is completely obvious!

Thinking that he just fed her with his mouth, Yuan Xiuyue was about to explode with anger!

But, the hateful thing is that facing her anger, Duguchen didn't feel angry at all.

"Just now what Zhang Chong said is correct. You are too wild and don't want to stay with this king, but this king wants to keep you by his side wholeheartedly. Since this is the case, all I can do now is to turn you into myself." woman!" Staring at Yuan Xiuyue deeply and affectionately, Duguchen slowly raised his hand, raised his head slightly, and drank all the wine in the glass: "This wine has the right to be your and my partner's wine. !"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smacked her lips, thinking that he would have an attack soon, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help laughing out of anger: "Fucking wine! Do you think I will be at your mercy after drinking? Dreaming!"

"Am I dreaming? We will find out tonight!" Knowing how powerful the fascination is, Duguchen pursed his lips and smiled, leaning slowly to lean against Yuan Xiuyue's side, deliberately blowing hot air in her ear: "Don't worry, I'll see you later." After today, you will be the only princess in Yue Palace!"

"I bother!"

Goosebumps fell all over the ground involuntarily because of the hot air hanging by his ears, Yuan Xiuyue felt chills all over her body, and angrily sprayed saliva on his face, she yelled at Duguchen: "If you dare to mess up tonight Come, I will die in front of you immediately afterwards!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's heart trembled!
His eyes were slightly cold, and he raised his eyes to look at his beloved woman in front of him. Seeing her firm eyes, he frowned slightly with a complex expression, and finally slid his fingers down gently, and then quickly untied the acupuncture points on her body.

Finally regaining her freedom, Yuan Xiuyue quickly got up and went to bed, ignoring her own clothes, she was about to step outside.

However, just after taking a few steps, she felt a heat in her heart.

She frowned suddenly, remembering what Zhang Chong said just now, her eyes changed, she turned coldly and looked back at Yuan Mingyue who was hiding under the bed.


She actually, really had an affair with her!
But, what she didn't expect was that just as she turned around, Duguchen sealed her two big holes again!
Suddenly, speechless again, Yuan Xiuyue glared at Duguchen angrily, scolding him with her eyes!

"You have been enchanted by the fragrance of enchantment. If you don't give it to me now, you will give it to someone else. I'm afraid you won't be able to live anymore!" Facing her angry eyes, Duguchen chuckled disapprovingly, and raised his hand to sweep the air in the room. After the lights were turned off again, he bent over and carried Yuan Xiuyue back to the bed, and then made a gesture to go to bed!

Seeing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart twitched violently.

She swears that when she successfully escapes today, she will definitely treat Dugu Chen well, not only him, but also the bitch under the bed who kept asking her to help her, but in the end also used her infatuation!
Forgive her, she cared about family affection and always regarded her as her elder sister, but after today, she is nothing to her!
"My lord!"

Just when Duguchen was about to go to bed, Lei Luo's voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"What's the matter?"

It was the time of the spring night, but when Lei Luo disturbed him, Duguchen frowned in displeasure!
After a moment of silence, Zhang Chong's voice sounded outside the door again: "The emperor's secret edict!"

Hearing this, Duguchen's face froze, and then he carefully placed Yuan Xiuyue on the bed. He gently held her pretty face, kissed her forehead deeply, and said in an infinitely ambiguous way: "Just wait, I'll come back when I go, wait for me !"

After the words fell, before Yuan Xiuyue could vomit, he stood up and walked out the door quickly.

As soon as he went out, he gave Lei Luo a sideways look with a livid face, and said in a cold tone, "What time is it now? The gate of the Li Palace has already been bolted, and where did the emperor's secret edict come from?"

Lei Luo's face changed: "The secret edict should have arrived before the bolt was released, but someone who didn't know how to see it put the edict on the prince's desk, and it was only discovered by Zhang Chong just now!"

"Why are you on errand?"

With a sideways glance at Lei Luo, Duguchen quickened his pace and walked quickly towards the study of Xingyue Pavilion.

in the bedroom.

After Duguchen left, Yuan Mingyue crawled out from under the bed.

Standing in front of the bed, staring at Yuan Xiuyue on the bed, she smiled wryly and said, "Unexpectedly, King Yue is so infatuated with you!"

Looking at her beautiful face like a flower, Yuan Xiuyue frowned, wishing to peel off her skin!

Eyelids slightly lowered, facing her fierce eyes, Yuan Mingyue frowned and said softly: "Miss Long, don't blame me. If something happened to me and the prince alone, and he doesn't see you, my life will definitely not be easy in the future. , but if he can get you and me at the same time today, he will not care too much!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue trembled with anger!


What does it mean to have you and me at the same time?

Don't say that sisters can't serve a husband together, it was taught by her elder brother every day, even if she could, she wouldn't bother to be with a man at the same time...

Even thinking about it makes her feel sick!

"You must be calling me dirty and shameless, right?" Yuan Mingyue had already expected that she would be despised by the woman in front of her, but she smiled bitterly and helplessly, "I did this only to live a better life..."

With a slight sigh, Yuan Mingyue stopped talking.

She bent over to support Yuan Xiuyue's two arms, dragged her from the bed to under the bed, and then took a pill that was exactly the same as the pill that Yuan Xiuyue took earlier from a medicine bottle and swallowed it. down.

You don't need to look to know that Yuan Xiuyue is staring at her, her complexion changed slightly, she walked quickly to the table, raised her head and drank a few sips of wine from the jug, then turned around and returned to the couch, and lay down panting!

It really surprised Yuan Xiuyue that things had developed to this point!
Lying sideways under the bed, she smiled wryly and looked up at the top, thinking of her sister, who was just like her at the moment, also took Mi Qingxiang, and was still waiting for Duguchen to come... For a moment, she couldn't help but feel all kinds of complicated things in her heart. Emotions.

As a woman, who doesn't want to be clean? !
But her elder sister, because of her so-called pride, finally discarded her body and personality together!

This made her feel that she was both hateful, pathetic, and pitiful...

How ethereal and beautiful was she in the past?

Now, why is she so shameless when she lands? !

Just as she was thinking about it, the door opened.

At first, Yuan Xiuyue thought it was Duguchen who came back.

But after a while, she saw someone walking quickly to the bed and sealing Yuan Mingyue's two big acupuncture points, she couldn't help but smile bitterly!
It turned out that it was Yuan Mingyue's accomplice!

And this person, if she guessed right, should be that Zhang Chong!
Inside the house, there was silence.

Time, passing by every minute and every second.

I don't know how long it has passed, Yuan Xiuyue only felt as if a hundred ants were scratching her heart, she was so hot that she panicked!

Not long after, there was a sound of eager footsteps outside the door.

Soon, Duguchen pushed open the door and entered the room.

"Out of Xiu..."

Calculated according to the time, the effect of Zhimiqingsan should have taken effect by this moment, Dugu Chen felt hot all over his body, and even his voice trembled faintly.

Walking to the bed, he stretched out his hand to feel Yuan Mingyue's hand, feeling the scalding heat on her body, his eyes darkened, and he raised his hand to unlock the acupuncture points on her body!
"My lord..."

The voice was soft and greasy, Yuan Mingyue on the bed, imitating Yuan Xiuyue's voice in the darkness, murmured softly.

Hearing such a soft voice, Dugu Chen felt that the bones in his body were going to be crisp!
But Yuan Xiuyue under the bed frowned, closed her eyes in disgust, and hit her sealed acupuncture points with all her strength.

Duguchen was so hot that he seemed to be on fire. In Yuan Mingyue's soft voice, his strong and bandaged chest rubbed against the couch in the dark night...

Yuan Xiuyue's face turned red, and she tiptoed out from under the bed.

Looking up at the crazy two people on the bed, she looked embarrassed, clenched her fists tightly, then quickly got up, and reached out to grab Duguchen's big acupoints!
Originally, Duguchen, who was in a corner of the heaven, instinctively turned around when he sensed someone behind him, but unexpectedly caught a glimpse of Yuan Xiuyue.

His eyes widened, and his body froze suddenly.

He suddenly lowered his head, he was about to lower his eyes to look, but Yuan Xiuyue directly tapped his acupuncture points, and he was fixed on the bed and couldn't move any more!

Seeing that Dugu Chen was about to speak, Yuan Xiuyue panted and stretched out her hand, just like when she dealt with her earlier, she also tapped his dumb acupoint!


In the eyes of the stars, the water was rippling, but there was fire rising, Yuan Mingyue was suppressed by Duguchen, unable to get up, unable to move, she had to grit her teeth with a blushing complexion for a while!
"An antidote..."

The body was unbearably hot, Yuan Xiuyue pulled the skirt that Yuan Mingyue was pressing under her body, and rubbed the antidote of the enchanting fragrance with trembling fingers.

But after a while, she was disappointed.

Because she only found the bottle that Yuan Mingyue used to hold the enchanting fragrance, but she didn't understand the medicine at all!

Looking deeply at her, Yuan Mingyue couldn't help but smiled wryly and said, "You are a doctor, how could you not understand? Mi Qingxiang has always had only one antidote...I advise you, quickly unlock the acupoints of the prince..."

(End of this chapter)

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