Chapter 135 I Love You! 1
Hearing Xuanyuantang's words, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes embarrassingly, the bottom of her eyes were indeed as shining as Xuanyuantang said, and she didn't make a sound. She only whispered again, and buried her head deeply in her hands. between the legs.

Seeing her unbearably charming appearance, Xuanyuantang smiled resentfully, turned her head to look at the dark night sky outside the phoenix chariot, she frowned solemnly, and said solemnly: "The enchanting fragrance on your body is the cause of King Yue's planting, right? ?”

"You're almost a monkey!"

Her eyes narrowed slightly, her body felt hot and uncomfortable, Yuan Xiuyue reached out her hand indiscriminately, and tugged at her lapel indiscriminately, exposing a large piece of snow-white jade-like skin!

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang's eyes flickered, she turned around and stared at Yuan Xiuyue behind her, she sighed inwardly, lowered her eyebrows and escaped a dark brown pill from the cloak pocket, and raised her hand to stuff it into Yuan Xiuyue's mouth.


The scene of Yuan Mingyue and herself feeding the enchanting incense suddenly flashed in her mind, Yuan Xiuyue didn't even think about it, and turned her pretty face that was already flushed to the side.

"Even I don't believe it?"

Bright big eyes rolled up slightly, Xuanyuantang's small mouth slightly curled up, and she paused slightly, seeing Yuan Xiuyue tilting her head to one side, she stepped forward again, pried open her mouth, and stuffed the pill into her mouth: " Although this thing can't cure the poison of the enchanting fragrance, it can temporarily relieve your discomfort."

Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help sighing comfortably after taking the pill, "It was the cleansing medicine just now, and now it's this. You came out in such a hurry, why do you have these things?"

Smiling lightly, she opened the cloak on her body so that Yuan Xiuyue could see the rows of pockets on the inside of the cloak. Xuanyuantang smiled triumphantly: "I am prepared for any danger!"

"Monkey spirit!"

Lifting her eyes lightly, leaning back on the carriage of the chariot with a slight panting, Yuan Xiuyue chuckled, and slowly closed her eyes.

She was thinking... When she arrived at Jishan and saw Nangong Haoling, what should she do? !

Thinking of what was about to happen, her cheeks were already flushed red, so red that she was about to ooze water.

After pondering for a moment, Xuanyuantang stared at the burned Yuan Xiuyue, and felt that there was something to say, so he had to say: "Duguchen is obsessed with you, far beyond your imagination, for the current plan, if you want to completely escape his control, you must If the emperor comes forward, or the dragon will come out of Xiu... then he can only disappear from this world!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's eyelashes trembled slightly, but in the end she didn't say anything, she still bit her lips tightly and closed her eyes tightly.

Frowning and taking a deep look at her, Xuanyuan Tang frowned slightly.

With lowered eyes, her thoughts were racing, but she never stopped for a moment...

In the Xingyue Pavilion.

Lei Luo returned from the imperial garden, and the first thing he did was to rush directly into the bedroom where Duguchen was.

But at this moment, Dugu Chen, who had been plotted by Yuan Mingyue and whose body had not been fully detoxified from the poison of the enchanting fragrance, was unable to move even though his heart was furious, so his veins bulged and he froze on Yuan Mingyue's body.

"My lord!"

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Duguchen's stagnant figure, Lei Luo's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried forward a few steps.

But when he got to the bed and caught a glimpse of the beautiful woman on the bed, his expression changed in embarrassment, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

When he raised his eyes, he met Duguchen's starry eyes burning with anger, his heart trembled, he closed his eyes suddenly, and stretched out his hand to unlock the sealed acupuncture points on his body!


In the end, he was able to move and speak, the first thing Duguchen did was to let out an uncontrollable roar, so as to release some of the anger in his heart!
Feeling his uncontrollable anger burning like a volcanic eruption, Yuan Mingyue, who was suppressed by him, couldn't help but tremble all over!
Suddenly lowering his eyes, his eyes looked coldly at the stunning beauty, a look of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and his clenched fists made crisp sounds.


Seeing Duguchen's ugly face, Lei Luo couldn't help but test out: "Are you okay?"

"It's just the fragrance of love, what can I do?" Shen Ren said with a cold tone, and Duguchen's forehead was full of veins: "Where is the girl from Xiuxiu?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed slightly.

"Miss Long just went out, and she just said that the prince is tired and needs to rest. I am going to the imperial hospital to get some medicine for women..." I know Duguchen's temper well, but if I let him know that I am fascinated The fragrant Long Chuxiu fell into the hands of Nangong Xiaoran, the consequences would be unimaginable!Thinking of the Three Kingdoms Summit, he frowned and lowered his eyes, directly choosing to put the overall situation first, and lied in front of Duguchen for the first time: "This subordinate neglected his duty, failed to notice her abnormality, and... failed to stop her!"

Hearing Lei Luo's words, Dugu Chen couldn't help curling his thin lips lightly!

"She was also addicted to Miqingxiang!" Almost gritted his teeth and spit out these words, Duguchen felt cold all over his body, thinking of the only detoxification method of Miqingxiang, his handsome face was almost distorted: " Let me find her, no matter what, I have to find her for me!"

Where can she hide from the fragrance of enchantment?

If she can't cure the poison before sunrise, she will definitely die of bloodshed!

Thinking of Long Chuxiu's slap in the face when he was leaving, and the words of shameless scolding him, Duguchen's heart sank secretly!
After a while, after Lei Luo left, only he and his wife were left in the house again.

The cold eyes fell on the woman who was lying naked next to him at this moment. Duguchen sneered, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Yuan Mingyue's beautiful and small chin: "Bitch! What a trick, you dare to plot against me!" ! Say... who the hell are you!"

Facing Duguchen's furious eyes, Yuan Mingyue's heart turned cold, and her delicate body trembled uncontrollably. Her slender and fair hand gently slid across her buttocks, and she raised her hand slightly, a touch of beauty appeared on Duguchen's face. In front of her eyes, she frowned and bit her red lips: "I am the sister of the current empress, the eldest daughter of An Guohou——Yuan Mingyue!"

"Yuan Mingyue?"

Hearing this name, Duguchen was slightly stunned. After a while, the coldness on his face remained undiminished, but the movements of his hands tightened suddenly!
He has always calculated others all his life, and he hates being calculated by others!

Anyone who dared to plot against him, except for that Yuan Xiuyue, has already gone to see the King of Hades.

Thinking of Yuan Xiuyue, and thinking that the woman in front of him is her sister, Duguchen's heart was filled with anger for a moment!

No matter what, he couldn't bear to fall into the hands of the two sisters at the same time, and... because of this, he lost the news of Long Chuxiu!
Physically, he was already hot and dry due to the fragrance of love, coupled with the anger in his heart at this moment, he only felt that his heart was burning like a raging fire, if he didn't detoxify, he would definitely bleed to death!

"My can't kill me!"

Seeing Duguchen's cold expression, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes flashed a trace of panic, and she tried her best to calm herself down. She panted and raised her head back, trying to make her breathing easier: "My father is An Guohou who left the country. My younger sister is the queen of the dynasty, and my elder brother is also the general of Li Guo... Aren't you negotiating peace with Li Guo now? If you get me at this time... it will be beneficial and harmless. !"

"It's a good one with nothing to lose!"

With thousands of thoughts in his heart, Duguchen's eyes flickered slightly. After a while, he sneered again, and the big hand that was holding Yuan Mingyue's chin slipped down instantly, and tightly grabbed her neck.


Only had time to let out a coquettish cry, Yuan Mingyue's pupils slightly opened, her heart was terrified, and she suddenly realized that she was having difficulty breathing!
Just when she thought that Duguchen was going to put her to death, she felt a chill all over her body again, and the brocade quilt that was originally used to hide her shame was roughly torn away by him!
"Wang... Lord..."

Realizing what Duguchen was going to do, Yuan Mingyue stared at Duguchen's stern handsome face in horror, and squeezed out a few words from her mouth with great difficulty: "Mingyue... has nothing else to ask but... to be able... Stay with King Yue!"

"Do you want to stay with me?"

Duguchen panted slightly, leaned over to her ear and said coldly: "Did you do everything possible to climb into this king's bed? For such a simple reason?"

Hearing this, Yuan Mingyue panted and trembled: "Mingyue...she adores the prince wholeheartedly!"

"it is good!"

With a stern look in his cold eyes, Duguchen bit her earlobe viciously: "At this moment, this king will do as you wish!"

Hearing this, Yuan Mingyue couldn't help shivering from the cold!
Before she could react, Duguchen's fiery and huge body covered hers in an instant.

"I'm afraid now, don't you think it's a bit late?"

Stretching out his hand to grab Yuan Mingyue's ankle, staring at her weeping face in panic, Duguchen only felt joy in his heart, but he never felt any pity!

"ask for it!"

The medicinal properties of the enchanting fragrance in his body gradually dissipated, and Duguchen became extremely lucid. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Yuan Mingyue's beautiful hair. Seeing that she didn't respond, he smiled coldly, then got up and went to bed, and put on his outer robe with a cold face. Go up, and then quickly walk out of the door without knowing it.

He didn't care at all who the woman on the bed was.

His most urgent task at the moment is to find his beloved woman as soon as possible!

Although the palace is full of eunuchs, there are also quite a few guards... Thinking that she might take advantage of any man casually, he felt a pain in his heart, and his steps quickened...

In Jishan, the night wind is rustling, and the shadows of the trees are intertwined!

The phoenix chariot that Xuanyuan Tang and Yuan Xiuyue were riding on meandered up the mountain road, and finally arrived at a palace built on a mountain stream. Looking back, she glanced at Yuan Xiuyue, and saw her cheeks were red, and she kept frowning and closing her eyes. Forbearance, Xuanyuantang ordered people to stop the phoenix chariot in front of the palace, and then lightly folded the cloak and got off the chariot first. Seeing Ji Heng walking up to meet her, she couldn't help asking with frowned eyebrows: "Can the emperor be in the palace?"

After respecting himself in front of the phoenix chariot, Ji Heng replied with a smile: "If you go back to the princess, the emperor said that you are tired of reading the papers, and you want to go for a walk!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang's eyebrows tightened: "Do you know where you went?"

Shaking his head lightly, Ji Heng smiled and said: "The emperor didn't say where he was going, he only brought dark clouds, so he shouldn't go far!" Seeing Xuanyuantang's anxious face, Ji Heng couldn't help asking: "Princess But is there anything urgent?"

(End of this chapter)

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