Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 134 The Bright Moon Plans Against Dugu Chen 4

Chapter 134 The Bright Moon Plans Against Dugu Chen 4

He spat heavily on Yuan Mingyue's alluring face. For the first time, she really hated this unreal beautiful face from the bottom of her heart. Yuan Xiuyue reached out and touched her dumb acupoint, and then raised her eyes to meet Duguchen. eyes.

Seeing him staring at her like a wounded beast, she smiled wryly, lowered her head slightly, then raised her hand suddenly, and slapped him with a big mouth: "shameless!"

Yu Luo, no longer looking at him, she clasped her arms tightly, opened the door with a little unsteady footsteps, and walked out slowly.

On the bed, Duguchen watched Yuan Xiuyue leave helplessly, his face turned blue and white, and finally turned ashen...


In the courtyard, Lei Luo and several guards were standing far away.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue coming out, Lei Luo frowned, and hurriedly greeted him: "Miss Long?"

With a slight tremor, Yuan Xiuyue stopped and looked at Lei Luo with a somewhat lax gaze. She joked in a cold voice, "At this point, do you still call me Miss Long?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo's heart was suffocated!
His thoughts turned slightly, he smiled and said respectfully: "Princess!"


With a long sigh, Yuan Xiuyue hummed softly, and stepped forward again: "I'm not feeling well, I'm going to the imperial hospital to get some medicine, my lord is too tired, let him have a good rest, don't bother me!"

Seeing her faltering steps, Lei Luo couldn't help thinking about other places, and couldn't help but said: "Since the princess is unwell, let's go down!"

"Is it convenient for you to take the medicine for women?"

With an unkind look at Lei Luo, Yuan Xiuyue continued to walk out: "Go and prepare some food with me and the prince, we... are all hungry!"


Thinking how mighty the prince must be to toss the always lively Long Chuxiu into such a state, Lei Luo nodded lightly, then winked at Zhang Chong, and followed Yuan Xiuyue all the way out.

Knowing that Lei Luo has been following behind her, Yuan Xiuyue's heart is like fifteen buckets up and down, thinking that she must get rid of him as soon as possible!
Looking up at the night sky, it is not too late to see the sky.

In her heart, she hoped that Nangong Xiaoran would still be strolling in the Imperial Garden at this hour. She resisted the agitation in her body, and after leaving the Xingyue Pavilion, she turned to the direction of the Imperial Garden, and stepped forward desperately.

"Princess, please slow down!"

Feeling that Yuan Xiuyue would fall down at any time, Lei Luo also quickened his pace, following behind her in step.

Entering the imperial garden, seeing the white figure not far away, Yuan Xiuyue's heart tightened, and then the wind picked up under his feet, and he ran towards the direction where Nangong Xiaoran was.


Looking forward, seeing Nangong Xiao Ran standing not far away, Lei Luo felt bad, and hurriedly pursued him.

"Sir, save me!"

Not a prince, but a gentleman, Yuan Xiuyue ran towards Nangong Xiao Ran with all her strength.

Hearing her shout, Nangong Xiaoran was startled!
Turning around suddenly, seeing her face towards him regardless of everything, he frowned, and quickly flew forward with his toes!

Seeing this, Lei Luo dodged around, making a gesture to grab Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder.

But the next moment, he only felt pain in the back of his hand, and then he saw Nangong Xiaoran kicking him.His pupils contracted violently, he leaned up slightly, stepped back, and took a few steps before stabilizing his figure again.


Seeing Nangong Xiaoran repel Lei Luo, the last tight string on Yuan Xiuyue's body broke with a snap, and she leaned on his shoulder and slid down slowly!
Frowning, he stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, noticing that something was wrong with her, Nangong Xiao Ranjun turned his head to look at Lei Luo with a cold face, "What did you eat for her?"

"Missing Fragrance!" Coldly said an answer that neither of them could understand, Lei Luo stretched out his hand to Nangong Xiaoran: "She is our prince's woman, only my prince can solve this enchanting fragrance with her!"


With a cold snort, Nangong Xiaoran's eyes instantly became bottomless: "Lei Luo, your prince is going too far, even using such dirty tricks!"

Hearing this, Lei Luo changed, but still insisted: "His Royal Highness Ning, please hand over Miss Long to me!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Holding Yuan Xiuyue in his arms at the waist, Nangong Xiao Ran said coldly: "Get lost!"


Lei Luo was so angry that he wanted to draw his sword!
"If you tremble again, I will guarantee that this matter will be brought before the emperor today. By then, the big event of the Three Kingdoms Summit will be ruined. I will see how you, master and servant, will explain to Emperor Yue!" Lei Luo, Nangong Xiaoran didn't stop, he jumped up with Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, and quickly flew in the direction of Fengluan Palace.

The cool night wind gently blew on Yuan Xiuyue's hot cheeks. Although the temperature on her face was slightly lowered, it couldn't relieve the heat on her body.

"Hot...I'm so hot..."

Whispering in Nangong Xiao Ran's arms, Yuan Xiuyue's soft and boneless little hands groped lightly in his arms, making him stiffen and almost fell down.


Helplessly and extremely forbearingly calling her, Nangong Xiaoran's body trembled slightly, dodging her hand, just in time for her to collapse in his arms.

"Sir..." Frowning tightly, Yuan Xiuyue bit her lips until blood flowed out. Yuan Xiuyue fell into Nangong Xiaoran's arms and murmured softly, "Take me to find him!"

With a trembling heart, Nangong Xiao Ran's eyes flashed a hint of helplessness and forbearance, "Hey, let's go to Fengluan Palace first!"

How could he not know who she was referring to by him? !
It's just that everyone has selfishness.

Even though he has been telling himself from the bottom of his heart that she is Nangong Haoling's woman, and the person in her heart is also Nangong Haoling, but at this moment he still hopes that Xuanyuantang can cure the poison in her body,
Because, in that case, her identity would not be revealed, and he could see her often!
In Fengluan Palace.

Xuanyuan Tang took off the disguise cream, just after taking a bath, and was about to fall asleep, when she heard Ting Lan's urgent shouts outside the dormitory!
Hearing the sound, she furrowed her eyebrows, put on her cloak and left the bedroom.

As soon as she came out, she saw Nangong Xiao Ran holding Yuan Xiuyue standing in the main hall, she couldn't help being startled, then looked at Yuan Xiuyue, saw her face was red, her eyes were full of spring, her brows could not help but frowned: "What happened?"

"It's a long story!" Panting slightly, he lowered his eyebrows and looked at Yuan Xiuyue in his arms, he frowned at Xuanyuantang and said, "Is there a solution to the fragrance of obsession?"

"No solution!"

The voice was melodious like a song, Yuan Xiuyue lazily raised her eyes, and directly answered Nangong Xiaoran's question, she glanced at him, then turned to look at Xuanyuantang, and said with a charming smile: "Tangtang, I said I wanted to find him, but Mr. If you don't send me, how about you send me there?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang's complexion changed slightly.

Reaching out to hold Yuan Xiuyue's hand, and feeling her pulse carefully, Yuan Xiuyue let go of her hand and told Lin Sheng outside the hall: "Prepare the chariot and go to Mount Ji!"


The whole body was hot on fire, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Xuanyuantang with misty eyes.

"The person you are looking for has gone to Jishan tonight!"

Annoyed at Yuan Xiuyue, Xuanyuantang turned to look at Nangong Xiaoran, "You were born in the court since you were young, and you know better than me. There is only one solution to this enchanting fragrance. She has been poisoned for a while now. Delay, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive tonight!"

Hearing this, Nangong Xiao Ran couldn't help but see a look of pain in his eyes!
Taking a deep look at him, Xuanyuantang turned around and walked out without saying anything more.

After a while, Lin Sheng prepared the chariot.

Nangong Xiaoran hugged Yuan Xiuyue's arms, gradually tightened them, and then took big strides towards the outside.

Carefully placing Yuan Xiuyue on the soft bed in the phoenix chariot, he smiled lightly at her, turned around resolutely and took a few steps back!
Seeing this, Xuanyuantang's eyes darkened, but without any further delay, he ordered the coachman to go to Jishan!

The chariot started, her cheeks were as red as fire, Yuan Xiuyue endured the heat all over her body, and stared at the white figure behind him in the dimly lit place from a distance... She raised her eyes slightly, and seeing Xuanyuantang staring at her, she smiled wryly, He said lightly to her: "I know what you want to say, you don't have to say anything!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang sighed softly, and took out a medicine bottle from his sleeve pocket: "We will see him again, wash off the disguise ointment on your face!"

"do not want!"

Yuan Xiuyue gasped and let out a long breath: "Until my leg is fully recovered, I will definitely not show him my true face!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang couldn't help laughing: "Do you think the emperor wants a woman? Just like you, if you don't reveal your identity to him, he won't even touch her!"

"That's my business! You just send me in front of him and let me have a chance to be alone with him!" Yuan Xiuyue bit her lips again, lowered her head, and closed her eyes. Fight against the fire within yourself.

"Look at your current love..." Looking fixedly at Yuan Xiuyue, Xuanyuanxu couldn't help but laugh and said, "Could it be that we've arrived at Jishan and wanted to use force with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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