Chapter 137 I Love You! 3

Her slightly curved legs couldn't help trembling slightly. Yuan Xiuyue didn't raise her eyes, but said to him bravely: "The daughter of the people was killed by a traitor, and the poison of the enchanting fragrance is in her body. Please ask the emperor to detoxify it for you!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling frowned!
"Ridiculous! Do you think any woman can be favored by me?"

It's not that he doesn't know Mi Qingxiang's dominance, but who does she think he is?If any woman could come to him to ask for favor after taking the fragrance of enchantment, then there might not be a palace man in the harem anymore!

Thinking of her coming here as if she had entered no man's land, Nangong Haoling's face darkened, and coldly shouted in the direction of An Yun: "An Yun, why are you working? Get out!"

"Your Majesty, stop shouting. An Yun has already been sent far away by the elder sister of the Minnv..." Yuan Xiuyue tugged at the corners of her lips, but finally bit her red lips tightly, panting: "Minnv knows that the emperor's dragon body is precious, absolutely I don’t favor anyone casually, but Minnv likes the Emperor, and only the Emperor, if this person is not the Emperor, Minnv would rather die!”

While speaking, her feet were soft, and her soft body rushed towards Nangong Haoling.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling frowned, and was about to back away, letting her fall to the ground deserved it, but it was too late, he stumbled, but in the end he couldn't dodge it, and Yuan Xiuyue threw him into his arms!


His complexion became extremely ugly in an instant, Nangong Haoling reached out and grabbed her shoulders, trying to push her away, but unexpectedly, the woman who was soft on her words suddenly stretched out her hand and directly touched his acupuncture points!

"You... death penalty!"

Yuan Xiuyue had only tapped the acupoints in her life, and now she was hit again, Nangong Haoling couldn't help being slightly startled, then gritted her teeth and looked at the woman in front of her!
"Minnv knows that I have committed such a capital crime, but Minnv is really hot..." Gently, she stretched out her hand to take Nangong Haoling's slightly cold hand, and put his hand on her face, Yuan Xiuyue Eyes blurred, eyebrows like silk: "Your Majesty... your big hands are so cold, so comfortable..."


Because of her profligate actions, Nangong Haoling couldn't help trembling all over his body, and the anger in his heart instantly rose to the extreme. He swore that after tonight, he would definitely tear the woman in front of him into pieces. Apart from her, her sister, and dark cloud...

All the people, no one can expect to have good fruit to eat!
White fingers gently stroked the tense tendons on the back of his hand, knowing that he must be about to vomit blood from anger, so Yuan Xiuyue gave up!
Reaching out from her bosom, she took out the medicine bottle that she had found from Yuan Mingyue earlier, and poured out the last moment of enchanting fragrance in it. She returned to Nangong Haoling again, and under her mighty and tiger-eyed glaring eyes, she stuffed the pill into the bottle. into his mouth!

As the pill entered, a strong fragrance flowed into the heart and spleen. Nangong Haoling's eyes turned cold, and he was about to spit out the pill, but at this moment, Yuan Xiuyue stood on tiptoe and kissed him slightly with her fiery lips. Some cold lips forced him to take the pill smoothly.

"What did you and I eat?"

His tone was so cold that people could freeze to death, and Nangong Haoling frowned furiously as he glared at the ignorant woman in front of him, wanting to kill him!

"It won't be long before the emperor will know!" Suffering deeply from being acupunctured, knowing what Nangong Haoling's mood is at the moment, and the enchanting fragrance in her body broke out again, Yuan Xiuyue didn't continue to say anything, turned around and took it. When the wine came, he uncorked the cork, directly faced Nangong Haoling's mouth, and poured the wine down his throat.

"Damn woman, you actually used enchanting incense for me!"

Mixing wine with medicine, even a fool would know what she was giving him, it makes no sense that Nangong Haoling couldn't guess it!
"Minnv knows that the emperor wants to kill Minnv at this moment, but let Minnv have an affair with the emperor tonight, and tomorrow, the emperor will definitely not want to kill me..." Everything is ready, and I feel like I am on fire again. It was so hot that Yuan Xiuyue tugged at her lapel, and then leaned directly on Nangong Haoling, pushing him to the ground!
Sensing the astonishing heat on her body and her panting breath, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but tremble.

He wanted to stretch out his hand to push her away, but he was helpless because the acupoints were sealed. He roared above her head in annoyance, "Woman! When it's tomorrow, I will kill you!"

"Then wait until tomorrow! I'm afraid the emperor will be reluctant to part with the daughters of the people..."

With a groan, it was really unbearable, and she cursed herself secretly, Yuan Xiuyue blushed, untied the jade buckle on his waist with trembling hands, then pulled off his front lapel, and then sighed in satisfaction: "Cool, cool, so comfortable!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's handsome face instantly turned into a piece of ice, and then cracked piece by piece!

Raising her head slightly, squinting at his dark pupils, Yuan Xiuyue smiled charmingly, sat up and sat on his waist, took his big hand, and kept groping for her face, wanting to borrow his hand. The temperature is much cooler than yourself, let yourself reduce the fire!
"Damn woman!"

Feeling the tension in his body, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, her brows and eyes curved like a moon: "Your Majesty, what should I call you later? Ling? Or... Wuyou?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's heart suffocated in an instant.

Just staring at her smiling eyes in a daze under the moonlight,
"Yuan Xiuyue!"

Without even thinking about it, he stepped out and called out the name that he silently recited countless times in his mind every day. Nangong Haoling's clear and deep voice made people feel depressing!His dark pupils fixed on her brows firmly, afraid that she would run away again in the blink of an eye.

That's right, there is absolutely no other woman in this world who dares to trick him and anger him so unscrupulously!

Suddenly, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help trembling when she heard Nangong Haoling calling out her name. After a moment of daze, she was deeply relieved. The smile on her face was so sweet that she stretched out her arms and wrapped them around On his neck, deep in his eyes, there seemed to be two clusters of flames, burning hotter and hotter: "The feeling on your body is so comfortable!"

"who are you?"

Feeling the soft and boneless person on his body, Nangong Haoling's heart jumped wildly in an instant.

"Who do you think I am?"

Accompanied by a familiar voice, accompanied by a slight gasp, Yuan Xiuyue was driven, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and she took the initiative to press her lips against his lips!
When she came, she prepared the enchanting incense and wine, in order to achieve the purpose of detoxification without revealing her identity, but... After she fed him the enchanting incense, seeing him being killed She was so angry that she looked crazy, but in her heart, she began to be reluctant again!

Since it is sincere, why can't it be shown to others?

Big deal, after tonight, she will run away again!
Yes, she loved him, missed him, missed him.

In the past year, her mind was filled with his shadow every moment.

Perhaps earlier, when she left the palace, she was strong and stubborn thinking that she could let go, that she could keep her thoughts of him in her heart.

But until now, until she hugged him closely, she didn't understand.

Her love for him was always in her heart.

And she has never really suppressed it.


Hearing that familiar voice that entered his dream every night, Nangong Haoling's anger disappeared in an instant!Unable to resist the temptation of her soft lips, he breathed heavily, he didn't care about asking where she had been hiding for a year, and he didn't care about grabbing her and spanking her. The first thing he did was to kiss her lips When he was about to leave, he turned against the customer and asked her for a kiss domineeringly!

Nangong Haoling whispered in her ear: "Yue'er...I miss you so much!"

"I miss you as well……"

Pupils closed slightly, Yuan Xiuyue tore off the robe in front of him, pressed her fiery face against his chest, listened to his slightly rapid heartbeat, and then murmured softly: "I really miss you ..."

Thinking about it all the time!
Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Nangong Haoling couldn't help smiling.

That smile was so perfect and so pure that it seemed to bring him back many years ago.

So, can she really continue to escape?
Yuan Xiuyue began to feel uncertain in her heart.

Compared to her self-ashamedness, two people who love each other but can't stay together is the cruelest thing in the world!
In this emotional game, there is no winner, but there is no loser either.

(End of this chapter)

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