Chapter 136 I Love You! 2
"A matter of urgency!"

With a slightly gloomy expression, he grunted to Ji Heng, leaving him alone in a daze outside the chariot, Xuanyuantang turned and returned to the chariot.

Inside the phoenix chariot, Yuan Xiuyue had already heard what Ji Heng said, her bright eyes were half-closed, and she stared at Xuanyuantang with a look of embarrassment on her face. She twitched her brows slightly, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Wouldn't you think that there are things in this world that can embarrass you?"

Seeing that she was still teasing herself at this time, Xuanyuantang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a cold voice: "If you want to cure the obsession, the best and only antidote is a man! I can think of a way for you, and I can give you what you want directly, but as far as today's matter is concerned, it must be him!"

"I didn't say I wanted someone else!"

Shouting, Yuan Xiuyue secretly felt that the heat in her heart was about to revive again, and she couldn't help frowning again in pain: "Let's go, I know where he went!"

"You didn't tell me sooner!"

With a murmur of displeasure, Xuanyuantang gave Yuan Xiuyue a hard look.

Facing Xuanyuantang's displeased eyes, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly frowned, and moaned, "Go ask Ji Heng for some wine!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang was startled: "Why do you want wine?"

"It's not a good saying, Jiu Zhuang is cowardly!" Sighing softly, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Xuanyuantang with a wry smile: "I have been away from the palace for more than a year, how do you think the emperor will react when I see you again? The emperor's temper, I am I really don’t dare Yingfeng! What’s more... I have to be brave before I dare to force him, don’t I?”

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but snort, covered his lips and let out a laugh!

Pointing to Yuan Xiuyue's forehead, she smiled and said, "You know you're scared now!"

"Your hands are so cold!"

With a sigh of comfort, Yuan Xiuyue reached out and grabbed Xuanyuantang's soft white hand, and pressed it tightly to her face.

Feeling the heat from his subordinates, Xuanyuantang's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked Ji Heng for some excellent nectar and jade wine, and then ordered the chariot to start up again...


Not long after, according to Yuan Xiuyue's instructions, the chariot finally stopped at the lake mentioned by Yuan Xiuyue.

Due to the gentle breeze blowing, the originally flat and radiant lake surface could not help but sway in circles of water waves. Under the bright and clear moonlight, the seemingly hidden fluctuations of brilliance made the people present couldn't help but secretly admire in their hearts!

What a nice view……

"Just here!"

With a soft voice, Yuan Xiuyue stretched out her tongue to gently lick her dry and chapped lips, and got up from Feng Luan while panting slightly.

"Let me take you there!"

Looking at her worriedly, Xuanyuan Tang'e frowned lightly.

"No need!" Yuan Xiuyue looked back lazily while supporting the porch pillars on the phoenix chariot, panting and glanced at Xuanyuan Tang, she said weakly: "You just wait for me here, and send me out of the palace when it's time for business! "

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang quit immediately: "Are you still planning to leave the palace?"

With intoxicated eyes, Yuan Xiuyue put her head against the porch pillar and smiled wryly: "Aren't you going to Juxian Tower in a while? Now my leg is still counting on you to heal it. Naturally, I will go wherever you go Already!"

"Why are you so stubborn!"

Although there was a wry smile on Yuan Xiuyue's face, in Xuanyuantang's eyes at this moment, she was extremely charming. Knowing that the power of the Enchanting Powder on her body could no longer be suppressed, she didn't care much, and helped her down with Ting Lan. Get on the chariot: "Let's go!"

"give me!"

After getting out of the chariot, Yuan Xiuyue felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter, so Yuan Xiuyue reached out to Xuanyuantang again.

Frowning slightly, Xuanyuan Tang took a look at her, reached out and took another elixir and took it with her. Seeing that her breathing slowed down, she frowned and asked, "You really don't need me to take you there?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue winked at Chun, smiled charmingly, and then shook her head: "I've been here before, I'd better go by myself! Besides, as the emperor's wife, it's not convenient for you to go just Just wait here for me!"

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's insistence, Xuanyuantang sighed lightly, and finally nodded!

"Don't worry! I'll be fine!"

Speaking again to reassure her, Yuan Xiuyue took the flagon from Ting Lan's hand, and walked slowly towards the direction of the sea of ​​lavender flowers under the clear moonlight in the sky.


The night breeze was cool, and there was Xuanyuantang's elixir, Yuan Xiuyue reached out and patted her burning cheeks, panting slightly, she stepped forward.

After walking forward for a while, she smelled the fragrance of lavender in the breeze. She curled her lips and was about to speed up her pace, but unexpectedly, a cold sword blade was directly pressed against her neck.

With a chill in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue hurriedly backed away, but she saw the blade on her neck following her like a shadow. She had just taken a step back when the blade landed on her neck again.


The voice was as low and mellow as a night cloud owl, and An Yun looked at the woman in front of him coldly like an enemy, his eyes were very cold!

The Jishan Palace has never allowed outsiders to enter, and here, no woman is allowed to enter. At this moment, an unknown woman appeared. It is related to the emperor's safety, so it is no wonder that he did so!
Recognizing that it was An Yun's voice, Yuan Xiuyue's heartstrings relaxed slightly!


Didn't Ji Heng say that just now?
Nangong Haoling was surrounded by only dark clouds!

But sometimes, this one person is worth thousands of troops!

Fearing that An Yun would end up treating her as an assassin, and because the fragrance of obsession in her body was about to explode again, Yuan Xiuyue did not hide her identity from him: "I haven't seen you for a year, An Yun, you are still the same!"

Hearing this, An Yun's hand holding the long sword was slightly taken aback!
Turning her head slightly, looking at An Yun beside him, while he was in a daze, Yuan Xiuyue asked with a soft smile, "I just changed my face, don't you recognize me? Shadow... is it alright?"

"The Queen Mother?"

Finally realizing who the woman in front of him was, An Yun couldn't help but widen his pupils!

His master searched for a year, almost searched all over the Li country, but never found her, but unexpectedly, today she showed up by herself!

"Aren't shadows all moody and angry?"

She smiled wryly at An Yun, and with just one sentence, An Yun returned to her original state. Yuan Xiuyue looked towards the direction of the lavender flower sea: "The emperor... is there?"


Putting away the long sword and bowing in front of Yuan Xiuyue, An Yun whispered back: "The emperor has been waiting for the empress to come back!"

"This palace knows!"

Her eyes darkened slightly, and the hotness on her body gradually became uncontrollable, knowing that she had no time to waste any more, Yuan Xiuyue stepped forward.

"The Empress!"

Stretching out his hand to block Yuan Xiuyue's way, An Yun frowned: " should introduce your subordinates!"

Seeing this, knowing that Anyun was concerned about Nangong Haoling's safety, Yuan Xiuyue was not in a hurry, and said with a blurred eyes, "I and the emperor are husband and wife... Do you think this palace will harm the emperor?"

"will not!"

Shaking his head resolutely, An Yun lowered his head and replied: "In this world, no one will harm the emperor, not even the empress! But..."

"But the appearance of this palace is too strange?"

After receiving what An Yun hadn't finished, Yuan Xiuyue sighed bitterly: "An Yun, I have been hiding from the emperor for a whole day, how could I come here for no reason? Now... If I hadn't been intoxicated by the fragrance of enchantment , will not come to see the emperor!"

Hearing the word Mi Qing Xiang, An Yun's face suddenly became extremely ugly!
As a person in the palace, very few people don't know about this thing!
Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, who was showing another face in front of her, she really felt the strangeness in her expression. An Yun frowned and took a step back!
"Thank you!"

With a faint smile, but unable to hide the charm in her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue instructed Lei Luo: "I know that you are loyal to the emperor, but later... you'd better go away and guard!"


Embarrassed, An Yun replied in a low voice with some embarrassment: "Yes!"

It was a pity secretly, the sky was too dark to see An Yun's embarrassed face, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly, raised her eyes again, and walked forward...


The night is like the wind, light and faint, with a sweet fragrance that makes people feel refreshed!
Standing in front of a sea of ​​lavender flowers, Nangong Haoling raised his chin slightly, his eyes were shining deeply, and his mind was full of thoughts.

A year passed, and passed by in a flash.

He has stood here countless times, recalling the last tenderness and lingering love between him and Yuan Xiuyue in this sea of ​​flowers that night. Now that the seasons change, the lavender blooms again, and the fragrance of the flowers is still the same, but he doesn't know, he Where did the person in my heart go...

Overnight, she seemed to disappear from this world. No matter how many methods he tried, he still couldn't find any clues about her!
People say that there are some things, you must wait until you lose them before you know how to cherish them!
That is, just like her...

Thinking of the woman who hid from him to the ends of the earth, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but sigh deeply in some obscure way!
Although, after she left, he doted on Concubine Yan and loved Concubine Yu, but he never gave up looking for her!
At this moment, his mind was full of deep thoughts and attachments to her. He raised his eyes slightly, looked up at the bright moon above his head, and suddenly, he seemed to be able to see her every frown and smile.

His thin lips, which were originally tightly pressed, couldn't help but slowly curled up!
Her appearance was not considered elegant, but it had already been deeply imprinted in his mind.

Although her eyebrows and eyes are not as beautiful as Yuan Mingyue's, they are full of aura, making people unable to help but look at them more.


A very abrupt voice sounded from behind, interrupting Nangong Haoling's thoughts, and also made his thick and handsome eyebrows tightly furrowed.

Turning around slightly, he saw a woman walking towards him with one deep foot and one shallow foot. His face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Bold, who will allow you to go to Mount Ji?"

Hearing his familiar voice, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled slightly, and the heat on her face suddenly increased.


With a soft call, Yuan Xiuyue put the jug on the ground. Panting slightly, Yuan Xiuyue got down in front of Nangong Haoling, and said softly: "The daughter of the people came out of Xiu, see the emperor!"

"It's you?"

There was no trace of joy on his handsome face, Nangong Haoling asked coldly, "Did Princess Xian send you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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